The geojsonR package includes functions for
processing GeoJson
objects relying on RFC 7946. The
geojson encoding is based on json11, a tiny JSON library
for C++11. Furthermore, the source code is exported in R through the
Rcpp and RcppArmadillo packages. More details on the
functionality of geojsonR can be found in the blog-post
and in the package Vignette.
To install the package from CRAN use,
and to download the latest version from Github use the
install_github function of the remotes package,
Use the following link to report bugs/issues,
If you use the code of this repository in your paper or research
please cite both geojsonR and the original
articles / software
= {{geojsonR}: A GeoJson Processing Toolkit},
title = {Lampros Mouselimis},
author = {2021},
year = {R package version 1.1.2},
note = {},
url }