NEW: Store shiny app visitor views, likes and followers using shinyStorePlus 1.3

Obinna N. Obianom


The Importance of Visitor Data in Shiny Apps and the Corresponding Functionality that shinyStorePlus Provides

Understanding how users interact with your Shiny app is crucial for its success. By tracking visitor views, visitor likes, and visitor followers, you gain valuable insights into user engagement and preferences. This data allows you to:

RPKG has revolutionized the way developers can store and analyze visitor data in R-based Shiny apps. With the shinyStorePlus R package, you can easily track views, likes, and followers, providing powerful and user-friendly features for data collection and analysis. This functionality empowers developers to gain deeper insights into user behavior, optimize their apps, and ultimately deliver a more engaging and valuable experience for their users.

Demo app:

Example of storing View, User likes and followers


ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Simplified shiny app storage of views, likes and followers"),
  initStore("all",rpkg.api.key = "c20c5eead7714c119dd3f20bd249a388e72db2aa0f9305d0380b683a37c5296a"),
  h2("Save App Views"),hr(),
  viewsBox("viewsshow","loading views..."),
  h2("Save App Likes, and allow user to Like!"),hr(),
  h2("Save App Followers, and allow user to Follow!"),hr(),
  hr(),p(p(i("Like or Follow and Refresh the page - the values are saved and the views are incremented.")))

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # set up views, likes and follows, leave as NULL if you don't need tracking for either
  # in this case, we leave followID as NULL since we don't need to use that
  setupRPKG(viewsID = "viewsshow", likesID = "liket", followID = "followt")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(launch.browser = TRUE,shiny.port =7171))