% this is template for biblist.pl


% ordering= AUTHORL

%% normal article:
% ARTICLE [\texttt{$LABEL$} \\ $AUTHOR0P L,~F~M; $ {\it $JOURNAL$}  {\bf $YEAR$}, {\it $VOL$}, $PAGE$-$EPAGE$.\newline {\bf $TITLE$}]

%% article which is submitted or accepted
% ARTICLE0[\texttt{$LABEL$} \\ $AUTHOR0P L,~F~M; $ {\it $JOURNAL$}  $STATE$.\newline {\bf $TITLE$}]

%% normal book
% BOOK    [\texttt{$LABEL$} \\ $AUTHOR0P L,~F~M; $ {\it $TITLE$}; $PUBL$: $PLACE$, $YEAR$.]

%% article in a book AUTHORE, AUTHORG and AUTHORH - last, first 
%% and middle names of the editor   
% EDBOOK  [\texttt{$LABEL$} \\ $AUTHOR0P L,~F~M; $ in {\it $BOOKTITLE$}, edited by $AUTHOR0I E,~G~H;$; $PUBL$: $PLACE$, $YEAR$.]

%% article in a book without editor 
% INBOOK  [\texttt{$LABEL$} \\ $AUTHOR0P L,~F~M; $ in {\it $BOOKTITLE$}, p.$PAGE$ $PUBL$: $PLACE$, $YEAR$.]

% EPRINT [\texttt{$LABEL$} \\ $AUTHOR0P L,~F~M; $ $INFO$, $YEAR$.\newline {\bf $TITLE$}]
