version 1.8 - added missing line 5: s_j=0 from Algorithm 3 in Meijer, Krebs, Goeman (2018) to adjustedElementary() - added authors@R version 1.7 - discoveries() now simply returns m-h when called on the full set - concentration now outputs p, z or u, as desired - Biometrika reference updated version 1.6 - replaced input p-value subset of findDiscoveries function with index set - fixed incorrect calculation of tdp and fdp if ix was logical version 1.5 - replaced recursive Find function by more stable iterative one version 1.4 - repaired localtest in case of ties or large tdp version 1.3 - added incremental option to discoveries - replaced old linearithmic algorithm with linear version as published in Biometrical Journal - updated references version 1.2 - local test function now has option tdp version 1.1 - added check to discoveries and localtest in case of empty selection - added check to discoveries and localtest in case of invalid selection - fixed bug with category=0 if h=0