colourvision v2.1.0
- Changed how receptor noise is calculated when noise=FALSE to avoid
misspecification by users (relevant for the RNLmodel and RNLthres
functions). Now the n values are divided by their maximum before further
- Updated the vignette presentation.
- Updated deprecated rgl functions.
- Added a function to calculate Weber achromatic contrasts
colourvision v2.0.4
- Fixed a minor bug with ‘mar’ argument in the EMtetrahedron
- rgl package not mandatory for colourvision instalation.
colourvision v2.0.3
- Minor changes in description of functions and in package
- rgl package not mandatory for colourvision instalation.
colourvision v2.0.2
- Minor changes in description of functions and in package
colourvision v2.0.1
- Corrected minor typos in package vignette.
- Fixed minor bug in EMtriangle example (if condition of length
greater than one).
colourvision v2.0
- Updated colour_vision( ) function to incorporate receptor noise
- Updated colour_vision( ) and RNLmodel( ): new formula for
calculating colour locus coordinates based on receptor noise. RNLmodel(
) gives different colour locus coordinates than in v.1.1, but with
identical relative positions.
- colour_vision( ) vector matrix is now a column vector matrix instead
of a row vector matrix. 4.GENmodel( ). New function to generate
user-defined colour vision models. 5.RNLplot( ) and RNLplot3d( ). New
functions to plot RNLmodel outputs into a colour space. 6.deltaS( ). New
function to calculate a matrix of euclidean distances based on colour
vision model outputs. 7.radarplot( ). New function to plot quantum
catches and photoreceptor outputs into a radar plot.
8.RNLmodel(model=“log”, …) has been fixed. It now uses log(base=exp(1))
instead of log10.
colourvision v1.1
- Fixed a bug in RNLmodel that miscalculated deltaS values for animals
with > 4 photoreceptors types.
- Updated ‘colour_space’, ‘EMmodel’ and ‘EMtriangle’ to accommodate
vector matrices for colour spaces with a fixed edge length.
colourvision v1.0
- Colour vision models have been extended to accept any number of
photoreceptor types (>=2).
- Updated the trichromatic version of EMmodel, and the EMtriangle. The
colour space is now built with a vector length = 0.75 to match the
tetrahedron proposed by Endler and Mielke (2005). Doris Gomez derived a
trichromatic version which is available in software AVICOL, and was
previously implemented here (colouvision v0.1).
- New function ‘RNLthres’ for colour thresholds based on receptor
noise (Vorobyev and Osorio 1998).
- ‘RNLmodel’ has a new argument (‘R2’) to be compared against R1
values (former ‘R’ argument).
- Updated photon catch (‘Q’) calculation to give correct values when
interval != 1. This change does not affect model results.
- ‘noise_e’ function has been updated.
- ‘CTTKhexagon’ and ‘EMtriangle’ are more flexible, and allow other
arguments to be passed to the ‘plot’ function.
- ‘CTTKhexagon3D’ and ‘EMtetrahedron’ are more flexible, and allow
other arguments to be passed to the ‘plot3d’ function.
- Fixed a bug in ‘photor’ when using ‘’.
- Added ‘methods’ to ‘plot’ and ‘plot3d’ generics.