## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) library(lme4breeding) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(DT_example) DT <- DT_example A <- A_example ans1 <- lmebreed(Yield~ (1|Name) + (1|Env) + (1|Env:Name) + (1|Env:Block), verbose = FALSE, data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(ans1); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) ve <- attr(VarCorr(ans1), "sc")^2 n.env <- length(levels(DT$Env)) H2=vc$Name / ( vc$Name + (vc$`Env:Name`/n.env) + (ve/(n.env*2)) ) H2 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(DT_cpdata) DT <- DT_cpdata GT <- GT_cpdata MP <- MP_cpdata #### create the variance-covariance matrix A <- A.mat(GT) # additive relationship matrix A <- A + diag(1e-4, ncol(A), ncol(A)) #### look at the data and fit the model head(DT) mix1 <- lmebreed(Yield~ (1|id) + (1|Rowf) + (1|Colf), relmat=list(id=A), control = lmerControl( check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" ),verbose = FALSE, data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(mix1); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) ve <- attr(VarCorr(mix1), "sc")^2 h2= vc$id / ( vc$id + ve ) as.numeric(h2) ## ----fig.show='hold'---------------------------------------------------------- data(DT_example) DT <- DT_example A <- A_example head(DT) ## Compound simmetry (CS) + Diagonal (DIAG) model Z <- with(DT, smm(Env)) csdiagFormula <- paste0( "Yield ~ Env + (", paste(colnames(Z), collapse = "+"), "|| Name)") for(i in 1:ncol(Z)){DT[,colnames(Z)[i]] <- Z[,i]} ansCSDG <- lmebreed(as.formula(csdiagFormula), relmat = list(Name = A ), verbose = FALSE, data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(ansCSDG); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(DT_cornhybrids) DT <- DT_cornhybrids DTi <- DTi_cornhybrids GT <- GT_cornhybrids modFD <- lmebreed(Yield~Location + (1|GCA1)+(1|GCA2)+(1|SCA), verbose = FALSE,data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(modFD); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) Vgca <- vc$GCA1 + vc$GCA2 Vsca <- vc$SCA Ve <- attr(vc, "sc")^2 Va = 4*Vgca Vd = 4*Vsca Vg <- Va + Vd (H2 <- Vg / (Vg + (Ve)) ) (h2 <- Va / (Vg + (Ve)) ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("DT_halfdiallel") DT <- DT_halfdiallel head(DT) DT$femalef <- as.factor(DT$female) DT$malef <- as.factor(DT$male) DT$genof <- as.factor(DT$geno) # overlay matrix to be added to the addmat argument Z <- with(DT, overlay(femalef,malef) ) # create inital values for incidence matrix but irrelevant # since these will be replaced by admat argument fema <- (rep(colnames(Z), nrow(DT)))[1:nrow(DT)] #### model using overlay without relationship matrix modh <- lmebreed(sugar ~ (1|genof) + (1|fema), addmat = list(fema=Z), verbose = FALSE, data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(modh); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) ve <- attr(vc, "sc")^2;ve ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data(DT_wheat) # DT <- DT_wheat # GT <- GT_wheat[,1:200] # colnames(DT) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(DT)) # DT <- as.data.frame(DT);DT$line <- as.factor(rownames(DT)) # # select environment 1 # rownames(GT) <- rownames(DT) # K <- A.mat(GT) # additive relationship matrix # colnames(K) <- rownames(K) <- rownames(DT) # # GBLUP pedigree-based approach # set.seed(12345) # y.trn <- DT # vv <- sample(rownames(DT),round(nrow(DT)/5)) # y.trn[vv,"X1"] <- NA # head(y.trn) # ## GBLUP # K <- K + diag(1e-4, ncol(K), ncol(K) ) # ans <- lmebreed(X1 ~ (1|line), # relmat = list(line=K), # control = lmerControl( # check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" # ), verbose = FALSE, # data=y.trn) # vc <- VarCorr(ans); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) # # # take a extended dataset and fit a dummy model # # just to get required matrices # y.tst <- y.trn; y.tst$X1 <- imputev(y.tst$X1) # ans2 <- update(ans, # start = getME(ans, "theta"), # data = y.tst, # control = lmerControl(check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore", # optCtrl = list(maxeval= 1), # calc.derivs = FALSE)) # # compute predictive ability # cor(ranef(ans2)$line[vv,],DT[vv,"X1"], use="complete") # # # other approach # # mme <- getMME(ans2, vc=vc, recordsToKeep = which(!is.na(y.trn$X1))) # # cor(mme$bu[vv,],DT[vv,"X1"], use="complete") # # ## rrBLUP # M <- tcrossprod(GT) # xx <- with(y.trn, redmm(x=line, M=M, nPC=100, returnLam = TRUE)) # custom <- (rep(colnames(Z), nrow(DT)))[1:nrow(DT)] # ansRRBLUP <- lmebreed(X1 ~ (1|custom), verbose = FALSE, # addmat = list(custom=Z), # data=y.trn) # re <- ranef(ansRRBLUP)$custom # u = tcrossprod(xx$Lam, t(as.matrix( re[colnames(xx$Lam),] ) )) # cor(u[vv,],DT[vv,"X1"], use="complete") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data(DT_ige) # DT <- DT_ige # A_ige <- A_ige + diag(1e-4, ncol(A_ige), ncol(A_ige) ) # # Define 2 dummy variables to make a fake covariance # # for two different random effects # DT$fn <- DT$nn <- 1 # # Create the incidence matrix for the first random effect # Zf <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix( ~ focal-1, data=DT ) # colnames(Zf) <- gsub("focal","", colnames(Zf)) # # Create the incidence matrix for the second random effect # Zn <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix( ~ neighbour-1, data=DT ) # colnames(Zn) <- gsub("neighbour","", colnames(Zn)) # # Make inital values for incidence matrix but irrelevant # # since these will be replaced by the addmat argument # both <- (rep(colnames(Zf), nrow(DT)))[1:nrow(DT)] # # Fit the model # modIGE <- lmebreed(trait ~ block + (0+fn+nn|both), # addmat = list(both=list(Zf,Zn)), # relmat = list(both=A_ige), # verbose = FALSE, data = DT) # vc <- VarCorr(modIGE); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) # blups <- ranef(modIGE) # pairs(blups$both) # cov2cor(vc$both) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data(DT_technow) # DT <- DT_technow # Md <- (Md_technow*2) - 1 # Mf <- (Mf_technow*2) - 1 # Ad <- A.mat(Md) # Af <- A.mat(Mf) # Ad <- Ad + diag(1e-4, ncol(Ad), ncol(Ad)) # Af <- Af + diag(1e-4, ncol(Af), ncol(Af)) # # simulate some missing hybrids to predict # y.trn <- DT # vv1 <- which(!is.na(DT$GY)) # vv2 <- sample(DT[vv1,"hy"], 100) # y.trn[which(y.trn$hy %in% vv2),"GY"] <- NA # ans2 <- lmebreed(GY ~ (1|dent) + (1|flint), # relmat = list(dent=Ad, # flint=Af), # verbose = FALSE, data=y.trn) # vc <- VarCorr(ans2); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) # # # take a extended dataset and fit a dummy model # # just to get required matrices # y.tst <- y.trn; y.tst$GY <- imputev(y.tst$GY) # ans2p <- update(ans2, # start = getME(ans2, "theta"), # data = y.tst, # control = lmerControl(check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore", # optCtrl = list(maxeval= 1), # calc.derivs = FALSE)) # # re <- ranef(ans2p) # # Pdent <- as.matrix(re$dent[,1,drop=FALSE]) %*% Matrix(1, ncol=nrow(re$flint), nrow=1) # Pflint <- as.matrix(re$flint[,1,drop=FALSE]) %*% Matrix(1, ncol=nrow(re$dent), nrow=1) # P <- Pdent + t(Pflint); colnames(P) <- rownames(re$flint) # # preds <- real <- numeric() # for(iHyb in vv2){ # parents <- strsplit(iHyb,":")[[1]] # preds[iHyb] <- P[which(rownames(P) %in% parents),which(colnames(P) %in% parents)] # real[iHyb] <- DT[which(DT$hy == iHyb),"GY"] # } # plot(preds, real) # cor(preds, real) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(DT_cpdata) DT <- DT_cpdata # add the units column DT$units <- as.factor(1:nrow(DT)) # get spatial incidence matrix Zs <- with(DT, tps(Row, Col))$All rownames(Zs) <- DT$units # reduce the matrix to its PCs Z = with(DT, redmm(x=units, M=Zs, nPC=100)) # create dummy variable spatial <- (rep(colnames(Z), nrow(DT)))[1:nrow(DT)] # fit model mix1 <- lmebreed(Yield~ (1|Rowf) + (1|Colf) + (1|spatial), addmat =list(spatial=Z), control = lmerControl( check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" ), verbose = FALSE, data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(mix1); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data(DT_cpdata) # DT <- DT_cpdata # GT <- GT_cpdata # MP <- MP_cpdata # #### create the variance-covariance matrix # A <- A.mat(GT) # additive relationship matrix # A <- A + diag(1e-4, ncol(A), ncol(A)) # #### look at the data and fit the model # head(DT) # DT2 <- stackTrait(data=DT, traits = c("Yield","color")) # head(DT2$long) # # mix1 <- lmebreed(valueS~ (0+trait|id), # relmat=list(id=A), # control = lmerControl( # check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" # ), verbose = FALSE, # data=DT2$long) # vc <- VarCorr(mix1); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cov2cor(vc$id) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data("DT_cpdata") # DT <- as.data.frame(DT_cpdata) # M <- GT_cpdata # # ################ # # PARTITIONED GBLUP MODEL # ################ # # MMT <-tcrossprod(M) ## MM' = additive relationship matrix # MMTinv<-solve(MMT) ## inverse # MTMMTinv<-t(M)%*%MMTinv # M' %*% (M'M)- # # mix.part <- lmebreed(color ~ (1|id), # relmat = list(id=MMT), # control = lmerControl( # check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" # ), verbose = FALSE, # data=DT) # # #convert BLUPs to marker effects me=M'(M'M)- u # re <- ranef(mix.part)$id # me.part<-MTMMTinv[,rownames(re)]%*%matrix(re[,1],ncol=1) # plot(me.part) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # data("DT_wheat") # rownames(GT_wheat) <- rownames(DT_wheat) # G <- A.mat(GT_wheat) # Y <- data.frame(DT_wheat) # # # make the decomposition # UD<-eigen(G) # get the decomposition: G = UDU' # U<-UD$vectors # D<-diag(UD$values)# This will be our new 'relationship-matrix' # rownames(D) <- colnames(D) <- rownames(G) # X<-model.matrix(~1, data=Y) # here: only one fixed effect (intercept) # UX<-t(U)%*%X # premultiply X and y by U' # UY <- t(U) %*% as.matrix(Y) # multivariate # # # dataset for decomposed model # DTd<-data.frame(id = rownames(G) ,UY, UX =UX[,1]) # DTd$id<-as.character(DTd$id) # head(DTd) # # modeld <- lmebreed(X1~ UX + (1|id), # relmat=list(id=D), # control = lmerControl( # check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" # ), verbose = FALSE, # data=DTd) # vc <- VarCorr(modeld); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) # # # dataset for normal model # DTn<-data.frame(id = rownames(G) , DT_wheat) # DTn$id<-as.character(DTn$id) # # modeln <- lmebreed(X1~ (1|id), # relmat=list(id=G), # control = lmerControl( # check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" # ), verbose = FALSE, # data=DTn) # # ## compare regular and transformed blups # red <- ranef(modeld)$id # ren <- ranef(modeln)$id # plot(x=(solve(t(U)))%*% red[colnames(D),], # y=ren[colnames(D),], # xlab="UDU blup", ylab="blup") # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(DT_expdesigns) DT <- DT_expdesigns$car1 DT <- aggregate(yield~set+male+female+rep, data=DT, FUN = mean) DT$setf <- as.factor(DT$set) DT$repf <- as.factor(DT$rep) DT$malef <- as.factor(DT$male) DT$femalef <- as.factor(DT$female) #levelplot(yield~male*female|set, data=DT, main="NC design I") ############################## ## Expected Mean Square method ############################## mix1 <- lm(yield~ setf + setf:repf + femalef:malef:setf + malef:setf, data=DT) MS <- anova(mix1); MS ms1 <- MS["setf:malef","Mean Sq"] ms2 <- MS["setf:femalef:malef","Mean Sq"] mse <- MS["Residuals","Mean Sq"] nrep=2 nfem=2 Vfm <- (ms2-mse)/nrep Vm <- (ms1-ms2)/(nrep*nfem) ## Calculate Va and Vd Va=4*Vm # assuming no inbreeding (4/(1+F)) Vd=4*(Vfm-Vm) # assuming no