# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 LLVM_COMPAT=( 19 ) PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} ) RUST_MAX_VER=${PV} RUST_MIN_VER="$(ver_cut 1).$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)).0" inherit check-reqs estack flag-o-matic llvm-r1 multiprocessing optfeature \ multilib multilib-build python-any-r1 rust rust-toolchain toolchain-funcs verify-sig if [[ ${PV} = *beta* ]]; then betaver=${PV//*beta} BETA_SNAPSHOT="${betaver:0:4}-${betaver:4:2}-${betaver:6:2}" MY_P="rustc-beta" SRC="${BETA_SNAPSHOT}/rustc-beta-src.tar.xz -> rustc-${PV}-src.tar.xz" else MY_P="rustc-${PV}" SRC="${MY_P}-src.tar.xz" KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv sparc x86" fi DESCRIPTION="Systems programming language from Mozilla" HOMEPAGE="https://www.rust-lang.org/" SRC_URI=" https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/${SRC} verify-sig? ( https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/${SRC}.asc ) " S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}-src" # keep in sync with llvm ebuild of the same version as bundled one. ALL_LLVM_TARGETS=( AArch64 AMDGPU ARC ARM AVR BPF CSKY DirectX Hexagon Lanai LoongArch M68k Mips MSP430 NVPTX PowerPC RISCV Sparc SPIRV SystemZ VE WebAssembly X86 XCore Xtensa ) ALL_LLVM_TARGETS=( "${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]/#/llvm_targets_}" ) LLVM_TARGET_USEDEPS=${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]/%/(-)?} # https://github.com/rust-lang/llvm-project/blob/rustc-1.82.0/llvm/CMakeLists.txt _ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS=( ARC CSKY DirectX M68k SPIRV Xtensa ) declare -A ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS for _x in "${_ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS[@]}"; do ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS["llvm_targets_${_x}"]=0 done LICENSE="|| ( MIT Apache-2.0 ) BSD BSD-1 BSD-2 BSD-4" SLOT="${PV}" IUSE="big-endian clippy cpu_flags_x86_sse2 debug dist doc llvm-libunwind lto miri nightly parallel-compiler rustfmt rust-analyzer rust-src system-llvm test wasm ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[*]}" LLVM_DEPEND=() # splitting usedeps needed to avoid CI/pkgcheck's UncheckableDep limitation for _x in "${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]}"; do LLVM_DEPEND+=( " ${_x}? ( $(llvm_gen_dep "llvm-core/llvm:\${LLVM_SLOT}[${_x}]") )" ) if [[ -v ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS["${_x}"] ]] ; then ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS["${_x}"]=1 fi done LLVM_DEPEND+=( " wasm? ( $(llvm_gen_dep 'llvm-core/lld:${LLVM_SLOT}') )" ) LLVM_DEPEND+=( " $(llvm_gen_dep 'llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}')" ) BDEPEND="${PYTHON_DEPS} app-eselect/eselect-rust || ( >=sys-devel/gcc-4.7[cxx] >=llvm-core/clang-3.5 ) !system-llvm? ( >=dev-build/cmake-3.13.4 app-alternatives/ninja ) test? ( dev-debug/gdb ) verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-rust ) " DEPEND=" >=app-arch/xz-utils-5.2 net-misc/curl:=[http2,ssl] sys-libs/zlib:= dev-libs/openssl:0= system-llvm? ( ${LLVM_DEPEND[*]} llvm-libunwind? ( llvm-runtimes/libunwind:= ) ) !system-llvm? ( !llvm-libunwind? ( elibc_musl? ( sys-libs/libunwind:= ) ) ) " RDEPEND="${DEPEND} app-eselect/eselect-rust dev-lang/rust-common sys-apps/lsb-release !dev-lang/rust:stable !dev-lang/rust-bin:stable " REQUIRED_USE="|| ( ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[*]} ) miri? ( nightly ) parallel-compiler? ( nightly ) rust-analyzer? ( rust-src ) test? ( ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[*]} ) wasm? ( llvm_targets_WebAssembly ) x86? ( cpu_flags_x86_sse2 ) " # we don't use cmake.eclass, but can get a warning CMAKE_WARN_UNUSED_CLI=no QA_FLAGS_IGNORED=" usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/bin/.* usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/libexec/.* usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/lib.*.so usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/rustlib/.*/bin/.* usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/rustlib/.*/lib/lib.*.so " QA_SONAME=" usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/lib.*.so.* usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/rustlib/.*/lib/lib.