% \iffalse meta-comment % %% File: latex-lab-graphic.dtx (C) Copyright 2022-2024 LaTeX Project % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version % of this license is in the file % % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % % The development version of the bundle can be found below % % https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/required/latex-lab % % for those people who are interested or want to report an issue. \def\ltlabgraphicdate{2024-09-18} \def\ltlabgraphicversion{0.80e} % %<*driver> \documentclass{l3doc} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \begin{document} \DocInput{latex-lab-graphic.dtx} \end{document} % % % \fi % % % \title{The \textsf{latex-lab-graphic} package\\ % Tagging of included graphics } % \author{\LaTeX{} Project\thanks{Initial implementation done by Ulrike Fischer}} % \date{v\ltlabgraphicversion\ \ltlabgraphicdate} % % \maketitle % % \newcommand{\xt}[1]{\textsl{\textsf{#1}}} % \newcommand{\TODO}[1]{\textbf{[TODO:} #1\textbf{]}} % \newcommand{\docclass}{document class \marginpar{\raggedright document class % customizations}} % % \providecommand\hook[1]{\texttt{#1}} % \begin{documentation} % \begin{abstract} % The following code implements a first draft for the tagging of graphics % included with \cs{includegraphics}. % \end{abstract} % % % \section{Introduction} % % The code here handle the tagging of pictures included with \cs{includegraphics} % and the picture environment. Pictures drawn with \texttt{l3draw} or \texttt{tikz} % or similar packages aren't handled yet. % % Tagging of graphics included with \cs{includegraphics} is at a first glance trivial: % They are either only decorations, in which case they should be in a \texttt{artifact} % MC-chunk or (in pdf 2.0) tagged as an \texttt{Artifact} structure, % or they are meaningful and then they should be tagged as a \texttt{Figure}. % Such a graphic is a simple box and no other content can interfere so adding the % structure commands shouldn't pose much problems. % % But things are actually not so easy. % % At first there are two ways to add a graphic % to a structure: similar to text as a marked content item (by surrounding % it with \cs{tagmcbegin} and \cs{tagmcend}) or by referencing the XObject % with an OBJR object (similar to a link annotation). Which method is more sensible % (and if it actually matters) is unknown but should be tested. % Currently the first method is used as the second require changes in the backend files. % % % At second---and this is actually a \emph{much} larger problem---a % \texttt{Figure} structure should have an attribute with an \texttt{BBox} entry. % The value of a \texttt{BBox} is an array of four numbers that gives the % coordinates of the left, bottom, right, and top edges % of the structure element’s bounding box. That is the rectangle that completely encloses % its \emph{visible} content so not necessarily the TeX bounding box: % if \texttt{viewport} or \texttt{trim} is used and the % graphic is not clipped, the visible content can be larger. % % Getting the \texttt{BBox} is quite straightforward for a graphic that is % used once as is. But graphics can be trimmed, scaled, reflected, rotated and reused % in various ways. This transformations typically involve a mix of \TeX{} commands % like shifting a box or changing the bounding box and backend commands like % inserting a pdfliteral with a transformation matrix and % and not in all cases getting the \texttt{BBox} is possible % without rewriting large parts of the graphics/x packages. Problematic are % \begin{itemize} % \item manipulations through external box commands % (\cs{rotatebox}, \cs{reflectbox}, \cs{scalebox}). The current implementation % in the graphics/x packages do not pass the transformation matrix in way % that allows to track the changes for the \texttt{BBox} % of an included graphic: sometimes % the values are set to late (after the box is already stored), and often the % values are not grouped and can leak out from earlier uses of the commands. % % \item some combination of keys in the optional argument of \cs{includegraphics}. % Examples are \texttt{origin} and multiple calls to \texttt{scale} % and \texttt{angle}) as they internally call the box commands. % Examples of failing combinations can be found in the test file % \texttt{graphic-faults}. % % \item graphics that are stored in a box and reused: to get the \texttt{BBox} % one has to set a label that stores the position with \cs{pdfsavepos}, % and if a box is reused one gets multiply defined labels. % One possible solution here is to make % use of the new delayed \cs{pdfliteral}. It allows to change the label names % in the shipout, but this requires careful tracking the box usages % and so various kernel changes. % \end{itemize} % % % % \section{Restrictions and Todos} % Correct tagging is currently % implemented only for simple \cs{includegraphics} and the keys % \texttt{viewport}, \texttt{trim}, % \texttt{scale} and \texttt{angle} (used at most once). % % Not supported % \begin{itemize} % \item graphics inside \cs{rotatebox}, \cs{reflectbox}, \cs{scalebox}. % % TODO: A new implementation with \texttt{l3graphics} and \texttt{l3box} is % probably needed here. % % \item multiple uses of the \texttt{scale} and \texttt{angle} keys % % \item multiple use of graphics stored