title: "User Guide"
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{User Guide}
```{css echo=FALSE}
img {
border: 0px !important;
margin: 2em 2em 2em 2em !important;
code {
border: 0px !important;
```{r echo=FALSE, results="hide"}
cache = FALSE,
echo = TRUE,
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
options(clustermq.scheduler = "local")
## Installation
Install the `clustermq` package in R from CRAN. This will automatically detect
if [ZeroMQ](https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq) is installed and otherwise use
the bundled library:
```{r eval=FALSE}
# Recommended:
# If your system has `libzmq` installed but you want to enable the worker
# crash monitor, set the environment variable below to use the bundled
# `libzmq` library with the required feature (`-DZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API=1`):
Alternatively you can use the `remotes` package to install directly from
Github. Note that this version needs `autoconf`/`automake` and `CMake` for
```{r eval=FALSE}
# install.packages('remotes')
# remotes::install_github("mschubert/clustermq@develop") # dev version
In the [`develop`](https://github.com/mschubert/clustermq/tree/develop) branch,
we will introduce code changes and new features. These may contain bugs, poor
documentation, or other inconveniences. This branch may not install at times.
However, [feedback is very
For any installation issues please see the
## Configuration
An HPC cluster's scheduler ensures that computing jobs are distributed to
available worker nodes. Hence, this is what `clustermq` interfaces with in
order to do computations.
By default, we will take whichever scheduler we find and fall back on local
processing. This will work in most, but not all cases. You may need to
configure your scheduler.
### Setting up the scheduler {#scheduler-setup}
To set up a scheduler explicitly, see the following links:
* [SLURM](#slurm) - *should work without setup*
* [LSF](#lsf) - *should work without setup*
* [SGE](#sge) - *may require configuration*
* [PBS](#pbs)/[Torque](#torque) - *needs* `options(clustermq.scheduler="PBS"/"Torque")`
* you can suggest another scheduler by [opening an
You may in addition need to activate [compute environments or
containers](#environments) if your shell (_e.g._ `~/.bashrc`) does not do this
Check the
[FAQ](https://mschubert.github.io/clustermq/articles/faq.html) if your
job submission/call to `Q` errors or gets stuck.
### Local parallelization
While this is not the main focus of the package, you can use it to parallelize
function calls locally on multiple cores or processes. This can also be useful
to test your code on a subset of the data before submitting it to a scheduler.
* Multiprocess (*recommended*) - Use the `callr` package to run and manage
multiple parallel R processes with `options(clustermq.scheduler="multiprocess")`
* Multicore - Uses the `parallel` package to fork the current R process into
multiple threads with `options(clustermq.scheduler="multicore")`. This
sometimes causes problems (macOS, RStudio) and is not available on Windows.
### SSH connector
There are reasons why you might prefer to not to work on the computing cluster
directly but rather on your local machine instead.
[RStudio](https://posit.co/products/open-source/rstudio/) is an excellent local
IDE, it's more responsive than and feature-rich than browser-based solutions
([RStudio server](https://posit.co/products/open-source/rstudio-server/),
[Project Jupyter](https://jupyter.org/)), and it avoids X forwarding issues
when you want to look at plots you just made.
Using this setup, however, you lost access to the computing cluster. Instead,
you had to copy your data there, and then submit individual scripts as jobs,
aggregating the data in the end again. `clustermq` is trying to solve this by
providing a transparent SSH interface.
In order to use `clustermq` from your local machine, the package needs to be
installed on both there and on the computing cluster. On the computing cluster,
[set up your scheduler](#scheduler-setup) and make sure `clustermq` runs there
without problems. Note that the *remote scheduler* can not be `LOCAL` (default
if no HPC scheduler found) or `SSH` for this to work.
```{r eval=FALSE}
# If this is set to 'LOCAL' or 'SSH' you will get the following error:
# Expected PROXY_READY, received ‘PROXY_ERROR: Remote SSH QSys is not allowed’
clustermq.scheduler = "multiprocess" # or multicore, LSF, SGE, Slurm etc.
On your *local machine*, add the following options:
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.scheduler = "ssh",
clustermq.ssh.host = "user@host", # use your user and host, obviously
clustermq.ssh.log = "~/cmq_ssh.log" # log for easier debugging
We recommend that you [set up SSH keys](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-ssh-key-based-authentication-on-a-linux-server) for password-less login.
