--- title: "The permutation group: active and passive permutations, and the order of operations" author: "Robin K. S. Hankin" output: html_vignette bibliography: permutations.bib link-citations: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{order of operations} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r out.width='20%', out.extra='style="float:right; padding:10px"',echo=FALSE} knitr::include_graphics(system.file("help/figures/permutations.png", package = "permutations")) ``` To cite the permutations package in publications, please use @hankin2020. When considering permutation groups, the order of operations can be confusing. Here I discuss active and passive transforms, order of operations, prefix and postfix notation, and associativity from the perspective of the `permutations` R package. * An **active permutation** $\pi$ moves an object from place $i$ to place $\pi(i)$. Textbooks and undergraduate courses usually use this system, and is used above. * A **passive permutation** $\pi$ replaces an object in position $i$ by that in position $\pi(i)$. ## Introduction Consider the following package idiom: ```{r,label=setup,include=FALSE} library("permutations") library("magrittr") ``` ```{r,label=definea} a <- as.cycle("(145)(26)") a ``` Thus we can see that $a$ has a three-cycle $(145)$ and a two-cycle $(26)$. We can express $a$ in word form by changing the default print method which coerces to cycle form: ```{r setprintopts} options("print_word_as_cycle" = FALSE) (a <- as.word(a)) ``` showing that 3 is a fixed point (indicated with a dot). In matrix form we would have: \[ \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 1&2&3&4&5&6\\ 4&6&3&5&1&2 \end{array} \right) \] Expressed in functional notation, we have a function $a\colon [6]\rightarrow [6]$ (here $[n]=\left\{1,2,\ldots,n\right\}$); and we have $a(1)=4$, $a(2)=6$, $a(3)=3$, and so on. If these were objects, or people, we might want to keep track of where they are. We would say: "at the start, object $i$ sits in place $i$, $i\in[6]$. Then, after the move, object 1 is in place 5, object 2 in place 6, object 3 in place 3, and so on". This information is encapsulated by `as.word(a)`. In R matrix form we would have ```{r showactiveform} a_active <- rbind(1:6, as.word(a)) rownames(a_active) <- c("place before move", "place after move") a_active ``` (in the above R chunk, note how the top row is `1:6`. We give the objects persistent labels: each object is named according to the place it sits in, before any moving). On the other hand, we might be more interested in the *places*. We might want to know which object is sitting in place 4. We would say: "at the start, object $i$ sits in place $i$, $i\in[6]$. Then place 1 is occupied by object 4, place 2 occupied by object 5, and so on". This information is technically represented by permutation `a` but in an obscure form. To answer the question "which object is in place $i$?" in a convenient way, we need to rearrange the permutation: \[ \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 1&2&3&4&5&6\\ 4&6&3&5&1&2 \end{array} \right) {\mbox{swap rows}\atop\longrightarrow} \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 4&6&3&5&1&2\\ 1&2&3&4&5&6 \end{array} \right){\mbox{shuffle columns}\atop\longrightarrow} \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 1&2&3&4&5&6\\ 5&6&3&1&4&2 \end{array} \right) \] In the above, it is easy to see that the rearrangement of permutation is equivalent to taking a group-theoretic inverse: ```{r printinv} inverse(a) ``` (even now I find the R idiom for inversion to be unreasonably elegant: `a[a] <- seq_along(a)`). In R idiom, the two-row matrix form would use `inverse()`: ```{r invpassive} a_passive <- rbind(1:6, as.word(inverse(a))) rownames(a_passive) <- c("place after move", "place before move") a_passive ``` (in the above R chunk, note how the top row---the *place* an object sits in after the move, is `1:6`). Thus from the first column we see that the object currently in place 1 was originally in place 5. If the people subsequently move again, the mathematics and the R idiom depend on whether we are interested in people, or places. We need to specify use of *active* or *passive* transformations, much as in the Lorentz package. ## Composition of active permutations Suppose we have (active) permutation `a` as above, and another active permutation `b`: ```{r coercetoword} b <- as.word(c(5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1)) b ``` (note the three dots representing three fixed points of `b`). Note carefully that the operations $a$ and $b$ do not commute and we will discuss