in boxes. For such graphics automated tagging % should be probably deactivated when storing the content % and tagging should be added around the \cs{usebox}. (How to % proceed when content is saved in boxes needs generally more testing). % \end{itemize} % % % \section{Additional keys} % The code defines additional keys for \cs{includegraphics}: % % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{tag}] with the values % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{artifact}] When used the graphic will be tagged as artifact. This doesn't % require a \texttt{BBox} and so works also in some of the not yet supported cases described % above. % \item[\texttt{false}] When used tagging will be stopped completely. It is then the % responsibility of the surrounding code to add appropriate tagging commands. % \item[\meta{name}] Other values will be used as tag names in the structure. If the tag is not % known as a structure tag you will get an warning from tagpdf. The default name is currently % \texttt{Figure} % \end{description} % \item[\texttt{actualtext}] This allows to add an /ActualText to the structure. % This is useful for small graphics that represent single chars or a short word like a % logo. If \texttt{actualtext} is used, the graphics is not enclosed in \texttt{Figure} % structure but in a \texttt{Span} structure and no \texttt{/BBox} attribute is added. % This in accordance with (the draft of) PDF/UA-2 but violates perhaps PDF/UA-1. % \item[\texttt{correct-BBox}] If the calculated \texttt{/BBox} values are wrong % they can be correct with this key. It expects four dimensions that are added to the % \texttt{/BBox} values. % \item[\texttt{debug}] The value \texttt{BBox} will show the calculated \texttt{/BBox} % as a half transparent red rectangle. % \end{description} % % The code also redefines the \texttt{alt} key to actually add its values % as an alternative text. If no \texttt{alt} value is given, a warning is issued % and the file name of the graphic is used. % % \begin{macrocode} %<@@=tag> %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % \end{documentation} % \begin{implementation} % \section{Implementation} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesExplPackage {latex-lab-testphase-graphic} {\ltlabgraphicdate} {\ltlabgraphicversion} {Code related to the tagging of graphics} % \end{macrocode} % We load l3opacity for the debug code % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{l3opacity} % \end{macrocode} % % Needed during switch to e-type: % \begin{macrocode} \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_prop_gput:Nnn {cne} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\@@_graphic_savepos:n} % this is the command which stores the position. Similar to % zref-savepos it uses two savepos commands % for the case that bidi changes the processing order. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn\@@_graphic_savepos:n #1 { \tex_savepos:D \property_record:nn{#1}{xpos,ypos,abspage} \tex_savepos:D } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_graphic_savepos:n {e} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Variables} % \begin{variable}{\l_@@_graphic_debug_bool} % A boolean for debug code % \begin{macrocode} \bool_new:N \l_@@_graphic_debug_bool \keys_define:nn { document / metadata } { debug / BBox .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_graphic_debug_bool } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{variable}{\g_@@_graphic_int} % This is used to get unique labels in the savepos code. % \begin{macrocode} \int_new:N\g_@@_graphic_int % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{variable} % { % \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl, % \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl, % \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl, % \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl, % \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq % \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_bool % } % This commands will hold the calculated BBox values. Local variables % would probably work too, but global variables can be easier retrieved % in tests and debugging code ... % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl \tl_new:N \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl \tl_new:N \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl \tl_new:N \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl \seq_new:N\l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq \bool_new:N\l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{variable}{\l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl} % This holds the label name of the savepos. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{variable} % { % \l_@@_graphic_alt_tl, % \l_@@_graphic_alt_dft_tl, % \l_@@_graphic_actual_tl, % \l_@@_graphic_struct_tl, % \l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool, % \l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool % } % Variables for the alt text, the actualtext and the structure tag. