Version 1.5.0

* https is now the default for requests (Thanks to Hiroaki Yutani)
* UTF-8 page names and similar are properly handled (Thanks to Hiroaki Yutani)

Version 1.4.0

* `random_page` now allows you to return more than one page.
* `page_backlinks` does as well; thanks to Brock Tibert for the code.

* Vignette tweaks made
* Package-level documentation improved.

* "Depends" switched out for "Imports" to avoid annoying loading messages.

Version 1.3.0


* Various miscellaneous internal improvements.
* `limit` introduced as an argument to pages_in_category - thanks to Ben Marwick for finding the bug.
* `limit` introduced as an argument to page_links - thanks to Hui Li of the Universität Heidelberg for the initial report.

Version 1.2.0

*Random pages can now be retrieved with random_page
*pageID based querying is available
*Custom user

*Doc tweaks and some simplification of argument parsing around page_content and random_page
*Additional unit tests
*query() marked as exportable to allow simple third-party plugins into WikipediR

Version 1.0.1
* Roxygenised documentation, some R CHECK errors fixed.
* Test suite added for error handlers.

Version 1.0.0
* First release version
* Introduction of wiki_usercontribs, which retrieves recent contributions for a specified username
* Bugfixes to error handling routines
* Bugfix to problems around wiki_con, where species or commons users were unable to take advantage of CurlOpts.

Version 0.7.0

* wiki_page now returns the DOM of the relevant page, not the wikimarkup, in line with a suggestion from Scott Chamberlain. This should be parsable by the HTML tree parser in the XML package.

Version 0.6.3

* Standardisation and cleanup of error handlers, and the introduction of a single central LimitHandler.

Version 0.6.2

* Bug fix from Scott Chamberlain around wiki_page, switching the content type over to x-wikitext.
* Introduction of w_timeout as a field in the connector object; will be extended to other CURL options in time.

Version 0.6.1

* Support for Commons and Wikispecies
* Addition of wiki_recentchanges(), which allows a useR to query the recentchanges feed.

Version 0.5.1

* Format for wiki_revision changed from the (unacceptable-to-API) text/css to x/wikitext.
* Error handling improved to pass the full error explanation through to the user, in the case of API errors.