File: DEP-11
Version: '0.12'
Origin: ubuntu-focal-proposed-multiverse
MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/focal-proposed
Priority: 30
Time: 20200411T104854
Type: desktop-application
ID: sabnzbdplus.desktop
Package: sabnzbdplus
  C: SABnzbd+
  C: Download from Usenet
  fr: >-
    <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly
    simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and
    advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up
    downloaded posts.</p>

    <p>Plusieurs serveurs sont pris en charge, ainsi que les connexions sécurisées (SSL), l&apos;IPv6, la planification, la
    mise en pause et la reprise des téléchargements, la manipulation de file d&apos;attente, les flux rss, le tri automatique,
    un historique de téléchargement, les notifications par courriel, et les scripts de post-traitement personnalisés. Une
    API étendue permet aux applications tierces d&apos;interagir avec le programme.</p>

    <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly
    simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and
    advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up
    downloaded posts.</p>

    <p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads,
    queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom post-processing
    scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.</p>

    <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly
    simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and
    advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up
    downloaded posts.</p>

    <p>Podprtih je več strežnikov, kot tudi varne povezave (ssl), ipv6, razporejanje, premor in nadaljevanje prejemov, upravljanje
    s čakalno vrsto, viri rss, samodejno razvrščanje, zgodovina prejemov, obvestila preko e-pošte in skripti poobdelave po
    meri. Obširen API omogoča interakcijo s programom programom tretjih oseb.</p>

    <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly
    simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and
    advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up
    downloaded posts.</p>

    <p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads,
    queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom post-processing
    scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.</p>

    <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly
    simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and
    advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up
    downloaded posts.</p>

    <p>Es werden mehrere Server unterstützt, sowie sichere Verbindungen (ssl), IPv6, Scheduling, Pausieren und Fortsetzen
    von Downloads, Warteschlangenmanipulation, RSS-Feeds, automatische Sortierung, eine Download-Geschichte, E-Mail-Benachrichtigung
    sowie angepasste Skripte zum nachfolgenden Ausführen. Eine umfangreiche API erlaubt es Drittanbieteranwendungen mit dem
    Programm zu interagieren.</p>

    <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly
    simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and
    advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up
    downloaded posts.</p>

    <p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads,
    queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, e-mail notifications, and custom post-processing
    scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.</p>

    <p>This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.</p>
- Network
- FileTransfer
  - usenet
  - binaries
  - download
  - nzb
  - nntp
  - name: sabnzbdplus_sabnzbdplus.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - sabnzbdplus.desktop
  - application/x-nzb
  - application/x-compressed-nzb