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \l_@@_graphic_alt_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_graphic_alt_dflt_tl \tl_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_alt_dflt_tl {\Gin@base\Gin@ext} \tl_new:N \l_@@_graphic_actual_tl \tl_new:N \l_@@_graphic_struct_tl \tl_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_struct_tl {Figure} \bool_new:N\l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool \bool_new:N\l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool \bool_set_true:N\l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % \begin{variable} % { % \l_@@_graphic_sin_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_cos_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_ux_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_ly_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_uy_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_trim_ux_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp % ,\l_@@_graphic_trim_uy_fp % } % A bunch of fp-variables (we don't use tl-vars, % to avoid to have to take care about minus signs everywhere) % \begin{macrocode} \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_sin_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_cos_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_ux_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_ly_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_uy_fp % \end{macrocode} % this holds the scale value. Either \cs{Gin@scalex} or (if that is !) \cs{Gin@scaley} % \begin{macrocode} \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp % \end{macrocode} % the follow variables hold the four trim values (or the equivalent calculated % values if viewport is used. % \begin{macrocode} \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_ux_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp \fp_new:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_uy_fp % \end{macrocode} % \end{variable} % %\subsection{Tagging commands} % % \begin{macro}{\Gin@tag@struct@begin} % The command to start the tagging. % \begin{macrocode} \msg_new:nnn {tag}{alt-text-missing} { Alternative~text~for~graphic~is~missing.\\ Using~the~file~name~'#1'~instead. } \cs_new_protected:Npn\Gin@tag@struct@begin { \tag_if_active:T { \tag_mc_end_push: % \end{macrocode} % we don't open a structure for artifacts to make it easier to use % graphics in saveboxes. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NTF\l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool { \tag_mc_begin:n{artifact} } { \tl_if_empty:NTF\l_@@_graphic_actual_tl { \tl_if_empty:NT\l_@@_graphic_alt_tl { \msg_warning:nne{tag}{alt-text-missing}{\l_@@_graphic_alt_dflt_tl} \tl_set:Ne\l_@@_graphic_alt_tl {\l_@@_graphic_alt_dflt_tl} } \tag_struct_begin:n { tag=\l_@@_graphic_struct_tl, alt=\l_@@_graphic_alt_tl, } } { \tag_struct_begin:n { tag=Span, actualtext=\l_@@_graphic_actual_tl, } \bool_set_false:N\l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool } \tag_mc_begin:n{} } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\Gin@tag@struct@end} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn\Gin@tag@struct@end { \tag_if_active:T { \tag_mc_end: \bool_if:NF\l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool { \tag_struct_end: } \tag_mc_begin_pop:n{} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Patching graphics commands} % All changes are currently done in \cs{Gin@setfile}. % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHook{package/graphics/after} { \def\Gin@setfile#1#2#3{% \ifx\\#2\\\Gread@false\fi \ifGin@bbox\else \ifGread@ \csname Gread@% \expandafter\ifx\csname Gread@#1\endcsname\relax eps% \else #1% \fi \endcsname{\Gin@base#2}% \else \Gin@nosize{#3}% \fi \fi \Gin@viewport@code \Gin@nat@height\Gin@ury bp% \advance\Gin@nat@height-\Gin@lly bp% \Gin@nat@width\Gin@urx bp% \advance\Gin@nat@width-\Gin@llx bp% \Gin@req@sizes \expandafter\ifx\csname Ginclude@#1\endcsname\relax \Gin@drafttrue \expandafter\ifx\csname Gread@#1\endcsname\relax \@latex@error{Can not include graphics of type: #1}\@ehc \global\expandafter\let\csname Gread@#1\endcsname\@empty \fi \fi \leavevmode % \end{macrocode} % Here the tagging begins. We want to catch also the draft box, % and for luatex tagging must be started before the \cs{setbox}. % \begin{macrocode} \Gin@tag@struct@begin %NEW \ifGin@draft \hb@xt@\Gin@req@width{% \vrule\hss \vbox to \Gin@req@height{% \hrule \@width \Gin@req@width \vss \edef\@tempa{#3}% \rlap{ \ttfamily\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\@tempa}% \vss \hrule}% \hss\vrule}% \else \@addtofilelist{#3}% \ProvidesFile{#3}[Graphic file (type #1)]% \setbox\z@\hbox{\csname Ginclude@#1\endcsname{#3}}% \dp\z@\z@ \ht\z@\Gin@req@height \wd\z@\Gin@req@width % \end{macrocode} % This the main command to calculate the BBox values. % \begin{macrocode} \Gin@tag@bbox@attribute %new \box\z@ % \end{macrocode} % and here the tagging stops. % \begin{macrocode} \fi \Gin@tag@struct@end %new } } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Additional keys for the graphics command} % TODO: this is a bit temporary and will perhaps need more refinement. % we also ensure that graphicx is loaded for the keyval support. % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHook{package/graphicx/after}[latex-lab] { \define@key{Gin}{alt} {\tl_set:Ne\l_@@_graphic_alt_tl{\text_purify:n{#1}}} \define@key{Gin}{artifact}[] { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool } \define@key{Gin}{actualtext} { \tl_set:Ne\l_@@_graphic_actual_tl{\text_purify:n{#1}} \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool } \define@key{Gin}{correct-BBox} { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_bool \seq_set_split:Nnn\l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq{~}{#1~0pt~0pt~0pt~0pt} } \define@key{Gin}{tag} { \str_case:nnF {#1} { {artifact} { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool } {false}{\tag_suspend:n{Gin}} } {\tl_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_struct_tl{#1}} } } \AddToHook{package/graphics/after}[latex-lab] {\RequirePackage{graphicx}} % \end{macrocode} % For picture and other environments we need a similar set of keys. % TODO: redefine \cs{includegraphics} to make use of these here?? % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn{tag/picture} { ,alt .code:n = {\tl_set:Ne\l_@@_graphic_alt_tl{\text_purify:n{#1}}} ,artifact .