---@diagnostic disable: lowercase-global -- Runs test code from test files. require("_lib.luacas-pepperfish") require("_lib.luacas-table") local luacas = require("luacas_init") luacas:initmodule("calculus") for name, class in pairs(luacas.core) do _G[name] = class end for name, class in pairs(luacas.algebra) do _G[name] = class end for name, class in pairs(luacas.calculus) do _G[name] = class end -- Stuff required for the basic parser. local constants = {e="E", pi = "PI", ln = "LN", log = "LOG", Integer = "Integer", DD = "DD", int = "INT", abs = "ABS", fact="FACT"} local function parser(s) if string.find(s, "[0-9]+") then return "Integer(\"" .. s .. "\")" end if s.find(s, "[%^%\\%[%]]") then return string.gsub(s, "[^%^%\\%[%]]+", parser) end for string, replace in pairs(constants) do if s == string then return replace end end return "SymbolExpression(\"" .. s .. "\")" end function parse(input) local parsed = string.gsub(input, "[0-9]+", parser) parsed = string.gsub(parsed, "[A-z']+", parser) local exe, err = load("return " .. parsed) if exe then return exe():autosimplify() else print(err) end end function dparse(input) local parsed = string.gsub(input, "[0-9]+", parser) parsed = string.gsub(parsed, "[A-z']+", parser) local exe, err = load("return " .. parsed) if exe then return exe() else print(err) end end -- Stuff required for test code. local tests local failures local totaltests = 0 local totalfailures = 0 function starttest(name) print("Testing " .. name .. "...") print() tests = 0 failures = 0 end -- Tests two objects for equality, irrespective of order. If the object is a table or expression, the objects may be sorted to ensure the correct order. function testeq(actual, expected, initial, sort) if sort and type(actual) == "table" and not actual.type then table.sort(actual, function (a, b) return a:order(b) end) elseif sort and type(actual) == "table" and actual.type and actual:type() == BinaryOperation and actual:iscommutative() then table.sort(actual.expressions, function (a, b) return a:order(b) end) end if initial then if ToStringArray(expected) == ToStringArray(actual) then print(ToStringArray(initial) .. " -> " .. ToStringArray(actual)) else print(ToStringArray(initial) .. " -> " .. ToStringArray(actual) .. " (Expected: " .. ToStringArray(expected) .. ")") failures = failures + 1 end else if ToStringArray(expected) == ToStringArray(actual) then print("Result: " .. ToStringArray(actual)) else print("Result: ".. ToStringArray(actual) .. " (Expected: " .. ToStringArray(expected) .. ")") failures = failures + 1 end end tests = tests + 1 end -- Tests whether converting an element to a different ring produces the expected object in the expected ring function testringconvert(expression, toring, expected, expectedring) testeq(expression:inring(toring), expected, expression) testeq(expression:inring(toring):getring(), expectedring) end function endtest() print() print("Finished test without errors.") print() totaltests = totaltests + tests totalfailures = totalfailures + failures if failures == 0 then print("Performed " .. tests .. " tests, all of which passed!") else print("Performed tests, " .. failures .. "/" .. tests .. " failed.") end print("=====================================================================================================================") end function endall() if totalfailures == 0 then print("Performed " .. totaltests .. " tests in total, all of which passed!") else print("Performed tests, " .. totalfailures .. "/" .. totaltests .. " failed.") end end -- TODO: Add profiling and error catching options. -- Comment out these lines to only run certain test code. -- profiler = newProfiler() -- profiler:start() require("test.calculus.luacas-derivatives") require("test.calculus.luacas-integrals") require("test.expressions.luacas-autosimplify") require("test.expressions.luacas-collect") require("test.expressions.luacas-equations") require("test.expressions.luacas-simplify") require("test.expressions.luacas-functions") require("test.expressions.luacas-logarithms") -- require("test.expressions.luacas-rationalexponent") require("test.expressions.luacas-substitute") require("test.polynomials.luacas-polynomial") require("test.polynomials.luacas-partialfractions") require("test.polynomials.luacas-polynomialmod") require("test.polynomials.luacas-roots") require("test.rings.luacas-conversion") require("test.rings.luacas-modulararithmetic") require("test.rings.luacas-number") endall() -- profiler:stop() -- local outfile = io.open( "profile.txt", "w+" ) -- profiler:report( outfile ) -- outfile:close()