## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------ library(lifeR) ## ----install-cran, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------- # install.packages("lifeR") ## ----install-github, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # install.packages("remotes") # remotes::install_github(repo = "jcoliver/lifeR") ## ----install-vignette, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------- # remotes::install_github(repo = "jcoliver/lifeR", build_vignettes = TRUE) ## ----example-1, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # library(lifeR) # # To use the sample list included in this package # list_file <- system.file("extdata", "example-list.csv", package = "lifeR") # # # If you have your list file downloaded, replace the line above with one that # # indicates the location of your list file, e.g. # # list_file <- "~/Desktop/ebird_world_year_2021_list.csv" # # # Read the list of species into memory # user_list <- read.csv(file = list_file) # # # Extract the common names of species from your list # my_species <- user_list$Common.Name # # # Read in eBird API key from a text file; replace the argument to file with # # the actual location of your eBird key file # key <- scan(file = "ebird-api-key.txt", what = "character") # # # A single center requires vector of coordinates # # Change these, unless you really want to go birding near McCall, Idaho # locs <- c(45, -116) # SitesReport(centers = locs, # ebird_key = key, # species_seen = my_species) ## ----current-species, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # my_species <- user_list$Common ## ----older-species, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # my_species <- SplitNames(x = user_list$Species)$Common ## ----example-2, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # For more than one location, centers can be a matrix or a data frame, here # # we use a matrix of two sites # loc_mat <- matrix(data = c(39.5, -118.8, 39, -119.1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) # # # Instead of default "Center 1" and "Center 2", we can use custom names # loc_names <- c("Fallon", "Yerington") # # # Sites report now uses loc_names in the output # SitesReport(centers = loc_mat, # ebird_key = key, # species_seen = my_species, # center_names = loc_names) ## ----example-3, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # loc_df <- data.frame(latitude = c(39.5, 39, 40), # longitude = c(-118.8, -119.1, -118.6)) # loc_names <- c("Fallon", "Yerington", "Humbolt Wildlife") # # # We can set the area to search by passing values to the dist argument # SitesReport(centers = loc_df, # ebird_key = key, # dist = 25, # species_seen = my_species, # center_names = loc_names, # report_filename = "Nevada-sites", # report_dir = "~/Desktop") # Saves report to desktop