--- title: "memochange-Tutorial: Break in Persistence" author: "Janis Becker" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" bibliography: paper.bib biblio-style: "apalike" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{memochange-Tutorial: Break in Persistence} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` The `memochange` package can be used for two things: Checking for a break in persistence and checking for a change in mean. This vignette presents the functions related to a break in persistence. This includes `BP_estim`, `cusum_test`, `LBI_test`, `LKSN_test`, `MR_test`, `ratio_test`, and `pb_sim`. Before considering the usage of these functions, a brief literature review elaborates on their connection. ## Literature Review The degree of memory is an important determinant of the characteristics of a time series. For an $I(0)$, or short-memory, process (e.g., AR(1) or ARMA(1,1)), the impact of shocks is short-lived and dies out quickly. On the other hand, for an $I(1)$, or difference-stationary, process such as the random walk, shocks persist infinitely. Thus, any change in a variable will have an impact on all future realizations. For an $I(d)$, or long-memory, process with $0 10000) where the test statistic cannot be calculated due to computational singularity. In this case decreasing `z` can allow the test statistic to be calculated. This invalidates the critical values so that we would have to simulate them by setting `simu=1`. However, as our data set is rather small we can stick with the default of `z=9`. ```{r, echo = TRUE} ratio_test(x, type="HLT") ``` Again the test results suggests that there is a break from $I(0)$ to $I(1)$. Consequently, it is not a constant $I(1)$ process that led to a spurious rejection of the test by Busetti and Taylor (2004). Another test for a change in persistence is that by Martins and Rodrigues (2014). This is more general as it is not restricted to the $I(0)/I(1)$ framework, but can identify changes from $I(d_1)$ to $I(d_2)$ with $d_1 \neq d_2$ and $-1/2