--- title: "Customizing `superb` plots" bibliography: "../inst/REFERENCES.bib" csl: "../inst/apa-6th.csl" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette description: > This vignette shows how to fully customize your plot produced by superb. vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Customizing `superb` plots} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- Creating a plot involves reading raw data and compiling these into summary statistics. This step is handled by `superb` transparently. The second, more involving step, however is to customize the plots so that it looks appealing to the readers. In this vignette, we go rapidly over `superb` functionalities. Instead, we provide worked-out examples producing fully customized plots. We proceed with examples taken from scientific articles. The first example produces a rain-drop plot, the second a bar plot whose origin is not zero. In the following, we need the following libraries: ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE} ## Load relevant packages library(superb) # for superbPlot library(ggplot2) # for all the graphic directives library(gridExtra) # for grid.arrange ``` If they are not present on your computer, first upload them to your computer with ``install.packages("name of the package")``. # Figure 2 of Hofer, Langmann, Burkart and Neubauer, 2022. In their study, @h2022 examined who is the best judges of one's abilities. Examining self-ratings vs. other-ratings in six domain, they found out that we are not always the best judges. They present in their Figure 2 a rain-cloud plot (@allen2019raincloud) illustrating the ratings. In what follow, we discuss how this plot could be customized after its initial creation with `superb`. As the six domains are within-subject ratings, the data must be composed of 6 columns (at least, there can be additional columns; they won't be illustrated herein). In case you do not have such data, the following subsection generates mock data. ## Generating mock data We generate two sets of mock data from six sets of means and standard deviations: ```{r} Astats <- data.frame( MNs = c(6.75, 6.00, 5.50, 6.50, 8.00, 8.75), SDs = c(2.00, 3.00, 3.50, 3.50, 1.25, 1.25) ) dtaA <- apply(Astats, 1, function(stat) {rnorm(100, mean=stat[1], sd=stat[2])} ) dtaA <- data.frame(dtaA) colnames(dtaA) <- c("Verbal", "Numerical", "Spatial", "Creativity", "Intrapersonal", "Interpersonal") Bstats <- data.frame( MNs = c(3.33, 3.00, 2.50, 3.00, 2.75, 3.50), SDs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.66, 0.50, 0.25, 0.25) ) dtaB <- apply(Bstats, 1, function(stat) {rnorm(100, mean=stat[1], sd=stat[2])} ) dtaB <- data.frame(dtaB) colnames(dtaB) <- c("Verbal", "Numerical", "Spatial", "Creativity", "Intrapersonal", "Interpersonal") ``` The datasets are `data.frame`s called `dtaA` and `dtaB`. Their columns names are the dependent variables, e.g., "Verbal", "Numerical", "Spatial", "Creativity", "Intrapersonal", "Interpersonal". ## Making the top-row plot For convenience, we make lists of the desired colors and labels we want to appear on the x-axis: ```{r} mycolors <- c("seagreen","chocolate2","mediumpurple3","deeppink","chartreuse4", "darkgoldenrod1") mylabels <- c("Verbal", "Numerical", "Spatial", "Creativity", "Intrapersonal", "Interpersonal") ``` We are ready to make the plot with the desired adjustments: ```{r, message=FALSE, fig.width=6.7, fig.height=2.5, fig.cap="Figure 2, preliminary version"} pltA <- superbPlot(dtaA, # plot for the first data set... WSFactors = "Domain(6)", # ...a within-subject design with 6 levels variables = mylabels, # ...whose variables are contained in the above list adjustments = list( purpose = "difference", # we want to compare means decorrelation = "CM" # and error bars are correlated-adjusted ), plotStyle="raincloud", # the following (optional) arguments are adjusting some of the visuals pointParams = list(size = 0.75), jitterParams = list(width =0.1, shape=21,size=0.05,alpha=1), # less dispersed jitter dots, violinParams = list(trim=TRUE, alpha=1), # not transparent, errorbarParams = list(width = 0.1, linewidth=0.5) # wider bars, thicker lines. ) pltA ``` As seen, this plot is a standard, colorless, plot. It contains all that is needed; it is just plain drab and the labels are generic ones (on the vertical axis and on the horizontal axis). ## Adding a color layer to the plot Using `superb`, if there is only one factor, superb will consider that it is the one on the x-axis and there is therefore no other layers in the plot. This is why the current plot is colorless. It is possible, post-hoc, to indicate that we wish additional layers in the plot. In the present, we want to add the `fill` and the `color` of dots layers. These layers are to be "connected" to the sole factor in the present example (that is, `Domain`). Consequently, the x-axis labels, the fill color and the dot color are all redondant information identifying the condition. To do this, simply add an aesthetic graphic directive to `pltA` with: ```{r, message=FALSE, fig.width=6.7, fig.height=2.5, fig.cap="Figure 2, version with colors"} pltA + aes(fill = factor(Domain), colour = factor(Domain)) ``` ## Adding graphic directives for fine-tuning the plot We can customize any `superb` plot by adding graphic directives one-by-one using the operator `+`, or we can collect all the directives in a list, and add this list once. As we have two plots with mostly the same directives, we use this second approach. Typically, a plot is customized by picking a theme. The default `theme_bw()` is grayish, so we move to `theme_classic()`. We also customize specific aspects of this theme with `theme()` directives. These changes are all collected within the list `commonstyle` below: ```{r} commonstyle <- list( theme_classic(), # It has no background, no bounding box. # We customize this theme further: theme(axis.line=element_line(linewidth=0.50), # We make the axes thicker... axis.text = element_text(size = 10), # their text bigger... axis.title = element_text(size = 12), # their labels bigger... plot.title = element_text(size = 10), # and the title bigger as well. panel.grid = element_blank(), # We remove the grid lines legend.position = "none" # ... and we hide the side legend. ), # Finally, we place tick marks on the units scale_y_continuous( breaks=1:10 ), # set the labels to be displayed scale_x_discrete(name="Domain", labels = mylabels), # and set colours to both colour and fill layers scale_discrete_manual(aesthetic =c("fill","colour"), values = mycolors) ) ``` We also changed the vertical scale (tick marks at designated positions) and the horizontal scale with names on the tick marks (sadly, `superb` replaces them with consecutive numbers...) and colors to fill the clouds (`fill`) and their borders (`colour`) as well as the rain drop colors. Examining this plot with the `commonstyle` added, we get ```{r, message=FALSE, fig.width=6.7, fig.height=2.5, fig.cap="Figure 2, final version"} finalpltA <- pltA + aes(fill = factor(Domain), colour = factor(Domain)) + commonstyle + # all the above directive are added; coord_cartesian( ylim = c(1,10) ) + # the y-axis bounds are given ; labs(title="A") + # the plot is labeled "A"... ylab("Self-worth relevance") # and the y-axis label given. finalpltA ``` ## Making the second row of the figure We do exactly the same for the second plot. We just change the data set to `dtaB` and in the last graphic directives, using options tailored specifically to this second data set (smaller y-axis range, different label, etc.): ```{r, message=FALSE, fig.width=6.7, fig.height=2.5, fig.cap="Figure 2, bottom row"} pltB <- superbPlot(dtaB, # plot for the second data set... WSFactors = "Domain(6)", # ...a within-subject design with 6 levels variables = mylabels, # ...whose variables are contained in the above list adjustments = list( purpose = "difference", # we want to compare means decorrelation = "CM" # and error bars are correlated-adjusted ), plotStyle="raincloud", # the following (optional) arguments are adjusting some of the visuals pointParams = list(size = 0.75), jitterParams = list(width =0.1, shape=21,size=0.05,alpha=1), # less dispersed jitter dots, violinParams = list(trim=TRUE, alpha=1,adjust=3), # not semi-transparent, smoother errorbarParams = list(width = 0.1, size=0.5) # wider bars, thicker lines. ) finalpltB <- pltB + aes(fill = factor(Domain), colour = factor(Domain)) + commonstyle + # the following three lines are the differences: coord_cartesian( ylim = c(1,5) ) + # the limits, 1 to 5, are different labs(title="B") + # the plot is differently-labeled ylab("Judgment certainty") # and the y-axis label differns. finalpltB ``` ## Combining and saving both plots Finally, we assemble the two plots together ```{r, message=FALSE, fig.width=6.7, fig.height=5.0, fig.cap="Figure 2, final version"} finalplt <- grid.arrange(finalpltA, finalpltB, ncol=1) ``` It can be saved with high-resolution if desired with ```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} ggsave( "Figure2.png", plot=finalplt, device = "png", dpi = 320, # pixels per inche units = "cm", # or "in" for dimensions in inches width = 17, # as found in the article height = 13 ) ``` That's it! # Figure 2 of Ma and Abrams, 2023. In their study, @ma23 examined whether participants can suppress attentional deployment under unpredictable visual distractor attributes. They found for the first time that observers can indeed suppress salient, unique colored, distractors even if the color was not known before hand. ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE} # load manually the data for the purpose of the vignette cleandata <- data.frame( subject = c(201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224), absentrt = c(0.9069648,0.7501645,0.8143321,0.9850208,0.9279098,0.9620722,1.0160006,0.8921083,0.6041074,0.647717,0.6705584,0.9938026,0.8073152,1.079257,0.8648441,0.7923577,0.7683727,0.9004377,0.9590628,0.7619962,0.7245308,0.9070973,0.6244701,0.6991465), presentrt = c(0.8805836,0.7227798,0.7173632,0.9084251,0.8596929,0.8488763,0.9039185,0.867465,0.5874631,0.6320984,0.6598097,0.9046643,0.7659111,0.8824536,0.8235161,0.783525,0.6950923,0.8531382,0.8037397,0.674048,0.6987675,0.8272449,0.6298569,0.6853342), absentacc = c(0.984375,0.9375,0.953125,0.984375,0.875,0.859375,0.953125,0.953125,0.9375,0.921875,0.953125,0.875,0.96875,0.984375,0.84375,0.921875,0.921875,0.90625,0.953125,1,0.9375,0.984375,0.96875,0.9375), presentacc= c(0.984375,0.9921875,0.9765625,0.9921875,0.9375,0.9140625,0.9921875,0.9453125,0.96875,0.9609375,0.9765625,0.9375,0.984375,0.9765625,0.9765625,0.9140625,0.96875,0.9140625,0.9921875,0.9609375,0.9921875,0.9765625,0.9375,0.890625) ) ``` To proceed, first get to the authors' OSF https://osf.io/r52db and follow the instructions to obtain the dataframe `cleandata`. Because response times (RTs) were recorded in second, we convert them to milisecond: ```{r} cleandata$absentrt = cleandata$absentrt*1000 cleandata$presentrt = cleandata$presentrt*1000 ``` As a check, here is the first six lines of that data frame: ```{r} head(cleandata) ``` Please select the colors desired for the bars: ```{r} mycolors = c("black","lightgray") ``` In addition to the above libraries, we also need the `scales` library so that we can modify the vertical axis of the plot. Indeed, bar charts by default start at zero, but for the present data (response times and mean accuracies), a scales which does not start from zero is more appropriate. We then create a shift transformation function with a non-zero start $d$: ```{r} library(scales) # for a translated scale using trans_new() shift_trans = function(d = 0) { scales::trans_new("shift", transform = function(x) x - d, inverse = function(y) y + d) } ``` We're all set! We are ready to make the first plot, here