bpp_1.0.6 --------------------------------- - Updated email. bpp_1.0.5 --------------------------------- - Added comment about difference between "Bayesian predictive power" and "assurance" to help file bpp. bpp_1.0.4 --------------------------------- - Corrected error in NormalNormalPosterior. Thanks to Joshua Bon for pointing this out. bpp_1.0.3 --------------------------------- - Corrected color error in basicPlot() for futility boundary. - Added wrapper functions for easier use for binary, continuous, and time-to-event endpoint. These functions are bpp_binary, bpp_continuous, bpp_t2e, bpp_1interim_binary, bpp_1interim_continuous, bpp_1interim_t2e. - Renamed datasigma --> interimSE, finalsigma --> finalSE. bpp_1.0.2 --------------------------------- - Minor updates, removed below option again. bpp_1.0.1 --------------------------------- - Extended some of the help files. - Added option "direction" to bpp, bpp_1interim, bpp_2interim. bpp_1.0.0 --------------------------------- - Initial version.