% Adds a reference grid, sized to the contents of currentpicture % useful for marking up external images etc begingroup; save llx, lly, urx, ury, u; u = 10; (llx, lly) = llcorner currentpicture; (urx, ury) = urcorner currentpicture; drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1/4); for x = ceiling (llx / u) upto floor (urx / u): draw (x*u, lly) -- (x*u, ury) withcolor if x mod u = 0: red else: 1/2 fi; endfor for y = ceiling (lly / u) upto floor (ury / u): draw (llx, y*u) -- (urx, y*u) withcolor if y mod u = 0: red else: 1/2 fi; endfor drawoptions(); endgroup;