RTs, as a function of the presence or absence of the colored distractor. Because (a) we want to compare the bars, we use difference-adjusted confidence intervals; (b) the data were collected in a within-subject design, we use a correlation-adjusted confidence intervals. ```{r, fig.width=3, fig.height=4, fig.cap="Figure 1, preliminary version"} # defaults are means with 95% confidence intervals, so not specified pltA <- superbPlot( cleandata, WSFactors = "target(2)", variables = c("absentrt", "presentrt"), adjustments = list( purpose = "difference", decorrelation = "CM"), errorbarParams = list(colour = "gray35", width = 0.05) ) pltA ``` As this is the default, the vertical axis starts at zero. Let's add the `shift_trans` scale, limit the range to 720-900, and show breaks on every 20 units: ```{r, fig.width=3, fig.height=4, fig.cap="Figure 2, version with adequate vertical scale"} # attached the shifted scale to it pltA <- pltA + scale_y_continuous( trans = shift_trans(720), # use translated bars limits = c(720,899), # limit the plot range breaks = seq(720,880,20), # define major ticks expand = c(0,0) ) # no expansions over the plotting area pltA ``` We can do better: changing the default fonts, remove the legend, etc. We store these graphic directives in a list because the same are used for the accuracy plot: ```{r, fig.width=3, fig.height=4, fig.cap="Figure 3, version with theme and details adjusted"} ornaments <- list( theme_classic(base_size = 14) + theme( legend.position = "none" ), aes(width = 0.5, fill = factor(target), colour = factor(target) ), scale_discrete_manual(aesthetic =c("fill","colour"), values = mycolors), scale_x_discrete(name="Color Singleton\nDistractor", labels = c("Absent","Present")) ) pltA <- pltA + ornaments + ylab("Reaction time (ms)") pltA ``` Finally, we put an indication regarding the significant result: ```{r, fig.width=3, fig.height=4, fig.cap="Figure 4, final version for RTs"} pltA <- pltA + showSignificance( c(1,2), 870, -8, "Singleton presence\nbenefit, p < .001", segmentParams = list(linewidth = 1)) # this is it! Check the result pltA ``` No need to go over all the details for the mean accuracy plot. We do all the steps in a single command: ```{r, fig.width=3, fig.height=4, fig.cap="Figure 5, final version for mean accuracies"} pltB <- superbPlot( cleandata, WSFactors = "target(2)", variables = c("absentacc", "presentacc"), adjustments = list( purpose = "difference", decorrelation = "CM"), errorbarParams = list(colour = "gray35", width = 0.05) ) + scale_y_continuous( trans = shift_trans(0.9), # use translated bars limits = c(0.9, 1.0), # limit the plot range breaks = seq(0.90, 1.00, 0.01), # define major ticks expand = c(0,0) ) + # remove empty space around plotting surface ornaments + ylab("Accuracy (proportion correct)") + showSignificance( c(1,2), 0.985, -0.005, "Singleton presence\nbenefit, p = .010", segmentParams = list(linewidth = 1) ) # this is it! Check the result pltB ``` Put the two plots side-by-side and save your work! ```{r, fig.width=6, fig.height=4, fig.cap="Figure 6, final version"} finalplt <- grid.arrange(pltA, pltB, ncol=2) #ggsave( "Figure2b.png", # plot=finalplt, # device = "png", # dpi = 320, # pixels per inche # units = "cm", # or "in" for dimensions in inches # width = 20, # as found in the article # height = 15 #) ``` Regarding the information provided by `superb`: ```{r} ## superb::FYI: The HyunhFeldtEpsilon measure of sphericity per group are 1.000 ## superb::FYI: All the groups' data are compound symmetric. Consider using CA. ``` note that with only two repeated measures, sphericity is always met (Epsilon = 1.00) so nothing to do with this comment. Compound symmetry is a weaker form of the sphericity assumption. When compound symmetry is met, you can decorrelate the data using either ``CM`` or ``CA``. You won't see much differences between the two techniques, so you may as well ignore this comment. Enjoy! # References