The metatest package fits meta regression models and computes various statistics to test the significance of the coefficients.

Changes in version 1.0-5
  o Added registration of S3 methods. 

Changes in version 1.0-4
  o Replaced calls to as.real (soon to be deprecated) by as.double. 

Changes in version 1.0-3
  o Fixed a bug in the degrees of freedom for the t-test (was n-1, now is 
		n-ncol(x), where x is the design matrix). Note that the Huizenga et al 
		paper also contains this error. 

Changes in version 1.0-2
  o Updated the reference to our paper which has appeared in the British 
    Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology.

Changes in version 1.0-1

  o Fixed a bug in the p-value of the test of the significance of the 
    likelihood ratio test of the between studies variance which is by
    default divided by 2 (as per Berkhof & Snijders, 2001), which led to 
    odd results (ie p-value of 0.5) when the ratio is zero. This has now 
    been set to the value of 1.

    Berkhof, J., Snijders, T. A. B. (2001). Variance Component Testing in
    Multilevel Models. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 
    26(2): 133-152. 
    Available at: 
    [Accessed January 19, 2011].

First version released on CRAN: 1.0-0