%\topinsert \begingroup \overfullrule0pt \font\huge palatino at65truept% \font\normal palatino at 10pt \newbox\info \newbox\banner \newbox\long \newbox\issn \setbox\issn\hbox{\normal ISSN 0961-3978} \setbox\info=\vtop{% \font\small=cmr7 at 7truept% \baselineskip=7.5truept% \small \setbox\long\hbox{printed at Imperial College Computer Centre}% \hsize=\wd\long \def\monyr{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April \or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October \or November\or December\fi\ \number\year}% \line{\hfill Number 13, September 1991} \line{\hfill a Newsletter of the \TeX\ community} \line{\hfill edited by} \line{\hfill Malcolm Clark} \line{\hfill PO Box 1897} \line{\hfill London NW6 1DQ} \line{\hfill Tel: 071 435 8983} \line{\hfill Fax: 071 433 3576} \line{\hfill Janet: malcolmc@uk.ac.pcl.mole}} \setbox\banner\vtop{\hsize275pt \line{\hfill\huge\TeX\kern-0.1em line\kern-0.15em1\kern-0.1em3} \dp\issn0pt\ht\issn0pt \line{\hfill\box\issn\hfill}} \hfuzz30pt \kern-0.5in\hbox{\box\info\hfil\lower45pt\box\banner} \endgroup %\endinsert \endinput \begindoublecolumns {\parindent0pt\obeylines The editor {\sl Cahiers GUTenberg} c/o IRISA Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex France} \bigskip \noindent Dear Sir \medskip \noindent The allusion that `les num\'eros 11 et 12 semblent devoir \^etre les derniers' of this esteemed organ are premature. I am delighted to note that number 13 is well underway. It will include the following: {\parindent0pt\parskip0.5pt\obeylines A Script for building true-sized fonts \author{\sl Angus Duggan} Sunny Mexico \author{\sl Betsy Dale} The matter of TUG \author{\sl Malcolm Clark} Flow charts with \TeX \author{\sl Michael Ramek} Virtually there \author{\sl Malcolm Clark} The components of \TeX \author{\sl Joachim Schrod} Klimt, Freud \& Dante \author{\sl Malcolm Clark} Report from uk\TeX ug meeting \author{\sl Chris Rowley} Report from BCS ep meeting, Oxford \author{\sl Malcolm Clark \& Chris Rowley} How may \LaTeX\ 3.0 deal with citations and reference lists? \hfill{\sl David~Rhead} \smallskip Abstracts, {\sl Cahiers GUTenberg} \smallskip Book reviews: Alison Black: Typefaces for desktop publishing: a user guide Paul Abrahams, Karl Berry \& Kathryn Hargreaves: \TeX\ for the Impatient Malcolm Clark (ed): \TeX, Applications, Uses, Methods \smallskip Forthcoming meetings: UK \TeX\ Users Group GUTenberg, Paris EP92, Lausanne Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Strasbourg European \TeX\ Conference, Paris TUG Meeting, Dedham, Boston } \bigskip `Le nouveau bulletin {\sl baskerville\/}' bears no relationship at all to \TeXline. {\fib Baskerville} is the journal of the UK \TeX\ Users Group. The first issue was edited by Adrian (no relation) Clark, while the second is being edited by Philip (certainly no relation!) Taylor. My involvement with {\fib Baskerville} is very indirect, as Chairman of the UK \TeX\ Users Group. It is in this role that I contribute material to Baskerville. While the first editor of {\fib Baskerville} expressed the view that the advent of this new journal signalled the demise of \TeXline, a view similar to your own above, I suspect that it will be some years before \TeXline\ expires. We have already outlived his editorship. There is no difficulty in obtaining sufficient articles to make production of \TeXline\ worthwhile. Production costs have been underwritten by \TeX\kern-0.1emcel for number 13, and I am confident that future editions can be similarly subsidised by other parts of the \TeX\ industry. My confidence in the future of the newsletter is reflected in the fact that it now sports an ISSN: it would be ironic to cease production after obtaining this stamp of legitimacy. \bigskip \quad\hfill Best wishes \vskip1in \quad\hfill Malcolm Clark \quad\hfill editor, \TeXline \enddoublecolumns