this in the context of active and passive transforms. What is the result of executing $a$, followed by $b$? Symbolically we have: \[ \overbrace{ \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 1&2&3&4&5&6\\ 4&6&3&5&1&2 \end{array} \right) }^{a} \circ \overbrace{ \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 1&2&3&4&5&6\\ 5&2&3&4&6&1\\ \end{array} \right) }^{b}= \overbrace{ \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 1&2&3&4&5&6\\ 4&1&3&6&5&2\\ \end{array} \right) }^{a\circ b} \] Thus, for example, $4{a\atop\longrightarrow}5\longrightarrow 6$. Considering the operation $a\circ b$, this means that we perform permutation `a` first, and then perform permutation `b`. Taking this one step at a time we would have, for example: "the person in place 4 (this is object 4) moves to place 5 (but is still object 4) $\ldots$ and then the object in place 5 (this is still object 4) moves to place 6". See how we track the object that started in place 4 (that is, object 4) over two permutations, and so overall object 4 ends up in place 6. We see this on the right hand side: the fourth column of $a\circ b$ is $\left(\begin{array}{c}4\\6\end{array}\right)$. If we execute `a` and then `b` using active language [explicitly: express `a` and `b` as active permutations, and express the result of performing `a` then `b` in active language], we can use standard permutation composition, in R idiom the `*` operator: ```{r staridiom} a * b ``` The `*` operator in R idiom is essentially carries out `b[a]` to evaluate `a*b` (which is why indexing starts at 1, not 0). Indeed we may verify that package idiom operates as expected: ```{r operatesasexp} as.vector(b)[as.vector(a)] ``` showing agreement. With functional notation (also known as prefix notation) we can ask what happens to the object originally in place 1 (that would be object 1) ```{r whathappenstoobject} fa <- as.function(a) fb <- as.function(b) fb(fa(1)) as.function(a * b)(1) # should match fb(fa(1)) ``` Note, however, the confusing order of operations: in functional notation, if we want to operate on an element $x$ by function $f$ and then by function $g$ we write $g(f(x))$ for the two successive mappings $x\longrightarrow f(x)\longrightarrow g(f(x))$. Postfix notation would denote the same process as $xfg$, as shorthand for $(xf)g$. In R idiom, this is implemented by the excellent `magrittr` package: ```{r usepipes} 1 %>% fa() %>% fb() # idiom for fb(fa(1)), should match result above ``` # Composition of passive permutations Now we consider operations `a` and `b` as discussed above. But this time we express the permutations, and their composition, in passive form, and this requires some modification. ```{r expresspass} a # word form a_active # matrix form (active); defined above a_passive # matrix form (passive); defined above ``` Now `b`, but we need to create equivalents `b_active` and `b_passive` which we do as before: ```{r asbefore, echo=TRUE} b_active <- rbind(1:6, as.word(b)) rownames(b_active) <- c("place before move", "place after move") b_passive <- rbind(1:6, as.word(inverse(b))) rownames(b_passive) <- c("place after move", "place before move") ``` ```{r showtwo} b b_active b_passive ``` (note again the relationship between `b_active` and `b_passive`). We want to perform `a` and then `b` as before, but this time we want to use matrices `a_passive` and `b_passive`: ```{r showanothertwo} a_passive b_passive ``` To work out the composition of `a_passive` and `b_passive` [explicitly: give the passive transform corresponding to performing `a_passive` first, and then `b_passive` second] we want a passive transformation, that is, a matrix with the same row labels as, say `a_passive` and first row `1:6`. Let us call the result of these two permutations `ab_passive`. Given that `ab_passive[1,1]=1`, we ask "what is `ab_passive[2,1]`? This is equivalent to asking, "we have just performed permutation `a` followed by `b`. The object currently in place 1: where was it before this composition of permutations?" To figure out which object is in place 1, we would look at `b_passive`, being the most recent operation. We would then look at the first column of `b_passive` and say that the object that was in place 6 was moved by `b_passive` to place 1. And then you would have to figure out which object was in place 6 before `b_passive` was executed. To answer *that*, you would look at `a_passive` and see, from column 6 of `a_passive` that the object in place 6 was moved from place 2 by `a`. Thus the passive transform `ab_passive` indicates that the object in place 1 after the move was in place 2 before the