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool } ,actualtext .code:n = { \tl_set:Ne\l_@@_graphic_actual_tl{\text_purify:n{#1}} \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool } ,correct-BBox .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_bool \seq_set_split:Nnn\l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq{~}{#1~0pt~0pt~0pt~0pt} } ,tag .code:n = { \str_case:nnF {#1} { {artifact} { \bool_set_true:N \l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool } {false}{\tag_suspend:n{picture}} } {\tl_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_struct_tl{#1}} } } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Calculating the BBox} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_graphic_get_trim:} % Graphics can be trimmed with the trim and the viewport key. % If the graphic is not clipped the values must be taken into % account when rotating. % If viewport is used we have to calculate the trim. % % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_graphic_get_trim: { \legacy_if:nTF {Gin@clip} % \end{macrocode} % Setting to 0 is not strictly needed but looks cleaner. % \begin{macrocode} { \fp_zero:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp \fp_zero:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp \fp_zero:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_ux_fp \fp_zero:N\l_@@_graphic_trim_uy_fp } { \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp {\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp*\Gin@vllx} \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp {\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp*\Gin@vlly} \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_trim_ux_fp {\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp*\Gin@vurx} \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_trim_uy_fp {\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp*\Gin@vury} \cs_if_exist:NT \Gin@ollx { \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_trim_ux_fp {\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp* (\Gin@ourx-(\Gin@urx)) } \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_trim_uy_fp {\l_@@_graphic_scale_fp* (\Gin@oury-(\Gin@ury)) } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_graphic_get_scale:} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_graphic_get_scale: { \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_scale_fp { \str_if_eq:eeTF {\Gin@scalex} { ! } { \Gin@scaley } { \Gin@scalex } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_graphic_applyangle:nnnn} % This takes the current BBox and rotates it according to the use angle. % This is the most laborious code, as we have to take also the trim values into % account. We have to compare the values after the rotation to find the right corners % for the BBox. Not sure, if this is the most effective code, % the l3draw package has similar code to calculate a rotation, % this can perhaps be reused ... % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_graphic_applyangle:nnnn #1#2#3#4 %lx,ly,ux,uy { \bool_lazy_and:nnT {\cs_if_exist_p:N \Grot@angle } {! \int_compare_p:nNn { \Grot@angle }={0}} { \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_sin_fp { sind(\Grot@angle) } \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp { cosd(\Grot@angle) } \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_lx_fp {#1} \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_ly_fp {#2} \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_ux_fp {#3} \fp_set:Nn \l_@@_graphic_uy_fp {#4} % \end{macrocode} % get the x coordinates (cos,-sin) % \begin{macrocode} \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp { -\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp +\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp * \l_@@_graphic_sin_fp } \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp { (-\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp) * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp + (\l_@@_graphic_uy_fp-\l_@@_graphic_ly_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp) * (-\l_@@_graphic_sin_fp) } \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp { (\l_@@_graphic_ux_fp-\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp) * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp + (\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp) * (\l_@@_graphic_sin_fp) } \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp { (\l_@@_graphic_ux_fp-\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp) * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp + (\l_@@_graphic_uy_fp-\l_@@_graphic_ly_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp) * (-\l_@@_graphic_sin_fp) } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_lx_tl { \fp_eval:n { min ( \l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp, ) +\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp +\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_ux_tl { \fp_eval:n { max ( \l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp ) +\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp +\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp } } % \end{macrocode} % get the y coordinates (sin,cos) % \begin{macrocode} \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp { -\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp * \l_@@_graphic_sin_fp -\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp } \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp { - \l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp * \l_@@_graphic_sin_fp + (\l_@@_graphic_uy_fp-\l_@@_graphic_ly_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp) * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp } \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp { (\l_@@_graphic_ux_fp-\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp) * \l_@@_graphic_sin_fp - \l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp } \fp_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp { (\l_@@_graphic_ux_fp-\l_@@_graphic_lx_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp) * \l_@@_graphic_sin_fp + (\l_@@_graphic_uy_fp-\l_@@_graphic_ly_fp-\l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp) * \l_@@_graphic_cos_fp } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_ly_tl { \fp_eval:n { min ( \l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp ) + \l_@@_graphic_ly_fp + \l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_uy_tl { \fp_eval:n { max ( \l_@@_graphic_lxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_lxuy_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxly_fp, \l_@@_graphic_uxuy_fp, ) + \l_@@_graphic_ly_fp + \l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn\@@_graphic_applyangle:nnnn {VVVV} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@@_graphic_applycorr:NNNN} % This command is used to add at the end the correction values. Quite dump ... % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_graphic_applycorr:NNNN #1 #2 #3 #4 { \bool_if:NT\l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_bool { \tl_set:Ne #1 { \fp_eval:n { #1 + \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n {\seq_item:Nn \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq {1} } } } \tl_set:Ne #2 { \fp_eval:n { #2 + \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n {\seq_item:Nn \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq {2} } } } \tl_set:Ne #3 { \fp_eval:n { #3 + \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n {\seq_item:Nn \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq {3} } } } \tl_set:Ne #4 { \fp_eval:n { #4 + \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n {\seq_item:Nn \l_@@_graphic_bboxcorr_seq {4} } } } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\Gin@tag@bbox@attribute} % This is the main command to calculate and set the Bbox attribute % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \Gin@tag@bbox@attribute { % \end{macrocode} % the attribute is only needed if tagging is active and there is not artifact. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_lazy_all:nT { {\tag_if_active_p:} {!\l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool} {\l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool} } { \__tag_graphic_get_scale: \@@_graphic_get_trim: \int_gincr:N\g_@@_graphic_int \tl_set:Ne\l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl {_@@_graphic_\int_use:N \g_@@_graphic_int} \@@_graphic_savepos:e { \l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_lx_tl { \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \property_ref:een {\l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{xpos}{0}sp } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_ly_tl { \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \property_ref:een {\l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{ypos}{0}sp } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_ux_tl { \fp_eval:n { \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl + \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \Gin@req@width } } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_uy_tl { \fp_eval:n { \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl + \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \Gin@req@height } } } % \end{macrocode} % If the graphics is not clipped we must add the trim values. % \begin{macrocode} \legacy_if:nF {Gin@clip} { \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_ux_tl { \fp_eval:n { \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl + \l_@@_graphic_trim_ux_fp } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_lx_tl { \fp_eval:n { \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl - \l_@@_graphic_trim_lx_fp } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_uy_tl { \fp_eval:n { \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl + \l_@@_graphic_trim_uy_fp } } \tl_gset:Ne\g_@@_graphic_ly_tl { \fp_eval:n { \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl - \l_@@_graphic_trim_ly_fp } } } % \end{macrocode} % If there is an angle we now rotate the values. