2024-08-18 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.3-1 * * man/*: Correct Rd file(s) with Rd \link{} targets missing package anchors * 2024-02-04 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.3-0 * * Replace \url{} by \doi{} for JSS - see the mail of Achim Zeileis from 6.10.2021 * License: GPL (>=3) * Data set Cars moved to rrcov * man/rcpp_hello_world.Rd removed, see mail from Kurt Hornik from 18.08.2023 * 2021-04-21 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.2-7 * 2019-11-10 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.2-6 * * In this version I only simulate using Rcpp, in order to fix the issue in * robustHD, which does not load properly Rcpp and the check of rrcovHD * fails. I hope this trick will help. I only added a dummy cpp function * rcpp_hello_world() which serves as an example how to use Rcpp. 2016-10-10 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.2-5 * * Fixed the exports in NAMESPACE (previously everything was exported) * * Added functions and classes for Robust and sparse multigroup classification * by the optimal scoring approach: SosDisc, SosDiscClass, SosDiscRobust, * SummarySosDisc and PredictSosDisc. * * 2016-02-12 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.2-4 * * Fixed a bug related to an update of rrcov * * Fixed a bug in OutlierPCDist() - now any robust estimator * can be used, not only CovSest. * 2014-12-02 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.2-3 * * Fixed compatibility issues with robustbase and rrcov versions (imports) * * Use suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rrcov)) in the tests * R/SPcaGrid.R - Fixed a bug: wrong call to rrcov::pca.distances() * 2013-09-01 Valentin Todorov * 0.2-02 * Warnings fixed - see mail from Prof. Ripley from 9.August 2013 * 2013-03-31 Valentin Todorov * 0.2-01 * Minor problems with imports fixed * Fixed a problem in predict{Simca} - the levels * of the grouping variable are now kept * Tests added: Simca and Outlier 2012-07-24 Valentin Todorov * 0.2-00 * Documentation added * SIMCA classes added * Added classes for outlier detection * Added class SPcaGrid * Created