## Usage
### The `Q` function
The following arguments are supported by `Q`:
* `fun` - The function to call. This needs to be self-sufficient (because it
will not have access to the `master` environment)
* `...` - All iterated arguments passed to the function. If there is more than
one, all of them need to be named
* `const` - A named list of non-iterated arguments passed to `fun`
* `export` - A named list of objects to export to the worker environment
Behavior can further be fine-tuned using the options below:
* `fail_on_error` - Whether to stop if one of the calls returns an error
* `seed` - A common seed that is combined with job number for reproducible results
* `memory` - Amount of memory to request for the job (`bsub -M`)
* `n_jobs` - Number of jobs to submit for all the function calls
* `job_size` - Number of function calls per job. If used in combination with
`n_jobs` the latter will be overall limit
* `chunk_size` - How many calls a worker should process before reporting back
to the master. Default: every worker will report back 100 times total
The full documentation is available by typing `?Q`.
### Examples
The package is designed to distribute arbitrary function calls on HPC worker
nodes. There are, however, a couple of caveats to observe as the R session
running on a worker does not share your local memory.
The simplest example is to a function call that is completely self-sufficient,
and there is one argument (`x`) that we iterate through:
fx = function(x) x * 2
Q(fx, x=1:3, n_jobs=1)
Non-iterated arguments are supported by the `const` argument:
fx = function(x, y) x * 2 + y
Q(fx, x=1:3, const=list(y=10), n_jobs=1)
If a function relies on objects in its environment that are not passed as
arguments (including other functions), they can be exported using the `export` argument:
fx = function(x) x * 2 + y
Q(fx, x=1:3, export=list(y=10), n_jobs=1)
If we want to use a package function we need to load it on the worker using the
`pkgs` parameter, or referencing it with `package_name::`:
f1 = function(x) splitIndices(x, 3)
Q(f1, x=3, n_jobs=1, pkgs="parallel")
f2 = function(x) parallel::splitIndices(x, 3)
Q(f2, x=8, n_jobs=1)
# Q(f1, x=5, n_jobs=1)
# (Error #1) could not find function "splitIndices"
### As parallel `foreach` backend
The [`foreach`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=foreach) package provides an
interface to perform repeated tasks on different backends. While it can perform
the function of simple loops using `%do%`:
foreach(i=1:3) %do% sqrt(i)
it can also perform these operations in parallel using `%dopar%`:
foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
The latter allows registering different handlers for parallel execution, where
we can use `clustermq`:
# set up the scheduler first, otherwise this will run sequentially
# this accepts same arguments as `Q`
clustermq::register_dopar_cmq(n_jobs=2, memory=1024)
# this will be executed as jobs
foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
As [BiocParallel](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/BiocParallel.html)
supports `foreach` too, this means we can run all packages that use `BiocParallel`
on the cluster as well via `DoparParam`.
```{r eval=FALSE}
# the number of jobs is ignored here since we're using the LOCAL scheduler
clustermq::register_dopar_cmq(n_jobs=2, memory=1024)
bplapply(1:3, sqrt)
### With `targets`
The [`targets`](https://github.com/ropensci/targets) package enables users to
define a dependency structure of different function calls, and only evaluate
them if the underlying data changed.
> The `targets` package is a [Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/)-like
> pipeline tool for statistics and data science in R. The package skips costly
> runtime for tasks that are already up to date, orchestrates the necessary
> computation with implicit parallel computing, and abstracts files as R
> objects. If all the current output matches the current upstream code and
> data, then the whole pipeline is up to date, and the results are more
> trustworthy than otherwise.
It can use `clustermq` to [perform calculations as
## Options
The various configurable options are mentioned throughout the documentation,
where applicable, however, we list all of the options here for reference.
Options can be set by including a call to `options( = )` in your
current session or added as a line to your `~/.Rprofile`. The former will only
be available in your active session, while the latter will be available any
time after you restart R.
* `clustermq.scheduler` - One of the supported
[`clustermq` schedulers](#configuration); options are `"LOCAL"`,
`"multiprocess"`, `"multicore"`, `"lsf"`, `"sge"`, `"slurm"`, `"pbs"`,
`"Torque"`, or `"ssh"` (default is the HPC scheduler found in `$PATH`,
otherwise `"LOCAL"`)
* `clustermq.host` - The name of the node or device for constructing the
`ZeroMQ` host address (default is `Sys.info()["nodename"]`)
* `clustermq.ports` - A port range used by `clustermq` to initiate connections.
(default: `6000:9999`) Important: This option - when used with the ssh
connector - must be set as an option on the remote host.
