data.table::setDTthreads(2) litedown::reactor(error = TRUE, message = TRUE, print = NA, fig.dim = c(8, 5)) library(incidence2) # linelist from the simulated ebola outbreak (removing some missing entries) ebola <- subset(outbreaks::ebola_sim_clean$linelist ,! str(ebola) (daily_incidence <- incidence(ebola, date_index = "date_of_onset")) plot(daily_incidence) (weekly_incidence <- ebola |> mutate(date_of_onset = as_isoweek(date_of_onset)) |> incidence(date_index = "date_of_onset")) plot(weekly_incidence, border_colour = "white") (dat <- incidence(ebola, date_index = "date_of_onset", interval = "isoweek")) # check equivalent identical(dat, weekly_incidence) (weekly_incidence_gender <- incidence( ebola, date_index = "date_of_onset", groups = "gender", interval = "isoweek" )) plot(weekly_incidence_gender, border_colour = "white", angle = 45) plot(weekly_incidence_gender, border_colour = "white", angle = 45, fill = "gender") (weekly_multi_dates <- incidence( ebola, date_index = c( onset = "date_of_onset", infection = "date_of_infection" ), interval = "isoweek", groups = "gender" )) summary(weekly_multi_dates) plot(weekly_multi_dates, angle = 45, border_colour = "white") plot(weekly_multi_dates, angle = 45, border_colour = "white", fill = "count_variable") covid <- subset( covidregionaldataUK, !region %in% c("England", "Scotland", "Northern Ireland", "Wales") ) str(covid) monthly_covid <- incidence( covid, date_index = "date", groups = "region", counts = "cases_new", interval = "yearmonth" ) monthly_covid (monthly_covid <- covid |> tidyr::replace_na(list(cases_new = 0)) |> incidence( date_index = "date", groups = "region", counts = "cases_new", interval = "yearmonth" )) plot(monthly_covid, nrow = 3, angle = 45, border_colour = "white") dat <- ebola[160:180, ] (small <- incidence( dat, date_index = "date_of_onset", date_names_to = "date" )) plot(small, show_cases = TRUE, angle = 45, n_breaks = 10) (small_gender <- incidence( dat, date_index = "date_of_onset", groups = "gender", date_names_to = "date" )) plot(small_gender, show_cases = TRUE, angle = 45, n_breaks = 10, fill = "gender") # generate an incidence object with 3 groups (x <- incidence_( ebola, date_index = date_of_onset, groups = c(gender, hospital, outcome), interval = "isoweek" )) # regroup to just two groups regroup_(x, c(gender, outcome)) # standard (non-tidy-select) version regroup(x, c("gender", "outcome")) # drop all groups regroup(x) dat <- data.frame( dates = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-04")), gender = c("male", "female") ) (incidence <- incidence_(dat, date_index = dates, groups = gender)) complete_dates(incidence) weekly_incidence <- incidence_( ebola, date_index = date_of_onset, groups = hospital, interval = "isoweek" ) keep_first(weekly_incidence, 3) keep_last(weekly_incidence, 3) keep_peaks(weekly_incidence) influenza <- incidence_( outbreaks::fluH7N9_china_2013, date_index = date_of_onset, groups = province ) # across provinces (we suspend progress bar for markdown) estimate_peak(influenza, progress = FALSE) |> select(-count_variable) # regrouping for overall peak plot(regroup(influenza)) estimate_peak(regroup(influenza), progress = FALSE) |> select(-count_variable) # return the first peak of the grouped and ungrouped data first_peak(influenza) first_peak(regroup(influenza)) # bootstrap a single sample bootstrap_incidence(influenza) (y <- cumulate(weekly_incidence)) plot(y, angle = 45, nrow = 3) # create a weekly incidence object weekly_incidence <- incidence_( ebola, date_index = date_of_onset, groups = c(gender, hospital), interval = "isoweek" ) # filtering preserves class weekly_incidence |> subset(gender == "f" & hospital == "Rokupa Hospital") |> class() class(weekly_incidence[c(1L, 3L, 5L), ]) # Adding columns preserve class weekly_incidence$future <- weekly_incidence$date_index + 999L class(weekly_incidence) weekly_incidence |> mutate(past = date_index - 999L) |> class() # rename preserve class names(weekly_incidence)[names(weekly_incidence) == "date_index"] <- "isoweek" str(weekly_incidence) # select returns a tibble unless all date, count and group variables are # preserved in the output str(weekly_incidence[,-1L]) str(weekly_incidence[, -6L]) # duplicating rows will drop the class but only if duplicate rows class(rbind(weekly_incidence, weekly_incidence)) class(rbind(weekly_incidence[1:5, ], weekly_incidence[6:10, ])) # the name of the date_index variable of x get_date_index_name(weekly_incidence) # alias for `get_date_index_name()` get_dates_name(weekly_incidence) # the name of the count variable of x get_count_variable_name(weekly_incidence) # the name of the count value of x get_count_value_name(weekly_incidence) # the name(s) of the group variable(s) of x get_group_names(weekly_incidence) # the date_index variable of x str(get_date_index(weekly_incidence)) # alias for get_date_index str(get_dates(weekly_incidence)) # the count variable of x str(get_count_variable(weekly_incidence)) # the count value of x str(get_count_value(weekly_incidence)) # list of the group variable(s) of x str(get_groups(weekly_incidence)) # first twenty weeks of the ebola data set across hospitals dat <- incidence_(ebola, date_of_onset, groups = hospital, interval = "isoweek") dat <- keep_first(dat, 20L) # fit a poisson model to the grouped data (fitted <- dat |> nest(.key = "data") |> mutate( model = lapply( data, function(x) glm(count ~ date_index, data = x, family = poisson) ) )) # Add confidence intervals to the result (intervals <- fitted |> mutate(result = Map( function(data, model) { data |> ciTools::add_ci( model, alpha = 0.05, names = c("lower_ci", "upper_ci") ) |> as_tibble() }, data, model )) |> select(hospital, result) |> unnest(result)) # plot plot(dat, angle = 45) + ggplot2::geom_line( ggplot2::aes(date_index, y = pred), data = intervals, inherit.aes = FALSE ) + ggplot2::geom_ribbon( ggplot2::aes(date_index, ymin = lower_ci, ymax = upper_ci), alpha = 0.2, data = intervals, inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = "#BBB67E" ) weekly_incidence |> regroup_(hospital) |> mutate(rolling_average = data.table::frollmean(count, n = 3L, align = "right")) |> plot(border_colour = "white", angle = 45) + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = date_index, y = rolling_average))