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_graphic_applyangle:VVVV \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl % \end{macrocode} % At last we have to add the correction values % \begin{macrocode} \@@_graphic_applycorr:NNNN \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NT\l_@@_graphic_debug_bool { \@@_graphic_show_bbox:VVVVne \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl {red} {\int_use:N\g_@@_graphic_int} } % \end{macrocode} % Now we add the attribute. We do it manually as it had to be delayed until now. % The structure and the mc must be open earlier, before the \cs{setbox} (at least % for luatex it has to). TODO: think about interface if more attributes are needed. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_prop_gput:cne { g_@@_struct_\int_eval:n {\c@g_@@_struct_abs_int}_prop } { A } { << /O /Layout /BBox~ [ \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl\c_space_tl \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl\c_space_tl \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl\c_space_tl \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl ] >> } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Support for the picture environment} % % \begin{macro}{\picture@tag@bbox@attribute} % Picture needs a similar command to calculate the bbox. But here we stay simple % and use simply the size of the picbox. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\picture@tag@bbox@attribute { \bool_lazy_all:nT { {\tag_if_active_p:} {!\l_@@_graphic_artifact_bool} {\l_@@_graphic_BBox_bool} } { \int_gincr:N\g_@@_graphic_int \tl_set:Ne\l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl {_@@_graphic_\int_use:N \g_@@_graphic_int} \@@_graphic_savepos:e { \l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl } \tl_gset:Ne \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl { \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \property_ref:een {\l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{xpos}{0}sp } } \tl_gset:Ne \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl { \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \property_ref:een {\l_@@_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{ypos}{0}sp - \dp\@picbox } } \tl_gset:Ne \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl { \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl bp + \wd\@picbox } } \tl_gset:Ne \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl { \dim_to_decimal_in_bp:n { \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl bp + \ht\@picbox + \dp\@picbox } } \@@_graphic_applycorr:NNNN \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl \bool_if:NT\l_@@_graphic_debug_bool { \@@_graphic_show_bbox:VVVVne \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl {red} {\int_use:N\g_@@_graphic_int} } \@@_prop_gput:cne { g_@@_struct_\int_eval:n {\c@g_@@_struct_abs_int}_prop } { A } { << /O /Layout /BBox~ [ \g_@@_graphic_lx_tl\c_space_tl \g_@@_graphic_ly_tl\c_space_tl \g_@@_graphic_ux_tl\c_space_tl \g_@@_graphic_uy_tl ] >> } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % We redefine \cs{picture} to accept an optional argument and % change the default alt text. We also ensure that we are in % hmode, so that stopping tagging doesn't confuse the paratags. % \begin{macrocode} \RenewDocumentCommand\picture{O{}m} { \leavevmode \keys_set:nn{tag/picture}{#1} % \tl_set:Nn\l_@@_graphic_alt_dflt_tl {picture~environment} \pictur@#2 } % \end{macrocode} % inside the picture box we stop tagging. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@picture(#1,#2)(#3,#4){% \@defaultunitsset\@picht{#2}\unitlength \@defaultunitsset\@tempdimc{#1}\unitlength \Gin@tag@struct@begin \setbox\@picbox\hb@xt@\@tempdimc\bgroup \tag_suspend:n{\@picture} %do not tag inside the picture box \@defaultunitsset\@tempdimc{#3}\unitlength \hskip -\@tempdimc \@defaultunitsset\@tempdimc{#4}\unitlength \lower\@tempdimc\hbox\bgroup \ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\endpicture{% \egroup\hss\egroup \ht\@picbox\@picht\dp\@picbox\z@ \picture@tag@bbox@attribute \mbox{\box\@picbox} \Gin@tag@struct@end} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Debugging code} % % \begin{macro}{\@@_graphic_show_bbox:nnnnnn} % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_graphic_show_bbox:nnnnnn #1#2#3#4#5#6%#5 color, #6 graphic { \iow_log:n {tag/graphic~debug:~BBox~of~graphics~#6~is~#1~#2~#3~#4} \hook_gput_code:nnn {shipout/foreground} {tag/graphic} { \int_compare:nNnT {\g_shipout_readonly_int} = {\property_ref:een{_@@_graphic_#6}{abspage}{0}} { \put (#1 bp,\dim_eval:n{-\paperheight + \dim_eval:n{#2 bp}}) { \opacity_select:n{0.5}\color_select:n{#5} \rule {\dim_eval:n {#3 bp-\dim_eval:n{#1 bp}}} {\dim_eval:n {#4 bp-\dim_eval:n{#2 bp}}} } } } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_graphic_show_bbox:nnnnnn {VVVVne} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} %<*latex-lab> \ProvidesFile{graphic-latex-lab-testphase.ltx} [\ltlabgraphicdate\space v\ltlabgraphicversion\space latex-lab wrapper graphic] \RequirePackage{latex-lab-testphase-graphic} % % \end{macrocode} % \end{implementation}