###################################################################### # News: to package distrTeach ###################################################################### (first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the distrXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends" information) ############## v 2.9.2 ############## under the hood: + adapted reference output for new startupmsg + transformed CITATION file to new format, i.e., bibentry() instead of citEntry(), c(as.person( .... ), as.person( .... ), ...), instead of as.personList(....) ############## v 2.9.0 ############## user-visible CHANGES: + new S4 method for plotting summand distributions of class "UnivariateDistribution" (i.e., covering, e.g., mixtures of discrete and abs. cont distributions) -> then only the cdfs for different numbers of summands are plotted under the hood: + converted encoding to UTF-8 ############## v 2.8 ############## user-visible CHANGES: + DESCRIPTION tag SVNRevision changed to VCS/SVNRevision + removed our coauthor Anja Hueller's mail address from the package help page, as this address was no longer valid + fixed some broken URLs and changed URLs from http to https where possible ############## v 2.7 ############## user-visible CHANGES: + fixed some URLs in https style under the hood: + wherever possible also use q.l internally instead of q to provide functionality in IRKernel ############## v 2.6 ############## user-visible CHANGES: + title changed to title style / capitalization + added reference to JSS-paper in help to IllustCLT under the hood: + removed ::: internal dependencies (within distr-Fam of pkgs) by copying respective routines + enhanced imports in DESCRIPTION by explicating second order imports ############## v 2.5 ############## user-visible CHANGES: GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS: + cleaned DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file as to Imports/Depends under the hood: + added .Rbuildignore BUGFIXES ############## v 2.4 ############## under the hood: + removed lazyload tag in DESCRIPTION + added DESCRIPTION tag "ByteCompile" to all our packages + updating maintainer email address and URL. + added argument no.readonly = TRUE to assignments of form opar <- par() + deleted no longer needed chm folders ############## v 2.3 ############## No extra changes this time + DESCRIPTION files and package-help files gain a tag SVNRevision to be filled by get[All]RevNr.R from utils in distr ############## v 2.2 ############## user-visible CHANGES: + included options("device.ask.default"=FALSE) in demos to avoid the need to press a button between frames in the "movie" GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS: + added tests/Examples folder with file distrTeach-Ex.Rout.save to have some automatic testing + added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files in order to avoid problems with e.g. Windows locale when svn replaces $LastChangedDate + added TOBEDONE (sic!) files for each package (by accident also in trunc; these are empty so far) ############## v 2.1 ############## * Rd-style: + several buglets detected with the fuzzier checking mechanism cf [Rd] More intensive checking of R help files, Prof Brian Ripley, 09.01.2009 10:25) [Rd] Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe? , Prof Brian Ripley, ############## v 2.0.3 ############## * under the hood: + enhanced plotting (correct dispatch; opening of new device is controlled by option("newDevice") ) + after JMC's changes: gone through setIs relations to ensure "correct" inheritance * moved license to LGPL-3 * thanks to a hint by Anja Hueller, discovered a buglet in the demos of distrTeach; ############## v 2.0 ############## * created new package 'distrTeach' (version to be consistent with distrXXX family) * moved teaching functions 'illustrateLLN()', 'illustrateCLT[.tcl]' from package 'distrEx' to this new package