* `clustermq.ssh.host` - The user name and host for
[connecting to the HPC via SSH](#ssh-connector) (e.g. `user@host`); we
recommend setting up SSH keys for password-less login
* `clustermq.ssh.log` - Path for a file (on the SSH host) that will be created
and populated with logging information regarding the SSH connection
(e.g. `"~/cmq_ssh.log"`); helpful for debugging purposes
* `clustermq.ssh.timeout` - The amount of time to wait (in seconds) for a SSH
start-up connection before timing out (default is `10` seconds)
* `clustermq.ssh.hpc_fwd_port` - Port that will be opened for SSH reverse
tunneling between the workers on the HPC and a local session.
Can also be specified as a port range that clustermq will sample from.
(default: one integer randomly sampled from the range between 50000 and
* `clustermq.worker.timeout` - The amount of time to wait (in seconds) for
master-worker communication before timing out (default is to wait
* `clustermq.template` - Path to a [template file](#scheduler-templates) for
submitting HPC jobs; only necessary if using your own template, otherwise
the default template will be used (default depends on set or inferred
* `clustermq.data.warning` - The threshold for the size of the common data (in
Mb) before `clustermq` throws a warning (default is `1000`)
* `clustermq.defaults` - A named-list of default values for the HPC template;
this takes precedence over defaults specified in the template file
(default is an empty list)
## Debugging workers
Function calls evaluated by workers are wrapped in event handlers, which means
that even if a call evaluation throws an error, this should be reported back to
the main R session.
However, there are reasons why workers might crash, and in which case they can
not report back. These include:
* A segfault in a low-level process
* Process kill due to resource constraints (e.g. walltime)
* Reaching the wait timeout without any signal from the master process
* Probably others
In this case, it is useful to have the worker(s) create a log file that will
also include events that are not reported back. It can be requested using:
```{r eval=FALSE}
Q(..., log_worker=TRUE)
This will create a file called *-.log* in your current
working directory, irrespective of which scheduler you use.
You can customize the file name using
```{r eval=FALSE}
Q(..., template=list(log_file = ))
Note that in this case `log_file` is a template field of your scheduler script,
and hence needs to be present there in order for this to work. The default
templates all have this field included.
In order to log each worker separately, some schedulers support wildcards in
their log file names. For instance:
* Multicore/Multiprocess: `log_file="/path/to.file.%i"`
* SGE: `log_file="/path/to.file.$TASK_ID"`
* LSF: `log_file="/path/to.file.%I"`
* Slurm: `log_file="/path/to.file.%a"`
* PBS: `log_file="/path/to.file.$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX"`
* Torque: `log_file="/path/to.file.$PBS_ARRAYID"`
Your scheduler documentation will have more details about the available
When reporting a bug that includes worker crashes, please always include a log
## Environments
In some cases, it may be necessary to activate a specific computing environment
on the scheduler jobs prior to starting up the worker. This can be, for
instance, because *R* was only installed in a specific environment or
Examples for such environments or containers are:
* [Bash module](https://modules.sourceforge.net/) environments
* [Conda](https://conda.io/) environments
* [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)/[Singularity](https://singularity.lbl.gov/) containers
It should be possible to activate them in the job submission script (i.e., the
template file). This is widely untested, but would look the following for the
[LSF](#lsf) scheduler (analogous for others):
```{sh eval=FALSE}
#BSUB-J {{ job_name }}[1-{{ n_jobs }}] # name of the job / array jobs
#BSUB-o {{ log_file | /dev/null }} # stdout + stderr
#BSUB-M {{ memory | 4096 }} # Memory requirements in Mbytes
#BSUB-R rusage[mem={{ memory | 4096 }}] # Memory requirements in Mbytes
##BSUB-q default # name of the queue (uncomment)
##BSUB-W {{ walltime | 6:00 }} # walltime (uncomment)
module load {{ bashenv | default_bash_env }}
# or: source activate {{ conda | default_conda_env_name }}
# or: your environment activation command
ulimit -v $(( 1024 * {{ memory | 4096 }} ))
CMQ_AUTH={{ auth }} R --no-save --no-restore -e 'clustermq:::worker("{{ master }}")'
This template still needs to be filled, so in the above example you need to
pass either
```{r eval=FALSE}
Q(..., template=list(bashenv="my environment name"))
or set it via an option:
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.defaults = list(bashenv="my default env")
## Scheduler templates
The package provides its own default scheduler templates, similar to the ones
listed below. Which template is used is decided based on which scheduler
submission executable is present in the user's `$PATH`, e.g. `sbatch` for SLURM
or `bsub` for LSF. `qsub` is ambiguous between SGE and PBS/Torque, so in this
case `options(clustermq.scheduler = "")` should be set to the correct one.
