shinyjs: Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds

Perform common useful JavaScript operations in Shiny apps that will greatly improve your apps without having to know any JavaScript. Examples include: hiding an element, disabling an input, resetting an input back to its original value, delaying code execution by a few seconds, and many more useful functions for both the end user and the developer. 'shinyjs' can also be used to easily call your own custom JavaScript functions from R.

Version: 2.1.0
Depends: R (≥ 3.1.0)
Imports: digest (≥ 0.6.8), jsonlite, shiny (≥ 1.0.0)
Suggests: htmltools (≥ 0.2.9), knitr (≥ 1.7), rmarkdown, shinyAce, shinydisconnect, testthat (≥ 0.9.1)
Published: 2021-12-23
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.shinyjs
Author: Dean Attali ORCID iD [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dean Attali <daattali at>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: shinyjs results


Reference manual: shinyjs.pdf
Vignettes: shinyjs example app walk-through
extendShinyjs - Calling your own JavaScript functions from R
Including shinyjs in different types of apps
Package shinyjs


Package source: shinyjs_2.1.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): shinyjs_2.1.0.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): shinyjs_2.1.0.tgz, r-release (x86_64): shinyjs_2.1.0.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): shinyjs_2.1.0.tgz
Old sources: shinyjs archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: monobinShiny, RSCAT, sangeranalyseR, stmgui
Reverse imports: activAnalyzer, ADAMgui, addinslist, adepro, AdhereRViz, AFM, airGRteaching, AMPLE, animalcules, apisensr, appreci8R, arena2r, auth0, bdDwC, bestSDP, BiasCorrector, BiocHubsShiny, BlockmodelingGUI, bnRep, bootwar, bulkAnalyseR, CaPO4Sim, Certara.R, ChromSCape, CircSeqAlignTk, cjoint, cmsaf, CNVPanelizer, cofad, cognitoR, colourpicker, ComPrAn, corporaexplorer, CRANsearcher, CRISPRball, crisprShiny, crossmeta, CruzPlot, CyTOFpower, dartR.sim, DataEditR, DBTCShiny, ddpcr, deBif, debrowser, dextergui, DiscoRhythm, discoveR, DistPlotter, dosedesignR, dPCP, DQAgui, dragulaR, dtwclust, Eagle, eCerto, editbl, epiworldRShiny, EventDetectGUI, ExploreModelMatrix, FAST.R, fdapaceShiny, FedIRT, FielDHub, filterNHP, fishRman, forecasteR, FossilSimShiny, GA4GHshiny, geneHapR, GenEst, genogeographer, GeoWeightedModel, GFD, GFDrmst, GFDrmtl, GFDsurv, ggExtra, ggquickeda, gimmeTools, GMSE, GNOSIS, gridstackeR, gwpcormapper, GWSDAT, handwriterApp, Holomics, idcnrba, INSPECTumours, iSEE, iSEEhub, iSEEindex, IsoCor, istat, jsmodule, KLINK, LACE, LCMSQA, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, leafdown, levi, LFApp, lightsout, lmviz, loadeR, login, makemyprior, manipulateWidget, mapmixture, MatrixQCvis, MDMAPR, meltt, memapp, mergenstudio, MethodOpt, methylscaper, microbiomeExplorer, MiMIR, miniMeta, mlr3shiny, mmaqshiny, mrMLM.GUI, MSstatsShiny, mstrio, netShiny, NetSimR, NiLeDAM, npregfast, oceanexplorer, oceanis, octopus, omicsViewer, openPrimeRui, OpenRepGrid.ic, packagefinder, PathoStat, PERK, PhyloProfile, piano, PKbioanalysis, PoDCall, polished, praatpicture, predictoR, PRISMA2020, ProjectionBasedClustering, pRolocGUI, Prostar, psichomics, qrlabelr, quarks, Racmacs, RadialVisGadgets, RALSA, ReDaMoR, regexSelect, regressoR, ReviewR, RSP, safetyGraphics, sdcHierarchies, SEAHORS, shiny.reglog, shinyauthr, shinydlplot, shinyepico, shinyfilter, shinyGovstyle, shinyHugePlot, shinyKGode, shinymgr, shinyML, shinyNotes, shinypanel, shinypanels, ShinyQuickStarter, shinyquiz, shinystan, shinyTempSignal, SIAmodules, singleCellTK, SINRELEF.LD, soundClass, soundgen, SPARTAAS, SpatialCPie, Spectran, ssd4mosaic, starry, StepReg, stminsights, subscreen, survivoR, systemPipeShiny, tcgaViz, teal, teal.modules.clinical, teal.modules.general, teal.slice, teal.transform, teal.widgets, tfrmtbuilder, tidyCDISC, trackeRapp, TreeDist, TreeSearch, tripr, TSAR, Ularcirc, Umatrix, uncoverappLib, VariantFiltering, viewpoly, visualFields, voiceR, voronoiTreemap, vvdoctor, wallace, wilson, wppExplorer, yuimaGUI
Reverse suggests: aifeducation, AzureAuth, Clustering, CNVScope, colorspace, cols4all, compareGroups, coveffectsplot, dartR, dartR.base, DIZtools, DRomics, EML, eSDM, finnsurveytext, GenomicScores, googleLanguageR, grandR, GSVA, HaDeX, HospitalNetwork, hydflood, ibdsim2, idiogramFISH, influential, IOHanalyzer, kgschart, lactater, landsepi, MetaboAnnotation, ModCon, musicatk, One4All, OpenSpecy, optedr, periscope2, pkgsearch, polmineR, PROsetta, protGear, QurvE, RDML, RnBeads, rplanes, SemNeT, shiny.fluent, shiny.telemetry, shinycssloaders, ShinyItemAnalysis, skpr, Sofi, solvebio, SOMbrero, spatialHeatmap, SSVS, strand, Ternary, TestDesign, tigerstats, tipsae, tmaptools, UBayFS, VOSONDash


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