is an R package that includes various
functions and tools that I have written over the years to assist me in
my research, teaching, and public presentations (i.e. stuff I put on my
blog). I offer it here for a public release because 1) I am vain and
think I want an entire, eponymous ecosystem in the R programming
language (i.e. the “steveverse”) and 2) I think there are tools here
that are broadly useful for users that I’m trying to bundle with other
things that I offer (prominently {steveproj}
Namely, {stevemisc}
offers tools to assist in data
organization, data presentation, data recoding, and data simulation.
You can install this on CRAN.
You can install the development version of {stevemisc}
from Github via the {devtools}
package. I suppose using the
package would work as well.
::install_github("svmiller/stevemisc") devtools