## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "", prompt = TRUE, dpi = 36, fig.align = "center" ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library("robsurvey", quietly = TRUE) # library("survey") # data("MU284pps") ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- library(robsurvey, quietly = TRUE) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(survey)) ## ----echo = FALSE, results = "asis"------------------------------------------- survey_version <- packageVersion("survey") if (survey_version < "4.2") { cat(paste0('


This vignette has been built with version **', survey_version, '** of the **survey** package. Therefore, `svydesign()` is called without the `calibrate.formula` argument. As a consequence, some of the variance and standard error estimates may differ from those with pre-calibrated weights, i.e., the default specification.

')) } ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # dn <- svydesign(ids = ~LABEL, fpc = ~pi, data = MU284pps, pps = "brewer", # calibrate = ~1) ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- dn <- if (packageVersion("survey") >= "4.2") { svydesign(ids = ~LABEL, fpc = ~pi, data = MU284pps, pps = "brewer", calibrate = ~1) } else { svydesign(ids = ~LABEL, fpc = ~pi, data = MU284pps, pps = "brewer") } ## ----out.width = "80%"-------------------------------------------------------- svyplot(RMT85 ~ P85, dn, xlab = "P85", ylab = "RMT85", inches = 0.1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rat <- svyratio_huber(~RMT85, ~P85, dn, k = Inf) rat ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tot <- svytotal_ratio(rat, total = 8339) tot ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mse(tot) / 1e6 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rat_rob <- svyratio_huber(~RMT85, ~P85, dn, k = 20) tot_rob <- svytotal_ratio(rat_rob, total = 8339) tot_rob ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mse(tot_rob) / 1e6 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wls <- svyreg(RMT85 ~ P85 + SS82, dn) wls ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary(wls) ## ----out.width = "50%", fig.align = "default"--------------------------------- plot(wls) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tot <- svytotal_reg(wls, totals = c(P85 = 8339, SS82 = 6301), N = 284, type = "ADU") tot ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mse(tot) / 1e6 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rob <- svyreg_tukeyM(RMT85 ~ P85 + SS82, dn, k = 15) rob ## ----out.width = "50%", fig.align = "default"--------------------------------- plot(rob) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tot <- svytotal_reg(rob, totals = c(P85 = 8339, SS82 = 6301), N = 284, type = "huber", k = 50) tot ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mse(tot) / 1e6