|                                 marginnote                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\mn�%
Parameters:    �|note text�%
Margin notes can  be added to either  the left or right side  of a page with
the \marginnote markup.  As the name indicates, margin notes are outside the
defined margin.   They are produced, by default, right  ragged in a 10 point
Computer Modern  font in  the left margin  with a width  of 60  points and a
gutter of 12 points.
. . .   a General Systems Theory of geological change.                        |
No theory, however, has unified diverse sciences of  . . .
|                                                                             |
|  . . .       a General  Systems Theory of  geological change.   No theory,  |
| however, has unified diverse sciences of  . . .                             |
|                                                                             |
Avoid using \marginnote with \monospace.
    Refer to the description of the \marginnoteformat markup to find out how
to change the \marginnote defaults.