A user can provide their own template file via `options(clustermq.template =
"")`, containing arbitrary template values `{{ value | default }}`. These
values will be filled upon job submission in the following order of priority:
1. The argument provided to `Q(..., template=list(key = value))` or
`workers(... template=list(key = value))`
2. The value of `getOption("clustermq.defaults")`
3. The default value inside the template
### LSF
Set the following options in your _R_ session that will submit jobs:
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.scheduler = "lsf",
clustermq.template = "/path/to/file/below" # if using your own template
To supply your own template, save the contents below with any desired changes
to a file and have `clustermq.template` point to it.
```{sh eval=FALSE}
#BSUB-J {{ job_name }}[1-{{ n_jobs }}] # name of the job / array jobs
#BSUB-n {{ cores | 1 }} # number of cores to use per job
#BSUB-o {{ log_file | /dev/null }} # stdout + stderr; %I for array index
#BSUB-M {{ memory | 4096 }} # Memory requirements in Mbytes
#BSUB-R rusage[mem={{ memory | 4096 }}] # Memory requirements in Mbytes
##BSUB-q default # name of the queue (uncomment)
##BSUB-W {{ walltime | 6:00 }} # walltime (uncomment)
ulimit -v $(( 1024 * {{ memory | 4096 }} ))
CMQ_AUTH={{ auth }} R --no-save --no-restore -e 'clustermq:::worker("{{ master }}")'
In this file, `#BSUB-*` defines command-line arguments to the `bsub` program.
* Memory: defined by `BSUB-M` and `BSUB-R`. Check your local setup if the
memory values supplied are MiB or KiB, default is `4096` if not requesting
memory when calling `Q()`
* Queue: `BSUB-q default`. Use the queue with name *default*. This will most
likely not exist on your system, so choose the right name and uncomment by
removing the additional `#`
* Walltime: `BSUB-W {{ walltime }}`. Set the maximum time a job is allowed to
run before being killed. The default here is to disable this line. If you
enable it, enter a fixed value or pass the `walltime` argument to each
function call. The way it is written, it will use 6 hours if no arguemnt is
* For other options, see [the LSF
and add them via `#BSUB-*` (where `*` represents the argument)
* Do not change the identifiers in curly braces (`{{ ... }}`), as they are used
to fill in the right variables
Once this is done, the package will use your settings and no longer warn you of
the missing options.
### SGE
Set the following options in your _R_ session that will submit jobs:
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.scheduler = "sge",
clustermq.template = "/path/to/file/below" # if using your own template
To supply your own template, save the contents below with any desired changes
to a file and have `clustermq.template` point to it.
```{sh eval=FALSE}
#$ -N {{ job_name }} # job name
##$ -q default # submit to queue named "default"
#$ -j y # combine stdout/error in one file
#$ -o {{ log_file | /dev/null }} # output file
#$ -cwd # use pwd as work dir
#$ -V # use environment variable
#$ -t 1-{{ n_jobs }} # submit jobs as array
#$ -pe smp {{ cores | 1 }} # number of cores to use per job
#$ -l m_mem_free={{ memory | 1073741824 }} # 1 Gb in bytes
ulimit -v $(( 1024 * {{ memory | 4096 }} ))
CMQ_AUTH={{ auth }} R --no-save --no-restore -e 'clustermq:::worker("{{ master }}")'
In this file, `#$-*` defines command-line arguments to the `qsub` program.
* Queue: `$ -q default`. Use the queue with name *default*. This will most
likely not exist on your system, so choose the right name and uncomment by
removing the additional `#`
* For other options, see [the SGE
documentation](https://gridscheduler.sourceforge.net/htmlman/manuals.html). Do
not change the identifiers in curly braces (`{{ ... }}`), as they are used to
fill in the right variables.
Once this is done, the package will use your settings and no longer warn you of
the missing options.
Set the following options in your _R_ session that will submit jobs:
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.scheduler = "slurm",
clustermq.template = "/path/to/file/below" # if using your own template
To supply your own template, save the contents below with any desired changes
to a file and have `clustermq.template` point to it.
