## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(20241018) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) K <- 10^5 ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(data.table) library(nhppp) ## ----pop---------------------------------------------------------------------- pop <- data.table( id = 1:K, birth_cohort = 2015, spawn_age = 40, max_simulation_age = 110, sex = sample(c("male", "female"), K, replace = TRUE) ) ## It would make sense to execute the commented-out code now. ## It generates model parameters used in later stages. ## For expository clarity, we generate each parameter when it is introduced # pop[, `:=`( # param_cancer_emergence_shape = runif(.N, 7, 9), # param_cancer_emergence_scale = rnorm(.N, 150, 20), # param_toxin_exposure_diff = pmax(0.005, rnorm(.N, 0.01, 0.005)), # param_cancer_death_intercept := rnorm(.N, -2, 0.5), # param_cancer_death_slope := runif(n= .N, min = 0, max = 0.003), # param_clinical_cancer_dx_rate := runif(.N, 0.20, 0.27) # )] ## ----rho---------------------------------------------------------------------- annual_mortality_rates_2015[ sex %in% c("male", "female"), c(1:5, 111:113) ] ## ----death_other_causes_intensity_matrix-------------------------------------- rhos <- annual_mortality_rates_2015[ pop, on = c("birth_cohort", "sex") ] setindex(rhos, "id") rho_matrix <- as.matrix(rhos[, c(paste0("age_", 0:109), "age_110+"), with = FALSE ]) rm(list = "rhos") # cleanup ## ----age_dead_other_causes---------------------------------------------------- pop[ , age_dead_from_other_causes := nhppp::vdraw_sc_step_regular( lambda_matrix = rho_matrix, rate_matrix_t_min = 0, rate_matrix_t_max = 110, t_min = pop$spawn_age, # 40 t_max = pop$max_simulation_age, # 110 atmost1 = TRUE, atleast1 = TRUE ) ] ## ----xi_params---------------------------------------------------------------- pop[, `:=`( exposure_start_age = max_simulation_age, exposure_stop_age = max_simulation_age, maximum_exposure = 0 )][ , will_start_exposure := runif(.N) < 0.20 ][ will_start_exposure == TRUE, will_stop_exposure := runif(.N) < 0.60 ][ will_start_exposure == TRUE, exposure_start_age := pmin(runif(.N, 12, 35), age_dead_from_other_causes) ][ will_stop_exposure == TRUE, exposure_stop_age := pmin( exposure_start_age + runif(.N, 1, 35), age_dead_from_other_causes ) ][ will_start_exposure == TRUE, maximum_exposure := runif(.N, 1 / 5, 1) ] # cleanup pop[, will_start_exposure := NULL][, will_stop_exposure := NULL] ## ----xi----------------------------------------------------------------------- xi <- toxin_exposure <- function(t, max_exposure, start_age, stop_age) { (start_age <= t) * (stop_age >= 1) * max_exposure * (1 / 2 + (cos(t / 2) + cos(0.9 * t / 2)) / 4) } ## ----params_cancer_generation------------------------------------------------- pop[, `:=`( param_cancer_emergence_shape = runif(.N, 7, 9), param_cancer_emergence_scale = rnorm(.N, 150, 20) )] ## ----delta_k------------------------------------------------------------------ pop[, param_toxin_exposure_diff := pmax(0, rnorm(.N, 0.01, 0.005))] ## ----cancer_generation-------------------------------------------------------- lambda <- function(t, P = pop, ...) { # non-risk factor part: shape / scale * (t/scale)^(shape - 1) (P$param_cancer_emergence_shape / P$param_cancer_emergence_scale) * (t / P$param_cancer_emergence_scale)^(P$param_cancer_emergence_shape - 1) + # risk factor (toxin exposure) part: delta_k * xi(t) P$param_toxin_exposure_diff * xi( t = t, max_exposure = P$maximum_exposure, start_age = P$exposure_start_age, stop_age = P$exposure_stop_age ) } ## ----time breaks-------------------------------------------------------------- # define interval bounds for the step function, one row per person M <- 10 time_breaks <- matrix( data = rep(x = seq(from = 40, to = 110, length.out = M + 1), each = K), byrow = FALSE, nrow = K ) time_breaks[1:3, ] ## ----lambda star-------------------------------------------------------------- lambda_star <- nhppp::get_step_majorizer( fun = lambda, breaks = time_breaks, is_monotone = FALSE, K = 1.9 / 4 # This is the maximum slope of xi() -- which you get with some calculus ) lambda_star[1:3, ] ## ----lambda------------------------------------------------------------------- pop[ , age_cancer_emergence := nhppp::vdraw_intensity( lambda = lambda, lambda_maj_matrix = lambda_star, rate_matrix_t_min = 40, rate_matrix_t_max = 110, t_min = pop$spawn_age, t_max = pmin(pop$age_dead_from_other_causes, 110, na.rm = TRUE), atmost1 = TRUE ) ][ , with_cancer := !is.na(age_cancer_emergence), ] ## ----params_cancer_death------------------------------------------------------ pop[, param_cancer_death_intercept := rnorm(.N, -3, 0.2)] pop[, param_cancer_death_slope := runif(.N, 0, 0.003)] ## ----Nu----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nu <- function(t, Lambda_args = list(population), ...) { P <- Lambda_args$population ( exp(P$param_cancer_death_intercept + P$param_cancer_death_slope * t) - exp(P$param_cancer_death_intercept) ) / P$param_cancer_death_slope } ## ----Nu_inv------------------------------------------------------------------- Nu_inv <- function(z, Lambda_inv_args = list(population), ...) { P <- Lambda_inv_args$population ( log(P$param_cancer_death_slope * z + exp(P$param_cancer_death_intercept)) - P$param_cancer_death_intercept ) / P$param_cancer_death_slope } ## ----age_dead_cancer_causes--------------------------------------------------- args_list <- list(population = pop[!is.na(age_cancer_emergence), ]) pop[ !is.na(age_cancer_emergence), age_dead_from_cancer_causes := nhppp::vdraw_cumulative_intensity( Lambda = Nu, Lambda_args = args_list, Lambda_inv = Nu_inv, Lambda_inv_args = args_list, t_min = pop[!is.na(age_cancer_emergence), age_cancer_emergence], t_max = pop[!is.na(age_cancer_emergence), age_dead_from_other_causes], atmost1 = TRUE ) ] rm(list = "args_list") # cleanup ## ----age_dead----------------------------------------------------------------- pop[ , age_dead := pmin(age_dead_from_other_causes, age_dead_from_cancer_causes, na.rm = TRUE ) ] ## ----param_cancer_dx_rates---------------------------------------------------- pop[ !is.na(age_cancer_emergence), param_clinical_cancer_dx_rate := runif(.N, 0.20, 0.27) ] ## ----rexp--------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Using rexp() tictoc::tic() pop[ !is.na(age_cancer_emergence), age_clinical_cancer_dx := age_cancer_emergence + rexp(.N, rate = param_clinical_cancer_dx_rate) ] pop[ age_clinical_cancer_dx >= age_dead, age_clinical_cancer_dx := NA ] tictoc::toc() ## ----cancer_dx_rates---------------------------------------------------------- tictoc::tic() mu_mat <- as.matrix(pop[ !is.na(age_cancer_emergence), param_clinical_cancer_dx_rate ]) pop[ !is.na(age_cancer_emergence), age_clinical_cancer_dx := nhppp::vdraw_sc_step_regular( lambda_matrix = mu_mat, rate_matrix_t_min = pop[!is.na(age_cancer_emergence), age_cancer_emergence], rate_matrix_t_max = pop[!is.na(age_cancer_emergence), age_dead], atmost1 = TRUE ) ] tictoc::toc() ## ----descriptives------------------------------------------------------------- # pop$age_cancer_emergence |> summary() summary(pop)