*.so " QA_PRESTRIPPED=" usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/rustlib/.*/bin/rust-llvm-dwp usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/rustlib/.*/lib/self-contained/crtn.o " # An rmeta file is custom binary format that contains the metadata for the crate. # rmeta files do not support linking, since they do not contain compiled object files. # so we can safely silence the warning for this QA check. QA_EXECSTACK="usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/lib/rustlib/*/lib*.rlib:lib.rmeta" # causes double bootstrap RESTRICT="test" VERIFY_SIG_OPENPGP_KEY_PATH=/usr/share/openpgp-keys/rust.asc PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/1.78.0-musl-dynamic-linking.patch "${FILESDIR}"/1.74.1-cross-compile-libz.patch #"${FILESDIR}"/1.72.0-bump-libc-deps-to-0.2.146.patch # pending refresh "${FILESDIR}"/1.67.0-doc-wasm.patch "${FILESDIR}"/1.82.0-dwarf-llvm-assertion.patch ) clear_vendor_checksums() { sed -i 's/\("files":{\)[^}]*/\1/' "vendor/${1}/.cargo-checksum.json" || die } toml_usex() { usex "${1}" true false } pre_build_checks() { local M=9216 # multiply requirements by 1.3 if we are doing x86-multilib if use amd64; then M=$(( $(usex abi_x86_32 13 10) * ${M} / 10 )) fi M=$(( $(usex clippy 128 0) + ${M} )) M=$(( $(usex miri 128 0) + ${M} )) M=$(( $(usex rustfmt 256 0) + ${M} )) # add 2G if we compile llvm and 256M per llvm_target if ! use system-llvm; then M=$(( 2048 + ${M} )) local ltarget for ltarget in ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]}; do M=$(( $(usex ${ltarget} 256 0) + ${M} )) done fi M=$(( $(usex wasm 256 0) + ${M} )) M=$(( $(usex debug 2 1) * ${M} )) eshopts_push -s extglob if is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([1-9])'; then M=$(( 15 * ${M} / 10 )) fi eshopts_pop M=$(( $(usex doc 256 0) + ${M} )) CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD=${M}M check-reqs_pkg_${EBUILD_PHASE} } llvm_check_deps() { has_version -r "llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}[${LLVM_TARGET_USEDEPS// /,}]" } # Is LLVM being linked against libc++? is_libcxx_linked() { local code='#include #if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) HAVE_LIBCXX #endif ' local out=$($(tc-getCXX) ${CXXFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} -x c++ -E -P - <<<"${code}") || return 1 [[ ${out} == *HAVE_LIBCXX* ]] } pkg_pretend() { pre_build_checks } pkg_setup() { pre_build_checks python-any-r1_pkg_setup export LIBGIT2_NO_PKG_CONFIG=1 #749381 if tc-is-cross-compiler; then use system-llvm && die "USE=system-llvm not allowed when cross-compiling" local cross_llvm_target="$(llvm_tuple_to_target "${CBUILD}")" use "llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target}" || \ die "Must enable LLVM_TARGETS=${cross_llvm_target} matching CBUILD=${CBUILD} when cross-compiling" fi rust_pkg_setup if use system-llvm; then llvm-r1_pkg_setup local llvm_config="$(get_llvm_prefix)/bin/llvm-config" export LLVM_LINK_SHARED=1 export RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS} -Lnative=$("${llvm_config}" --libdir)" fi } src_prepare() { # Rust baselines to Pentium4 on x86, this patch lowers the baseline to i586 when sse2 is not set. if use x86; then if ! use cpu_flags_x86_sse2; then eapply "${FILESDIR}/1.82.0-i586-baseline.patch" #grep -rl cmd.args.push\(\"-march=i686\" . | xargs sed -i 's/march=i686/-march=i586/g' || die fi fi default } src_configure() { if tc-is-cross-compiler; then export PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig" export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/include" export OPENSSL_LIB_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)" fi filter-lto # https://bugs.gentoo.org/862109 https://bugs.gentoo.org/866231 local rust_target="" rust_targets="" arch_cflags # Collect rust target names to compile standard libs for all ABIs. for v in $(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs); do rust_targets+=",\"$(rust_abi $(get_abi_CHOST ${v##*.