move. We would have $1\longrightarrow 6\longrightarrow 2$ where in this case "$\longrightarrow$" means "comes from". We can thus represent the passive transformation by `b_passive*a_passive`: see how the R idiom for permutation composition "`*`" is used in exactly the same way for active and passive permutations, but with a different meaning which requires us to reverse the order of permutations. To express the result, `ab_passive` in active language we need to take the group-theoretic inverse of the composition. Recalling that passive transforms are the group-theoretic inverses of the same active transformation, in algebraic notation we would have \[ \left(a^{-1}b^{-1}\right)^{-1}=ab;\qquad a^{-1}b^{-1}=\left(ab\right)^{-1} \] and in R idiom we would have ```{r inverseidiom} inverse(inverse(b) * inverse(a)) == a * b # both should be TRUE inverse(b) * inverse(a) == inverse(a * b) # note b precedes a on LHS ``` # Permutation matrices Now we will show how permutation matrices work and how they deal with active and passive language. ```{r geng} g <- as.cycle(c(1, 2, 6)) g ``` Then we can express `g` in terms of permutation matrices: ```{r pgperm} pg <- perm_matrix(g) pg ``` But it is convenient to relabel the rows and the columns: ```{r relabelconv} dimnames(pg) <- list(place_before_move = 1:6, place_after_move = 1:6) pg ``` Row `n` of matrix `pg` shows where the object that was in place `n` before the move ends up. Thus, looking at the top row (row 1), we see that the object that was in place 1 is now in place 2 [because the second column of row 1 is nonzero]. The second row (row 2) shows that the object that was in place 2 is now in place 6, the object that was in place 3 is now in place 6, and so on. This is active language. We can see that taking the transpose is equivalent to inverting the matrix: a permutation matrix is orthogonal. Now we can consider a second permutation `h` and convert it to matrix form: ```{r hinmatrix} h <- as.word(c(1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6)) h ph <- perm_matrix(h) dimnames(ph) <- list(place_before_move = 1:6, place_after_move = 1:6) ph ``` We now consider what happens with successive permutations, as above, but this time using permutation matrices. We will permute first with `g` and then with `h`, using matrix multiplication. ``` pg ph place_after_move place_after_move place_before_move 1 2 3 4 5 6 place_before_move 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 ``` (the above is hand-edited to put the matrices side-by-side for convenience). Composition of permutations is just matrix multiplication: ```{r ghmatmult} pg %*% ph ``` Thinking about the matrix multiplication, let us consider the top row of `pg`. This multiplies by each column of `ph` but the only nonzero term is with column 3 of `ph` which has row 2 nonzero. Thus `(pg%*%ph)[1,3]==1`. The process is, symbolically, $1\longrightarrow 2\longrightarrow 3$. ### Passive language for permutation matrices Alternatively, we could look at matrix `pg` in terms of columns. Column `n` of this matrix shows where the object that ended up in place `n` came from. Thus, looking at column 1, we see that the object that ended up in column 1 came from place 6, and the object that ended up in place 2 came from place 1, and so on. This is passive language. Thus the passive matrix is the *transpose* of the active matrix (we could see this by swapping the dimension names). Now we use the matrix rule \[ AB=(B'A')' \] to show that permutation matrix multiplication has to be in the opposite order for passive matrices. Of course, we could observe that permutation matrices are orthogonal and use \[ AB=\left(B^{-1}A^{-1}\right)^{-1} \] instead. Numerical verification using package idiom is straightforward. First we verify that permutation matrices are indeed orthogonal: ```{r label=firstactiveverif} pa_active <- perm_matrix(a) all(solve(pa_active) == t(pa_active)) ``` Now we verify that matrix multiplication of permutation matrices corresponds to active permutation composition: ```{r label=checkmatmulta} pb_active <- perm_matrix(b) all(perm_matrix(a*b) == pa_active %*% pb_active) ``` Finally, we verify that passive composition is reverse-order matrix multiplication: ```{r label=secondpassive} pa_passive <- perm_matrix(inverse(a)) pb_passive <- perm_matrix(inverse(b)) all(solve(perm_matrix(a * b)) == pb_passive %*% pa_passive) # note order of ops ``` Above we see numerical verification that the passive form of `a*b` (expressed as a permutation matrix) is equal to the matrix product of (passive) permutations `b` and `a` (expressed as permutation matrices). # References