title: "osmapiR"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
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```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
osmapiR can fetch and edit all kinds data associated with the [OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org) project.
This vignette shows samples of each data type and how to configure the connection to the servers.
Most of the functions have a `format` argument that allows to modify the result to get the raw xml or a JSON list. By
default, the results are data.frames. Check the documentation of each function for details.
## Setup
```{r setup}
For testing editions without breaking the OSM data, you can open and account and make calls to
# set_osmapi_connection(server = "testing") # lacks data for the following examples
To modify the default user agent of the requests (``r getOption("osmapir.user_agent")``), set the option `osmapir.user_agent`:
options(osmapir.user_agent = "my new user agent")
## Map objects
```{r osm objects}
## Download objects by bounding box
osm_objs <- osm_bbox_objects(
bbox = c(2.4166059, 42.5945594, 2.4176574, 42.5962101),
tags_in_columns = TRUE
## View the history of an object
sel <- osm_objs$`name:ca` %in% "Abadia de Sant Miquel de Cuixà"
obj <- osm_objs[sel, ]
obj_history <- osm_history_object(
osm_type = obj$osm_type, osm_id = obj$osm_id,
tags_in_columns = FALSE # tags in a list at column `tags`
# obj_history$tags # tags in list format
Notice the different formats to represent the tags controlled by the `tags_in_columns` argument. In `osm_objs`, every
tag is represented by a column in the data.frame (wide format), while in `obj_history` there is a `tag` column
containing a list of data.frames with `key` and `value` columns (list format). See `?tags_list2wide()` for details.
## Changesets
```{r changesets}
chsts <- osm_query_changesets(
bbox = c(-1.241112, 38.0294955, 8.4203171, 42.9186456),
user = "Mementomoristultus",
time = "2023-06-22T02:23:23Z",
time_2 = "2023-06-22T00:38:20Z"
osmchange <- osm_download_changeset(changeset_id = 137595351, format = "xml")
# Osmchange file compatible with JOSM and others:
# xml2::write_xml(osmchange, file = tempfile(fileext = ".osc"))
Similar to the map objects, changeset's data also have the tags as a list column that can be changed with
`tags_in_columns` argument.
## Notes
```{r notes}
notes <- osm_read_bbox_notes(bbox = "2.4166059,42.5945594,2.4176574,42.5962101", closed = -1)
# notes$comments
## GPX data
``` r
## Requires authentication
usr_traces <- osm_list_gpxs()
osm_get_gpx_metadata(gpx_id = 3790367)
#> id name uid user visibility pending timestamp
#> 1 3790367 Airoto_Marimanha.gpx 11725140 jmaspons public FALSE 2021-08-20 10:30:15
#> lat lon description tags
#> 1 42.69660229794681 1.0419843904674053 Airoto Marimanha Oriental 1 camp, a, través
pts <- osm_get_data_gpx(gpx_id = 3790367, format = "R")
#> lat lon ele time
#> 1 42.69660229794681 1.0419843904674053 2190.199951171875 2021-08-12 09:52:18
#> 2 42.69662777893245 1.04197240434587 2189 2021-08-12 09:52:24
#> 3 42.69664118997753 1.041965363547206 2188.39990234375 2021-08-12 09:52:25
#> 4 42.69665057770908 1.0419651120901108 2187.800048828125 2021-08-12 09:52:26
#> 5 42.696685614064336 1.0419511143118143 2186.800048828125 2021-08-12 09:52:29
#> 6 42.69673557020724 1.0419355239719152 2187 2021-08-12 09:52:34
```{r gpx}
gpx <- osm_get_points_gps(bbox = c(2.4166059, 42.5945594, 2.4176574, 42.5962101))
## Users
```{r users}
usrs <- osm_get_user_details(user_id = c(1, 24, 44, 45))