}))\"" done if use wasm; then rust_targets+=",\"wasm32-unknown-unknown\"" if use system-llvm; then # un-hardcode rust-lld linker for this target # https://bugs.gentoo.org/715348 sed -i '/linker:/ s/rust-lld/wasm-ld/' compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/base/wasm.rs || die fi fi rust_targets="${rust_targets#,}" # cargo and rustdoc are mandatory and should always be included local tools='"cargo","rustdoc"' use clippy && tools+=',"clippy"' use miri && tools+=',"miri"' use rustfmt && tools+=',"rustfmt"' use rust-analyzer && tools+=',"rust-analyzer","rust-analyzer-proc-macro-srv"' use rust-src && tools+=',"src"' local rust_stage0_root="$(${RUSTC} --print sysroot || die "Can't determine rust's sysroot")" # in case of prefix it will be already prefixed, as --print sysroot returns full path [[ -d ${rust_stage0_root} ]] || die "${rust_stage0_root} is not a directory" rust_target="$(rust_abi)" rust_build="$(rust_abi "${CBUILD}")" rust_host="$(rust_abi "${CHOST}")" RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS=() for _x in "${!ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS[@]}"; do if [[ ${ALL_RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS[${_x}]} == 1 ]] && use ${_x} ; then RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS+=( ${_x#llvm_targets_} ) fi done RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS=${RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS[@]} local cm_btype="$(usex debug DEBUG RELEASE)" cat <<- _EOF_ > "${S}"/config.toml [llvm] download-ci-llvm = false optimize = $(toml_usex !debug) release-debuginfo = $(toml_usex debug) assertions = $(toml_usex debug) ninja = true targets = "${LLVM_TARGETS// /;}" experimental-targets = "${RUST_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS// /;}" link-shared = $(toml_usex system-llvm) $(if is_libcxx_linked; then # https://bugs.gentoo.org/732632 echo "use-libcxx = true" echo "static-libstdcpp = false" fi) $(case "${rust_target}" in i586-*-linux-*) # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/93059 echo 'cflags = "-fcf-protection=none"' echo 'cxxflags = "-fcf-protection=none"' echo 'ldflags = "-fcf-protection=none"' ;; *) ;; esac) enable-warnings = false [llvm.build-config] CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE = "ON" $(if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then # When cross-compiling, LLVM is compiled twice, once for host and # once for target. Unfortunately, this build configuration applies # to both, which means any flags applicable to one target but not # the other will break. Conditionally disable respecting user # flags when cross-compiling. echo "CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${CFLAGS}\"" echo "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${CXXFLAGS}\"" echo "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${LDFLAGS}\"" echo "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${LDFLAGS}\"" echo "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${LDFLAGS}\"" echo "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_${cm_btype} = \"${ARFLAGS}\"" fi) [build] build-stage = 2 test-stage = 2 build = "${rust_build}" host = ["${rust_host}"] target = [${rust_targets}] cargo = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/cargo" rustc = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/rustc" rustfmt = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/rustfmt" docs = $(toml_usex doc) compiler-docs = false submodules = false python = "${EPYTHON}" locked-deps = true vendor = true extended = true tools = [${tools}] verbose = 2 sanitizers = false profiler = true cargo-native-static = false [install] prefix = "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}" sysconfdir = "etc" docdir = "share/doc/rust" bindir = "bin" libdir = "lib" mandir = "share/man" [rust] # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54872 codegen-units-std = 1 optimize = true debug = $(toml_usex debug) debug-assertions = $(toml_usex debug) debug-assertions-std = $(toml_usex debug) debuginfo-level = $(usex debug 2 0) debuginfo-level-rustc = $(usex debug 2 0) debuginfo-level-std = $(usex debug 2 0) debuginfo-level-tools = $(usex debug 2 0) debuginfo-level-tests = 0 backtrace = true incremental = false $(if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then echo "default-linker = \"${CHOST}-cc\"" fi) parallel-compiler = $(toml_usex parallel-compiler) channel = "$(usex nightly nightly stable)" description = "gentoo" rpath = true verbose-tests = true optimize-tests = $(toml_usex !debug) codegen-tests = true dist-src = false remap-debuginfo = true lld = $(usex system-llvm false $(toml_usex wasm)) # only deny warnings if doc+wasm are NOT requested, documenting stage0 wasm std fails without it # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/74976 # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/76526 deny-warnings = $(usex wasm $(usex doc false true) true) backtrace-on-ice = true jemalloc = false # See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/121124 lto = "$(usex lto thin off)" [dist] src-tarball = false compression-formats = ["xz"] compression-profile = "balanced" _EOF_ for v in $(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs); do rust_target=$(rust_abi $(get_abi_CHOST ${v##*.})) arch_cflags="$(get_abi_CFLAGS ${v##*.})" export CFLAGS_${rust_target//-/_}="${arch_cflags}" cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml [target.${rust_target}] ar = "$(tc-getAR)" cc = "$(tc-getCC)" cxx = "$(tc-getCXX)" linker = "$(tc-getCC)" ranlib = "$(tc-getRANLIB)" llvm-libunwind = "$(usex llvm-libunwind $(usex system-llvm system in-tree) no)" _EOF_ if use system-llvm; then cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml llvm-config = "$(get_llvm_prefix)/bin/llvm-config" _EOF_ fi # by default librustc_target/spec/linux_musl_base.rs sets base.crt_static_default = true; # but we patch it and set to false here as well if use elibc_musl; then cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml crt-static = false musl-root = "$($(tc-getCC) -print-sysroot)/usr" _EOF_ fi done if use wasm; then wasm_target="wasm32-unknown-unknown" export CFLAGS_${wasm_target//-/_}="$(filter-flags '-mcpu*' '-march*' '-mtune*'; echo "$CFLAGS")" cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml [target.wasm32-unknown-unknown] linker = "$(usex system-llvm lld rust-lld)" # wasm target does not have profiler_builtins https://bugs.gentoo.org/848483 profiler = false _EOF_ fi if [[ -n ${I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING_CROSS} ]]; then # whitespace intentionally shifted below # experimental cross support # discussion: https://bugs.gentoo.org/679878 # TODO: c*flags, clang, system-llvm, cargo.eclass target support # it would be much better if we could split out stdlib # complilation to separate ebuild and abuse CATEGORY to # just install to /usr/lib/rustlib/ # extra targets defined as a bash array # spec format: :: # best place would be /etc/portage/env/dev-lang/rust # Example: # RUST_CROSS_TARGETS=( # "AArch64:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" # ) # no extra hand holding is done, no target transformations, all # values are passed as-is with just basic checks, so it's up to user to supply correct values # valid rust targets can be obtained with # rustc --print target-list # matching cross toolchain has to be installed # matching LLVM_TARGET has to be enabled for both rust and llvm (if using system one) # only gcc toolchains installed with crossdev are checked for now. # BUG: we can't pass host flags to cross compiler, so just filter for now # BUG: this should be more fine-grained. filter-flags '-mcpu=*' '-march=*' '-mtune=*' local cross_target_spec for cross_target_spec in "${RUST_CROSS_TARGETS[@]}";do # extracts first element form :: local cross_llvm_target="${cross_target_spec%%:*}" # extracts toolchain triples, : local cross_triples="${cross_target_spec#*:}" # extracts first element after before : separator local cross_rust_target="${cross_triples%%:*}" # extracts last element after : separator local cross_toolchain="${cross_triples##*:}" use llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target} || die "need llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target} target enabled" command -v ${cross_toolchain}-gcc > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "need ${cross_toolchain} cross toolchain" cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml [target.