```{sh eval=FALSE}
#SBATCH --job-name={{ job_name }}
##SBATCH --partition=default
#SBATCH --output={{ log_file | /dev/null }}
#SBATCH --error={{ log_file | /dev/null }}
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu={{ memory | 4096 }}
#SBATCH --array=1-{{ n_jobs }}
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={{ cores | 1 }}
ulimit -v $(( 1024 * {{ memory | 4096 }} ))
CMQ_AUTH={{ auth }} R --no-save --no-restore -e 'clustermq:::worker("{{ master }}")'
In this file, `#SBATCH` defines command-line arguments to the `sbatch` program.
* Partition: `SBATCH --partition default`. Use the queue with name *default*.
This will most likely not exist on your system, so choose the right name and
uncomment by removing the additional `#`
* For other options, see [the SLURM
documentation](https://slurm.schedmd.com/sbatch.html). Do not change the
identifiers in curly braces (`{{ ... }}`), as they are used to fill in the
right variables.
Once this is done, the package will use your settings and no longer warn you of
the missing options.
### PBS
Set the following options in your _R_ session that will submit jobs:
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.scheduler = "pbs",
clustermq.template = "/path/to/file/below" # if using your own template
To supply your own template, save the contents below with any desired changes
to a file and have `clustermq.template` point to it.
```{sh eval=FALSE}
#PBS -N {{ job_name }}
#PBS -J 1-{{ n_jobs }}
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus={{ cores | 1 }}:mpiprocs={{ cores | 1 }}:mem={{ memory | 4096 }}MB
#PBS -l walltime={{ walltime | 12:00:00 }}
#PBS -o {{ log_file | /dev/null }}
#PBS -j oe
##PBS -q default
ulimit -v $(( 1024 * {{ memory | 4096 }} ))
CMQ_AUTH={{ auth }} R --no-save --no-restore -e 'clustermq:::worker("{{ master }}")'
In this file, `#PBS-*` defines command-line arguments to the `qsub` program.
* Queue: `#PBS-q default`. Use the queue with name *default*. This will most
likely not exist on your system, so choose the right name and uncomment by
removing the additional `#`
* For other options, see the PBS documentation. Do not change the identifiers
in curly braces (`{{ ... }}`), as they are used to fill in the right
Once this is done, the package will use your settings and no longer warn you of
the missing options.
### Torque
Set the following options in your _R_ session that will submit jobs:
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.scheduler = "Torque",
clustermq.template = "/path/to/file/below" # if using your own template
To supply your own template, save the contents below with any desired changes
to a file and have `clustermq.template` point to it.
```{sh eval=FALSE}
#PBS -N {{ job_name }}
#PBS -l nodes={{ n_jobs }}:ppn={{ cores | 1 }},walltime={{ walltime | 12:00:00 }}
#PBS -o {{ log_file | /dev/null }}
#PBS -j oe
##PBS -q default
ulimit -v $(( 1024 * {{ memory | 4096 }} ))
CMQ_AUTH={{ auth }} R --no-save --no-restore -e 'clustermq:::worker("{{ master }}")'
In this file, `#PBS-*` defines command-line arguments to the `qsub` program.
* Queue: `#PBS-q default`. Use the queue with name *default*. This will most
likely not exist on your system, so choose the right name and uncomment by
removing the additional `#`
* For other options, see the Torque documentation. Do not change the
identifiers in curly braces (`{{ ... }}`), as they are used to fill in the
right variables.
Once this is done, the package will use your settings and no longer warn you of
the missing options.
### SSH {#ssh-template}
While SSH is not a scheduler, we can access remote schedulers via SSH. If you
want to use it, first make sure that `clustermq` works on your server with the
real scheduler. Only then move on to setting up SSH.
```{r eval=FALSE}
clustermq.scheduler = "ssh",
clustermq.ssh.host = "myhost", # set this up in your local ~/.ssh/config
clustermq.ssh.log = "~/ssh_proxy.log", # log file on your HPC
clustermq.ssh.timeout = 30, # if changing default connection timeout
clustermq.template = "/path/to/file/below" # if using your own template
The default template is shown below. If `R` is not in your HPC `$PATH`, you may
need to specify its path or [load the required bash modules/conda
To supply your own template, save its contents with any desired changes to a
file _on your local machine_ and have `clustermq.template` point to it.
```{sh eval=FALSE}
ssh -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -f
-R {{ ctl_port }}:localhost:{{ local_port }}
-R {{ job_port }}:localhost:{{ fwd_port }}
{{ ssh_host }}
"R --no-save --no-restore -e
'clustermq:::ssh_proxy(ctl={{ ctl_port }}, job={{ job_port }})'
> {{ ssh_log | /dev/null }} 2>&1"