\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{qmriIR.bib} @Article{MRMLilaj21b, author = {Lilaj, L. and Fischer, T. and Guo, J. and Braun, J. and Sack, I. and Hirsch, S.}, title = {Separation of fluid and solid shear wave fields and quantification of coupling density by magnetic resonance poroelastography}, journal = {Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, year = {2021}, volume = {85}, number = {3}, pages = {1655-1668}, note = {cited By 7}, document_type = {Article}, doi = {10.1002/mrm.28507}, source = {Scopus} } @Article{MRMLilaj21a, author = {Lilaj, L. and Herthum, H. and Meyer, T. and Shahryari, M. and Bertalan, G. and Caiazzo, A. and Braun, J. and Fischer, T. and Hirsch, S. and Sack, I.}, title = {Inversion-recovery MR elastography of the human brain for improved stiffness quantification near fluid-solid boundaries}, journal = {Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, year = {2021}, volume = {86}, number = {5}, pages = {2552-2561}, note = {cited By 3}, document_type = {Article}, doi = {10.1002/mrm.28898} } @Book{MRBIbook, title = {Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging: Modeling and Data Analysis Using R, 2nd Ed.}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2023}, author = {J\"org Polzehl and Karsten Tabelow}, series = {Use R!}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-29184-6} } \end{filecontents} \usepackage[style=authoryear,backend=bibtex,url=false]{biblatex} %backend tells biblatex what you will be using to process the bibliography file \addbibresource{qmriIR} \newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\normalfont\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}\index{Packages!#1}} \let\proglang=\textsf \let\code=\texttt %\VignetteIndexEntry{An example session for analyzing Inversion Recovery MRI and MR Elastography data} \title{An example session for analyzing Inversion Recovery MRI and MR Elastography data} \author{J\"org Polzehl and Karsten Tabelow} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \maketitle \setkeys{Gin}{width=\textwidth} This document illustrates the workflow of analyzing Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Imaging (IRMRI) data. The example uses noisy IR data created from a small sub cube of an artificial IR image (Infinity Inversion Time), a corresponding segmentation image and MR Elastography data. For neuroimaging bacckground we refer to~\parencite{MNRLilai21b} (IRMRI) and~\parencite{MNRLilai21a} (MRE). For an more extended introduction we refer to \cite{MRBIbook2} Chapter 6. \section{Generating the IR MRI data} <<0,echo=FALSE>>= old <- options(digits=3) on.exit(options(old)) @ First, we specify the directory where the data are stored within the package <<0b>>= dataDir0 <- system.file("extdataIR", package = "qMRI") dataDir <- tempdir() library(oro.nifti) @ We now generate IRMRI data following a model that assumes voxel to contain a mixture of a solid tissue (either DM or WM) and fluid. <<1>>= library(qMRI) segm <- readNIfTI(file.path(dataDir0,"Brainweb_segm")) Sf <- 900 Rf <- 0.000285 Sgm <- 400 Rgm <- 0.00075 fgm <- .15 Swm <- 370 Rwm <- 0.0011 fwm <- .05 InvTimes <- c(100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, Inf) InvTimes0 <- c(100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 15000) @ Typical intensities as functions of inversion times an tissue type (black for CSF, red for GM and green for WM) are illustrated in Figure~\ref{Fig:curves} <<2, fig=TRUE, width=12, height=6>>= x <- seq(100,12000,10) fintCSF <- qMRI:::IRhomogen(c(Sf,Rf),InvTimes0) fintGM <- qMRI:::IRmix2(c(fgm,Rgm,Sgm),InvTimes0,Sf,Rf) fintWM <- qMRI:::IRmix2(c(fwm,Rwm,Swm),InvTimes0,Sf,Rf) plot(InvTimes0,fintCSF,xlab="InvTime",ylab="Intensity") points(InvTimes0,fintGM,col=2) points(InvTimes0,fintWM,col=3) lines(x,qMRI:::IRhomogen(c(Sf,Rf),x)) lines(x,qMRI:::IRmix2(c(fgm,Rgm,Sgm),x,Sf,Rf),col=2) lines(x,qMRI:::IRmix2(c(fwm,Rwm,Swm),x,Sf,Rf),col=3) @ We generate artificial Rician distributed data with standard deviation $\sigma=40$ <<3>>= sigma <- 40 nTimes <- length(InvTimes0) nCSF <- sum(segm==1) nGM <- sum(segm==2) nWM <- sum(segm==3) IRdata <- array(0,c(nTimes,prod(dim(segm)))) IRdata[,segm==1] <- sqrt(rnorm(nTimes*nCSF,fintCSF,sigma)^2+ rnorm(nTimes*nCSF,0,sigma)^2) IRdata[,segm==2] <- sqrt(rnorm(nTimes*nGM,fintGM,sigma)^2+ rnorm(nTimes*nGM,0,sigma)^2) IRdata[,segm==3] <- sqrt(rnorm(nTimes*nWM,fintWM,sigma)^2+ rnorm(nTimes*nWM,0,sigma)^2) dim(IRdata) <- c(nTimes,dim(segm)) for(i in 1:9) writeNIfTI(as.nifti(IRdata[i,,,]), file.path(dataDir,paste0("IR0",i))) for(i in 10:nTimes) writeNIfTI(as.nifti(IRdata[i,,,]), file.path(dataDir,paste0("IR",i))) @ \section{Analysis of IR MRI data} We now illustrate the analysis pipeline for IRMRI data. First we generate an IRdata object <<4>>= library(qMRI) t1Files <- list.files(dataDir,"*.nii.gz",full.names=TRUE) segmFile <- file.path(dataDir0,"Brainweb_segm") IRdata <- readIRData(t1Files, InvTimes0, segmFile, sigma=sigma, L=1, segmCodes=c("CSF","GM","WM")) @ In a first analysis step parameters $S_f$ and $R_f$ characterizing fluid are obtained from voxel that are classified as CSF using the model \begin{equation} \label{I-mono} \xi(TI; S^f, R_1^f) = |S^f \left( 1 - 2{\mathrm e}^{-TI \cdot R_1^f} \right)| \end{equation} with data for inversion time $TI$ distributed as $Rician(\xi(TI; S_f, R_1^f), \sigma)$. The parameters $S_f$ and $R_1^f$ are assumed not to vary within CSF. <<5>>= setCores(2) # parallel mode using 2 threads IRfluid <- estimateIRfluid(IRdata, method="NLR", verbose=FALSE) cat("Estimated parameters Sf:", IRfluid$Sf, " Rf:", IRfluid$Rf, "\n") @ We here use nonlinear regression instead of the more adequate quasi-likelihood method (\code{method="QL"}) In the next step we evaluate a mixture model \begin{equation}\label{I-mixture} \xi(TI; f, S^f, R_1^f, S^s, R_1^s) = |(1-f) S^f \left( 1 - 2{\mathrm e}^{-TI \cdot R_1^f} \right)+ f S^s \left( 1 - 2{\mathrm e}^{-TI \cdot R_1^s}\right)|, \end{equation} for voxel classified as GM or WM with parameters $S_f$ and $R_1^f$ plugged in. <<6>>= IRmix <- estimateIRsolid(IRfluid, verbose=FALSE) @ Parameters $S^s$ and $R_1^s$ characterizing solid material in GM and WM can be assumed to be spatially smooth within the respective tissue types. Parameter $f$ characterizes the proportion of fluid within a voxel. This parameter is difficult to estimate in model \ref{I-mixture}. We therefor apply an adaptive smoothing procedure within segments characterizing GM and WM to reduce the variance of the estimates of $S^s$ and $R_1^s$ <<7>>= sIRmix <- smoothIRSolid(IRmix, alpha=1e-4, verbose=FALSE,partial=FALSE) @ and then re-estimate the fluid proportion $f$ <<8>>= sIRmix <- estimateIRsolidfixed(sIRmix, verbose=FALSE) @ We shortly illustrate the estimated maps (central slice) that we gain <<9, fig = TRUE, width=16,height=3>>= oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,4),mar=c(3,3,3,.5),mgp=c(2,1,0)) on.exit(par(oldpar)) library(adimpro) rimage(segm[,,2]) title("Segmentation") rimage(sIRmix$Sx[,,2],zlim=c(250,500)) title("solid intensity map") rimage(sIRmix$Rx[,,2],zlim=c(0,.0015)) title("solid relaxation rate map") rimage(sIRmix$fx[,,2],zlim=c(0,.4)) title("fluid proportion map") @ All analysis steps can be combined, in this case using quasi-likelihood, simply calling <<10, eval=FALSE>>= sIRmix <- estimateIR(IRdata, method="QL") @ \printbibliography \end{document}