## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## the default organism is "Homo_sapiens" # path_to_pin_file <- get_pin_file() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## retrieving PIN data for "Gallus_gallus" # path_to_pin_file <- get_pin_file(org = "Gallus_gallus") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## saving the "Homo_sapiens" PIN as "/path/to/PIN/file" # path_to_pin_file <- get_pin_file(path2pin = "/path/to/PIN/file") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## retrieving PIN data for "Mus_musculus" from BioGRID release 3.5.179 # path_to_pin_file <- get_pin_file( # org = "Mus_musculus", # release = "3.5.179" # ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## obtaining KEGG pathway gene sets for Rattus norvegicus (rno) # gsets_list <- get_gene_sets_list(org_code = "rno") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gsets_list <- get_gene_sets_list(source = "Reactome") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gsets_list <- get_gene_sets_list( # source = "MSigDB", # collection = "C2" # ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## obtaining C5 gene sets data for "Drosophila melanogaster" # gsets_list <- get_gene_sets_list( # source = "MSigDB", # species = "Drosophila melanogaster", # collection = "C5" # ) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- ## see msigdbr::msigdbr_species() for all available organisms msigdbr::msigdbr_species() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## obtaining C3 - MIR: microRNA targets # gsets_list <- get_gene_sets_list( # source = "MSigDB", # collection = "C3", # subcollection = "MIR" # )