1.11 * nrep in coneB reset as the minimum of n^2 and 1000 * update 'a' again according to 'h' if nrep == the upper limit of iterations to the avoid size mismatch problem * sm reset to be 1e-5 * add a line to set check = 1 in coneB if any edge in delta is chosen; otherwise set check = 0 * change 'equal' to be in check_irred * set addrownums = FALSE in order to avoid row name errors in check_irred * scale b2 by length in while loop of coneB 1.13 * change & to be && change | to be || with () to pass Gcc test 1.15 * tail(., addrownums = FALSE) is deprecated. Use tail(., keepnums = FALSE) instead. 1.16 * update the eight shape constraint subroutines such that they are the same as those used in cgam 1.17 * add mixture variance-covariance matrix in constreg, c.i. for bhat, c.i. for fhat, a summary method, and a vcov method for this. 1.18 * change nrep to be n in coneBCpp, coneACpp, etc. * change solve to be solve(xmat * xmat.t(), xmat * ny, arma::solve_opts::fast) 1.19 * return pmat in coneA 1.20 * fix the error in the description of coneA: face is for polar cone. * not use arma::solve_opts::fast, which is not stable