${cross_rust_target}] ar = "${cross_toolchain}-ar" cc = "${cross_toolchain}-gcc" cxx = "${cross_toolchain}-g++" linker = "${cross_toolchain}-gcc" ranlib = "${cross_toolchain}-ranlib" _EOF_ if use system-llvm; then cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml llvm-config = "$(get_llvm_prefix)/bin/llvm-config" _EOF_ fi if [[ "${cross_toolchain}" == *-musl* ]]; then cat <<- _EOF_ >> "${S}"/config.toml musl-root = "$(${cross_toolchain}-gcc -print-sysroot)/usr" _EOF_ fi # append cross target to "normal" target list # example 'target = ["powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu"]' # becomes 'target = ["powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu","aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"]' rust_targets="${rust_targets},\"${cross_rust_target}\"" sed -i "/^target = \[/ s#\[.*\]#\[${rust_targets}\]#" config.toml || die ewarn ewarn "Enabled ${cross_rust_target} rust target" ewarn "Using ${cross_toolchain} cross toolchain" ewarn if ! has_version -b 'sys-devel/binutils[multitarget]' ; then ewarn "'sys-devel/binutils[multitarget]' is not installed" ewarn "'strip' will be unable to strip cross libraries" ewarn "cross targets will be installed with full debug information" ewarn "enable 'multitarget' USE flag for binutils to be able to strip object files" ewarn ewarn "Alternatively llvm-strip can be used, it supports stripping any target" ewarn "define STRIP=\"llvm-strip\" to use it (experimental)" ewarn fi done fi # I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING_CROSS einfo "Rust configured with the following flags:" echo echo RUSTFLAGS="\"${RUSTFLAGS}\"" echo RUSTFLAGS_BOOTSTRAP="\"${RUSTFLAGS_BOOTSTRAP}\"" echo RUSTFLAGS_NOT_BOOTSTRAP="\"${RUSTFLAGS_NOT_BOOTSTRAP}\"" echo MAGIC_EXTRA_RUSTFLAGS="\"${MAGIC_EXTRA_RUSTFLAGS}\"" env | grep "CARGO_TARGET_.*_RUSTFLAGS=" env | grep "CFLAGS_.*" echo einfo "config.toml contents:" cat "${S}"/config.toml || die echo } src_compile() { RUST_BACKTRACE=1 "${EPYTHON}" ./x.py build -vvv --config="${S}"/config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) || die } src_test() { # https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/tests/intro.html # those are basic and codegen tests. local tests=( codegen codegen-units compile-fail incremental mir-opt pretty run-make ) # fails if llvm is not built with ALL targets. # and known to fail with system llvm sometimes. use system-llvm || tests+=( assembly ) # fragile/expensive/less important tests # or tests that require extra builds # TODO: instead of skipping, just make some nonfatal. if [[ ${ERUST_RUN_EXTRA_TESTS:-no} != no ]]; then tests+=( rustdoc rustdoc-js rustdoc-js-std rustdoc-ui run-make-fulldeps ui ui-fulldeps ) fi local i failed=() einfo "rust_src_test: enabled tests ${tests[@]/#/src/test/}" for i in "${tests[@]}"; do local t="src/test/${i}" einfo "rust_src_test: running ${t}" if ! RUST_BACKTRACE=1 "${EPYTHON}" ./x.py test -vv --config="${S}"/config.toml \ -j$(makeopts_jobs) --no-doc --no-fail-fast "${t}" then failed+=( "${t}" ) eerror "rust_src_test: ${t} failed" fi done if [[ ${#failed[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then eerror "rust_src_test: failure summary: ${failed[@]}" die "aborting due to test failures" fi } src_install() { DESTDIR="${D}" "${EPYTHON}" ./x.py install -vv --config="${S}"/config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) || die docompress /usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/share/man/ # bug #689562, #689160 rm -v "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/etc/bash_completion.d/cargo" || die rmdir -v "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}"/etc{/bash_completion.d,} || die local symlinks=( cargo rustc rustdoc rust-gdb rust-gdbgui rust-lldb ) use clippy && symlinks+=( clippy-driver cargo-clippy ) use miri && symlinks+=( miri cargo-miri ) use rustfmt && symlinks+=( rustfmt cargo-fmt ) use rust-analyzer && symlinks+=( rust-analyzer ) einfo "installing eselect-rust symlinks and paths: ${symlinks[@]}" local i for i in "${symlinks[@]}"; do # we need realpath on /usr/bin/* symlink return version-appended binary path. # so /usr/bin/rustc should point to /usr/lib/rust//bin/rustc- # need to fix eselect-rust to remove this hack. local ver_i="${i}-${PV}" if [[ -f "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/bin/${i}" ]]; then einfo "Installing ${i} symlink" ln -v "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/bin/${i}" "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/bin/${ver_i}" || die else ewarn "${i} symlink requested, but source file not found" ewarn "please report this" fi dosym "../lib/${PN}/${PV}/bin/${ver_i}" "/usr/bin/${ver_i}" done # symlinks to switch components to active rust in eselect dosym "${PV}/lib" "/usr/lib/${PN}/lib-${PV}" use rust-analyzer && dosym "${PV}/libexec" "/usr/lib/${PN}/libexec-${PV}" dosym "${PV}/share/man" "/usr/lib/${PN}/man-${PV}" dosym "rust/${PV}/lib/rustlib" "/usr/lib/rustlib-${PV}" dosym "../../lib/${PN}/${PV}/share/doc/rust" "/usr/share/doc/${P}" newenvd - "50${P}" <<-_EOF_ MANPATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/rust/man-${PV}" _EOF_ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}"/*.old || die rm -rf "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/bin"/*.old || die rm -rf "${ED}/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/doc"/*.old || die # note: eselect-rust adds EROOT to all paths below cat <<-_EOF_ > "${T}/provider-${P}" /usr/bin/cargo /usr/bin/rustdoc /usr/bin/rust-gdb /usr/bin/rust-gdbgui /usr/bin/rust-lldb /usr/lib/rustlib /usr/lib/rust/lib /usr/lib/rust/man /usr/share/doc/rust _EOF_ if use clippy; then echo /usr/bin/clippy-driver >> "${T}/provider-${P}" echo /usr/bin/cargo-clippy >> "${T}/provider-${P}" fi if use miri; then echo /usr/bin/miri >> "${T}/provider-${P}" echo /usr/bin/cargo-miri >> "${T}/provider-${P}" fi if use rustfmt; then echo /usr/bin/rustfmt >> "${T}/provider-${P}" echo /usr/bin/cargo-fmt >> "${T}/provider-${P}" fi if use rust-analyzer; then echo /usr/lib/rust/libexec >> "${T}/provider-${P}" echo /usr/bin/rust-analyzer >> "${T}/provider-${P}" fi insinto /etc/env.d/rust doins "${T}/provider-${P}" if use dist; then "${EPYTHON}" ./x.py dist -vv --config="${S}"/config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) || die insinto "/usr/lib/${PN}/${PV}/dist" doins -r "${S}/build/dist/." fi } pkg_preinst() { # 943308 and friends; basically --keep-going can forget to unmerge old rust # but the soft blocker allows us to install conflicting files. # This results in duplicated .{rlib,so} files which confuses rustc and results in # the need for manual intervention. if has_version -b "dev-lang/rust:stable/$(ver_cut 1-2)"; then # we need to find all .{rlib,so} files in the old rust lib directory # and store them in an array for later use readarray -d '' old_rust_libs < <( find "${EROOT}/usr/lib/rust/${PV}/lib/rustlib" \ -type f \( -name '*.rlib' -o -name '*.so' \) -print0) export old_rust_libs if [[ ${#old_rust_libs[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then einfo "Found old .rlib and .so files in the old rust lib directory" else die "Found no old .rlib and .so files but old rust version is installed. Bailing!" fi fi } pkg_postinst() { local old_rust="dev-lang/rust:stable/$(ver_cut 1-2)" if has_version -b ${old_rust}; then # Be _extra_ careful here as we're removing files from the live filesystem local f local only_one_file=() einfo "Tidying up libraries files from non-slotted \`${old_rust}\`." for f in "${old_rust_libs[@]}"; do [[ -f ${f} ]] || die "old_rust_libs array contains non-existent file" local base_name="${f%-*}" local ext="${f##*.}" local matching_files=("${base_name}"-*.${ext}) case ${#matching_files[@]} in 2) einfo "Removing old .${ext}: ${f}" rm "${f}" || die ;; 1) # Turns out fingerprints are not as unique as we'd thought, _sometimes_ they collide, # so we may have already installed over the old file. # We'll warn about this just in case, but it's probably fine. only_one_file+=( "${matching_files[0]}" ) ;; *) die "Expected one or two files matching ${base_name}-\*.rlib, but found ${#matching_files[@]}" ;; esac done if [[ ${#only_one_file} -gt 0 ]]; then einfo "While tidying up non-slotted rust libraries for \`${old_rust}\`," einfo "the following file(s) did not have a duplicate where one was expected:" for f in "${only_one_file[@]}"; do einfo " * ${f}" done einfo "" einfo "This is unlikely to cause problems; the fingerprint for the library ended up being the same." einfo "However, if you encounter any issues please report them to the Gentoo Rust Team." fi fi eselect rust update if has_version dev-debug/gdb || has_version llvm-core/lldb; then elog "Rust installs helper scripts for calling GDB and LLDB," elog "for convenience they are installed under /usr/bin/rust-{gdb,lldb}-${PV}." fi optfeature "Emacs support" "app-emacs/rust-mode" optfeature "Vim support" "app-vim/rust-vim" } pkg_postrm() { eselect rust cleanup }