inbreeding(4/(1+F)^2) Vg=c(Va,Vd); names(Vg) <- c("Va","Vd"); Vg ############################## ## REML method ############################## mix2 <- lmebreed(yield~ setf + setf:repf + (1|femalef:malef:setf) + (1|malef:setf), verbose = FALSE, data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(mix2); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) Vfm <- vc$`femalef:malef:setf` Vm <- vc$`malef:setf` ## Calculate Va and Vd Va=4*Vm # assuming no inbreeding (4/(1+F)) Vd=4*(Vfm-Vm) # assuming no inbreeding(4/(1+F)^2) Vg=c(Va,Vd); names(Vg) <- c("Va","Vd"); Vg ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DT <- DT_expdesigns$car2 DT <- aggregate(yield~set+male+female+rep, data=DT, FUN = mean) DT$setf <- as.factor(DT$set) DT$repf <- as.factor(DT$rep) DT$malef <- as.factor(DT$male) DT$femalef <- as.factor(DT$female) #levelplot(yield~male*female|set, data=DT, main="NC desing II") head(DT) N=with(DT,table(female, male, set)) nmale=length(which(N[1,,1] > 0)) nfemale=length(which(N[,1,1] > 0)) nrep=table(N[,,1]) nrep=as.numeric(names(nrep[which(names(nrep) !=0)])) ############################## ## Expected Mean Square method ############################## mix1 <- lm(yield~ setf + setf:repf + femalef:malef:setf + malef:setf + femalef:setf, data=DT) MS <- anova(mix1); MS ms1 <- MS["setf:malef","Mean Sq"] ms2 <- MS["setf:femalef","Mean Sq"] ms3 <- MS["setf:femalef:malef","Mean Sq"] mse <- MS["Residuals","Mean Sq"] nrep=length(unique(DT$rep)) nfem=length(unique(DT$female)) nmal=length(unique(DT$male)) Vfm <- (ms3-mse)/nrep; Vf <- (ms2-ms3)/(nrep*nmale); Vm <- (ms1-ms3)/(nrep*nfemale); Va=4*Vm; # assuming no inbreeding (4/(1+F)) Va=4*Vf; # assuming no inbreeding (4/(1+F)) Vd=4*(Vfm); # assuming no inbreeding(4/(1+F)^2) Vg=c(Va,Vd); names(Vg) <- c("Va","Vd"); Vg ############################## ## REML method ############################## mix2 <- lmebreed(yield~ setf + setf:repf + (1|femalef:malef:setf) + (1|malef:setf) + (1|femalef:setf), verbose = FALSE, data=DT) vc <- VarCorr(mix2); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) Vfm <- vc$`femalef:malef:setf` Vm <- vc$`malef:setf` Vf <- vc$`femalef:setf` Va=4*Vm; # assuming no inbreeding (4/(1+F)) Va=4*Vf; # assuming no inbreeding (4/(1+F)) Vd=4*(Vfm); # assuming no inbreeding(4/(1+F)^2) Vg=c(Va,Vd); names(Vg) <- c("Va","Vd"); Vg ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(DT_cpdata) DT <- DT_cpdata GT <- GT_cpdata#[,1:200] MP <- MP_cpdata M<- GT n <- nrow(DT) # to be used for degrees of freedom k <- 1 # to be used for degrees of freedom (number of levels in fixed effects) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ########################### # #### GWAS by GBLUP approach # ########################### # MMT <-tcrossprod(M) ## MM' = additive relationship matrix # MMT <- MMT + diag(1e-4, ncol(MMT), ncol(MMT) ) # MMTinv<-solve( MMT ) ## inverse # MTMMTinv<-t(M)%*%MMTinv # M' %*% (M'M)- # # mix.part <- lmebreed(color ~ (1|id) + (1|Rowf) + (1|Colf), # relmat = list(id=MMT), # control = lmerControl( # check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", # check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore" # ), verbose = FALSE, # data=DT) # vc <- VarCorr(mix.part); print(vc,comp=c("Variance")) # mme <- getMME(object=mix.part) # #convert BLUPs to marker effects me=M'(M'M)- u # re <- ranef(mix.part)$id # a.from.g<-MTMMTinv[,rownames(re)]%*%matrix(re[,1],ncol=1) # var.g <- kronecker(MMT[rownames(re),rownames(re)],vc$id) - # mme$Ci[rownames(re),rownames(re) ] # var.a.from.g <- t(M)%*%MMTinv[,rownames(re)]%*% (var.g) %*% t(MMTinv[,rownames(re)])%*%M # se.a.from.g <- sqrt(diag(var.a.from.g)) # t.stat.from.g <- a.from.g/se.a.from.g # t-statistic # pvalGBLUP <- dt(t.stat.from.g,df=n-k-1) # -log10(pval) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot(-log(pvalGBLUP), main="GWAS by GBLUP")