###################################################################### # News: to package distrEllipse ###################################################################### (first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the distrXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends" information) ############## v 2.8.4 ############## under the hood: + adapted reference output for new startupmsg + converted encoding to UTF-8 + transformed CITATION file to new format, i.e., bibentry() instead of citEntry(), c(as.person( .... ), as.person( .... ), ...), instead of as.personList(....) ############## v 2.8.3 ############## under the hood: with the help of K. Hornik identified spurious, platform dependent LF/CR issue and capsulated calls to infoShow() in Rd files by ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END ############## v 2.8 ############## user-visible CHANGES: + DESCRIPTION tag SVNRevision changed to VCS/SVNRevision + E methods for MultivarMixingDistribution gain argument diagnostic (like E()-methods in distrEx v 2.8.0) under the hood: + now specified that we want to use distr::solve + E methods for MultivarMixingDistribution use filtering of dots arguments (like E()-methods in distrEx v 2.8.0) + E methods for MultivarMixingDistribution if (diagnostic==TRUE) return diagnostic attributes of S3 class "DiagnosticClass" + fixed some broken URLs and changed URLs from http to https where possible ############## v 2.7 ############## user-visible CHANGES: defunct: + plot.rd, r.rd, d.rd, p.rd, and q.rd are replaced by plotRd, rRd, dRd, pRd, and qRd (to avoid clashes with S3 inheritance) under the hood: + wherever possible also use q.l internally instead of q to provide functionality in IRKernel ############## v 2.6 ############## user-visible CHANGES: + title changed to title style / capitalization + new synonyma plotRd, rRd, dRd, pRd, and qRd for plot.rd, r.rd, d.rd, p.rd, and q.rd to substitute the old ones on the long run (to avoid clashes with S3 inheritance) deprecated: + plot.rd, r.rd, d.rd, p.rd, and q.rd will soon be replaced by the upper aliases under the hood: + removed ::: internal dependencies (within distr-Fam of pkgs) by copying respective routines + fixed E and var methods for MultivarMixingDistribution + enhanced imports in DESCRIPTION by explicating second order imports ############## v 2.5 ############## user-visible CHANGES: GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS: + cleaned DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file as to Imports/Depends under the hood: + added .Rbuildignore + used some recently exported routines which had been internal so far to avoid calls by ::: BUGFIXES + fixed some links in html-man pages ############## v 2.4 ############## under the hood + removed lazyload tag in DESCRIPTION + added DESCRIPTION tag "ByteCompile" to all our packages + updating maintainer email address and URL. + added argument no.readonly = TRUE to assignments of form opar <- par() + deleted no longer needed chm folders ############## v 2.3 ############## No extra changes this time + DESCRIPTION files and package-help files gain a tag SVNRevision to be filled by get[All]RevNr.R from utils in distr ############## v 2.2 ############## * created new package to cover Elliptical Symmetric Distributions GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS: + added tests/Examples folder with file distrEllipse-Ex.Rout.save to have some automatic testing + added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files in order to avoid problems with e.g. Windows locale when svn replaces $LastChangedDate + added TOBEDONE (sic!) files for each package (by accident also in trunc; these are empty so far)