# clickstream 1.3.3 (09/27/2023)

## Bug Fixes
* Problem when reading in a clickstream list without headers
* Problem when reading in a clickstream list where all clickstreams have exactly the same length

# clickstream 1.3.1 (01/30/2020)

## Bug Fixes
* Now importing package data.table instead of creating a dependence to it

## New Features
* New method for converting clickstreams into arules-transactions
* New method for converting character matrices and character dataframes into clickstreams

# clickstream 1.3.0 (12/14/2017)

## Bug Fixes
* Typo in method fitMarkovChain (thanks to KSTseng).
* Problem to compute absorbing probabilities in method fitMarkovChain (thanks to Theo van Kraay).
* Problem with special characters when fitting Markov chains.

## Changes
* It is now possible to hide transitions with a low probability in a graph plot of a MarkovChain object.

## New Features
* Methods for consensus clustering.
* Method for performing a chi-square test.

# clickstream 1.2.1 (05/18/2017)

## New Features
* Possibility to flip coordinates of heatmaps.
* Method as.ClickClust transforms a list of clickstreams into a ClickClust-object.

# clickstream 1.2.0 (04/10/2017)

## Bug Fixes
* Bug in predicting the next click. Absorption probabilities were not correct.

## New Features
* Method hmPlot for ploting heatmaps from transition probabilities or absorption probabilities.

# clickstream 1.1.9 (10/14/2016)

## Changes
* Reference to JSS article

# clickstream 1.1.8 (04/26/2016)

## Bug Fixes)
* Incorrect absorbing probabilities when predicting the next states of a given pattern and markov chain object when one of the next states is an absorbing state (thanks to Sebastian Lechner for reporting the bug).

# clickstream 1.1.7 (03/21/2016)

## Bug Fixes
* Compatibility problem with arules 1.4.0

# clickstream 1.1.6 (01/08/2016)

## Bug Fixes
* Citation file was using deprecated arguments.
* Incorrect start probabilities.
* Incorrect prediction of cluster assignment when clustering clickstreams with an order > 0.

# clickstream 1.1.5 (07/07/2015)

## Bug Fixes
* Compatibility problem with igraph 1.0.0

## New Features
* Possibility to estimate markov chains with linear programming (default).

# clickstream 1.1.4 (05/17/2015)

## Changes
* Speed of several functions (thanks to Dennis Bohle <dennis.bohle@project-collins.com> for contributing some ideas to improve the performance of the package)

## New Features
* Method for converting a Clickstreams-object to a data frame consisting of session-specific state frequencies.
* Method for converting a Clickstreams-object to an arules::transactions-object.

# clickstream 1.1.3 (01/06/2015)

## Bug Fixes
* NAs when reading large clickstream data.

# clickstream 1.1.2 (07/15/2014)

## Bug Fixes
* Deleted print-method for S4 classes.

## New Features
* Added the possibility to define the number of digits in a Markov-chain-plot.

# clickstream 1.1.1 (05/19/2014)

## Bug Fixes
* Bug in function clusterClickstreams with orders higher than the smallest clickstream

## New Features
* Improved summary of clickstream clusters.

# clickstream 1.1.0 (03/27/2014)

## Bug Fixes
* Wrong line breaks in readClickstreams.
* Wrong direction in MarkovChain plots.
* Wrong edge titles in MarkovChain plots.

## New Features
* Function for clustering lists of clickstreams.
* Functions for printing and summarizing clickstream clusters.
* Function for writing a clickstream list to file.
* Possibility to use absorbing probabilities for predicting next states.

# clickstream 1.0.0 (02/28/2014)

## New Features
* Reading clickstreams from file
* Fitting Markov Chains