## ----echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, message = FALSE, results = 'hide'----------- cat("this will be hidden; use for general initializations.\n") library(superb) library(ggplot2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(sadists) # for computing confidence intervals of Cohen's d library(superb) d1 <- function(X) { # the global variable GM.d1 is obtained from the initializer mean(X - GM.d1) / sd(X) } CI.d1 <- function(X, gamma = .95) { n <- length(X) dlow <- qlambdap(1/2-gamma/2, df = n-1, t = d1(X) * sqrt(n) ) dhig <- qlambdap(1/2+gamma/2, df = n-1, t = d1(X) * sqrt(n) ) c(dlow, dhig) / sqrt(n) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # let's generate random data with true Cohen's dp # of 0.12 (groups 1 and 2) and 0.24 (groups 1 and 3) dta <- GRD( BSFactors = "Dose(3)", RenameDV = "score", Effects = list("Dose" = custom(0, 1.2, 2.4)), SubjectsPerGroup = 500, Population = list( mean = 50, stddev = 10) ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the exact formulas for Cohen's d1 and dp. Only d1 is used in the plot init.d1 <- function(df) { GM.d1 <<- mean(df$DV) # will make d1 relative to the grand mean } ## ----message=TRUE, echo=TRUE, fig.width = 4, fig.cap="**Figure 1**. d_1 scores along with 95% confidence interval."---- # show a plot with Cohen's d1 and difference-adjusted confidence intervals of d1 superbPlot(dta, BSFactors = "Dose", variables = "score", statistic = "d1", errorbar = "CI", gamma = 0.95, plotStyle = "line", adjustments = list(purpose="difference") ) + theme_light(base_size = 10) + coord_cartesian( ylim = c(-0.3,+0.45) ) + labs(title = "d_1 with difference-adjusted 95% confidence intervals of d_1", y = "d_1 relative to grand mean") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superb:::has.init.function("d1") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dp <- function(X, Y) { mean(X - Y) / sqrt((length(X)*var(X) + length(Y)*var(Y))/(length(X)+length(Y)-2)) } CI.dp <- function(X, Y, gamma = .95) { n1 = length(X) n2 = length(Y) n = hmean(c(n1, n2)) dlow <- qlambdap(1/2-gamma/2, df = n1+n2-2, t = dp(X, Y) * sqrt(n/2) ) dhig <- qlambdap(1/2+gamma/2, df = n1+n2-2, t = dp(X, Y) * sqrt(n/2) ) c(dlow, dhig) / sqrt(n/2) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- grp1 <- dta$score[dta$Dose==1] grp2 <- dta$score[dta$Dose==2] grp3 <- dta$score[dta$Dose==3] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dp12 <- round(dp(grp2, grp1), 3) dp13 <- round(dp(grp3, grp1), 3) dp23 <- round(dp(grp3, grp2), 3) c(dp12, dp13, dp23) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cidp12 = round(CI.dp(grp2, grp1, 0.95), 3) cidp13 = round(CI.dp(grp3, grp1, 0.95 ), 3) cidp23 = round(CI.dp(grp3, grp2, 0.95 ), 3) c(cidp12,cidp13,cidp23) ## ----message=FALSE, echo=TRUE, fig.width=4, fig.cap="**Figure 2**. d_1 scores along with 95% confidence interval."---- superbPlot(dta, BSFactors = "Dose", variables = "score", statistic = "d1", errorbar = "CI", gamma = 0.95, plotStyle = "line", adjustments = list(purpose="difference") ) + theme_light(base_size = 10) + coord_cartesian( ylim = c(-0.3,+0.45) ) + labs(title = "d_1 with difference-adjusted 95% confidence intervals of d_1", caption = paste("Note: Cohen's d_p and its confidence interval computed with the \n", "true formula (Cousineau & Goulet-Pelletier, 2020)"), y = "d_1 relative to grand mean") + showSignificance(c(1,2), 0.3, -0.01, paste("dp = ",dp12, ifelse(sign(cidp12[1])==sign(cidp12[2]),", p < .05",", p > .05")) ) + showSignificance(c(1,3), 0.4, -0.01, paste("dp = ",dp13, ifelse(sign(cidp13[1])==sign(cidp13[2]),", p < .05",", p > .05"))) + showSignificance(c(2,3), -0.25, +0.01, paste("dp = ",dp23, ifelse(sign(cidp23[1])==sign(cidp23[2]),", p < .05",", p > .05"))) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- compareCIlength <- function(g1, g2) { # compute the Cohen's dp confidence interval length cilength.dp = round(CI.dp(g1, g2)[2]-CI.dp(g1, g2)[1], 3) # compute two d1 CI length, difference-adjusted len1 = sqrt(2)*(CI.d1(grp1)[2] - CI.d1(grp1)[1]) len2 = sqrt(2)*(CI.d1(grp2)[2] - CI.d1(grp2)[1]) # average in the square sense the two d1 CI lengths cilength.d1 = round(sqrt((len1^2 + len2^2)/2), 3) data.frame( dp.length = cilength.dp, d1.average.length = cilength.d1) } compareCIlength(grp1,grp2) compareCIlength(grp1,grp3) compareCIlength(grp2,grp3)