--- File: DEP-11 Version: '0.12' Origin: ubuntu-focal-proposed-multiverse MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/focal-proposed Priority: 30 Time: 20200411T104854 --- Type: desktop-application ID: sabnzbdplus.desktop Package: sabnzbdplus Name: C: SABnzbd+ Summary: C: Download from Usenet Description: fr: >- <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p> <p>Plusieurs serveurs sont pris en charge, ainsi que les connexions sécurisées (SSL), l'IPv6, la planification, la mise en pause et la reprise des téléchargements, la manipulation de file d'attente, les flux rss, le tri automatique, un historique de téléchargement, les notifications par courriel, et les scripts de post-traitement personnalisés. Une API étendue permet aux applications tierces d'interagir avec le programme.</p> <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p> C: >- <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p> <p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.</p> <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p> sl: >- <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p> <p>Podprtih je več strežnikov, kot tudi varne povezave (ssl), ipv6, razporejanje, premor in nadaljevanje prejemov, upravljanje s čakalno vrsto, viri rss, samodejno razvrščanje, zgodovina prejemov, obvestila preko e-pošte in skripti poobdelave po meri. Obširen API omogoča interakcijo s programom programom tretjih oseb.</p> <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p> en: >- <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p> <p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.</p> <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p> de: >- <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p> <p>Es werden mehrere Server unterstützt, sowie sichere Verbindungen (ssl), IPv6, Scheduling, Pausieren und Fortsetzen von Downloads, Warteschlangenmanipulation, RSS-Feeds, automatische Sortierung, eine Download-Geschichte, E-Mail-Benachrichtigung sowie angepasste Skripte zum nachfolgenden Ausführen. Eine umfangreiche API erlaubt es Drittanbieteranwendungen mit dem Programm zu interagieren.</p> <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p> en_GB: >- <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p> <p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, e-mail notifications, and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.</p> <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p> Categories: - Network - FileTransfer Keywords: C: - usenet - binaries - download - nzb - nntp Icon: cached: - name: sabnzbdplus_sabnzbdplus.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - sabnzbdplus.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-nzb - application/x-compressed-nzb