--- title: "collapse Documentation and Resources" author: "Sebastian Krantz" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{collapse Documentation and Resources} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- *collapse* is a C/C++ based package for data transformation and statistical computing in R. It's aims are: 1. To facilitate complex data transformation, exploration and computing tasks in R. 2. To help make R code fast, flexible, parsimonious and programmer friendly. Documentation comes in 6 different forms: ## Built-In Structured Documentation After installing *collapse*, you can call `help("collapse-documentation")` which will produce a central help page providing a broad overview of the entire functionality of the package, including direct links to all function documentation pages and links to 13 further topical documentation pages (names in `.COLLAPSE_TOPICS`) describing how clusters of related functions work together. Thus *collapse* comes with a fully structured hierarchical documentation which you can browse within R - and that provides everything necessary to fully understand the package. The Documentation is also available [online](). The package page under `help("collapse-package")` provides some general information about the package and its design philosophy, as well as a compact set of examples covering important functionality. Reading `help("collapse-package")` and `help("collapse-documentation")` is the most comprehensive way to get acquainted with the package. `help("collapse-documentation")` is always the most up-to-date resource. ## Cheatsheet An up-to-date (v2.0) [cheatsheet]() compactly summarizes the package. ## Article on arXiv An [article](https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.05038) on *collapse* (v2.0.10) has been submitted to the [Journal of Statistical Software](https://www.jstatsoft.org/) in March 2024. ## useR 2022 Presentation and Slides I have presented collapse (v1.8) in some level of detail at useR 2022. A 2h video recording that provides a quite comprehensive introduction is available [here](). The corresponding slides are available [here](). ## Vignettes Updated vignettes are * [***collapse* for *tidyverse* Users**](): A quick introduction to *collapse* for *tidyverse* users * [***collapse* and *sf***](): Shows how collapse can be used to efficiently manipulate *sf* data frames * [***collapse*'s Handling of R Objects**](): A quick view behind the scenes of class-agnostic R programming * [**Developing with *collapse***](): How to write efficient statistical packages using R and *collapse* The other vignettes (only available [online]()) do not cover major features introduced in versions >= 1.7, but contain much useful information and examples: * [**Introduction to *collapse* **](): Introduces key features in a structured way * [***collapse* and *dplyr* **](): Demonstrates the integration of collapse with *dplyr* / *tidyverse* workflows and associated performance improvements * [***collapse* and *plm***](): Demonstrates the integration of collapse with *plm* and shows examples of efficient programming with panel data * [***collapse* and *data.table***](): Shows how collapse and *data.table* may be used together in a harmonious way ## Blog I maintain a [blog]() linked to [Rbloggers.com]() where I introduced *collapse* with some compact posts covering central functionality. Among these, the post about [programming with *collapse*]() is useful for developers.