--- title: "Minimal Set of binnmu Packages" subtitle: "Combining the R and Debian package systems" author: "Dirk Eddelbuettel" date: "First version 2017-Jul-16; this version 2017-Aug-05" css: "water.css" --- ## Step 0: Problem Definition ### Upstream Change R 3.4.0, released in April, included the following paragraph in its NEWS file: * Packages which register native routines for .C or .Fortran need to be re-installed for this version (unless installed with R-devel SVN revision r72375 or later). This transition has no fallback behavior (as is more common with R changes) and requires a rebuild. Packages build under older R version still _load_ and function partially, but will be unable to access any native (_i.e._, compiled) routines. ### Impact For the Debian packages, this means that we need to consider the set of packages which - match `r-cran-*`, `r-bioc-*` and alike - contain compiled code (as R-only packages have no native routines) - use at least one `.C()` or `.Fortran()` (but _not_ `.Call()`) call - use (the hitherto optional) routine registration (so that the change in behaviour is noticible) - have _not yet_ been recompiled with R 3.4.0 or R 3.4.1 This note computes this set and provides the input for a [wanna-build](https://release.debian.org/wanna-build.txt) request. This version is updated version which reflects the fourth point above which was pointed out to me by Kurt Hornik after I shared the initial version with him. The point he raised ("does it use `R_registerRoutines` ?") is important and further reduces the effective set. ## Step 1: Reverse Dependencies of R ### Fresh Debian unstable session For this we drop into a clean Docker container running Debian unstable. Later, we will need the current sources of the [`RcppAPT`](https://github.com/eddelbuettel/rcppapt) package so we start from a local git directory: ```sh server> cd ~/git && docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/mnt debian:unstable ``` ### Update Debian Inside the Docker container, we update the package information and install what is needed to build [`RcppAPT`](https://github.com/eddelbuettel/rcppapt) for R. This includes Rcpp and `libapt-pkg-dev`. We also install the data.table package used for aggregating the (R and Debian) package data computed below. This step takes a short moment, with the exact time dependent on the network connection and other factors. ```sh docker> apt-get update docker> apt-get -y dist-upgrade docker> apt-get -y install r-cran-rcpp r-cran-data.table libapt-pkg-dev less docker> cd /mnt docker> R CMD INSTALL rcppapt/ # assuming we're above rcppapt ``` ### Launch R #### All Candidates Inside the same Docker session, we now launch R and run (almost all of) the remainder from R. ```r > library(RcppAPT) > library(data.table) > rd <- reverseDepends("r-base-core") # 516 x 2 > rd <- rd[grepl("^r-", rd[,1]), ] # 489 x 2 > rd <- rd[order(rd[,2]), ] > setDT(rd) ``` We use `RcppAPT` to compute the reverse depends of the main R package providing the R engine: `r-base-core`. Among those (currently) 516 packages are both other packages from the upstream source (`r-base*`, `r-doc*`) which we exclude first as well as other, non-R-package dependencies (such as `rpy2`) which we also exclude. This leaves 489 candidate packages out of the initial 514. The version field tells which r-base-core version was used to build the package---information we need per the setup described above. ```r > rd > rd package version 1: r-doc-pdf 2: r-doc-info 3: r-doc-html 4: r-base-html 5: r-other-rot --- 485: r-base-core-dbg 3.4.1-2 486: r-base 3.4.1-2 487: r-cran-mgcv 3.4.1-2 488: r-cran-boot 3.4.1-2 489: r-cran-car 3.4.1-2 > ``` Next we need to filter out two versions with unsortable (_i.e._,non-semantic) version numbers, and apply a logical filter depending on whether the package was built with R version 3.3.3 or earlier, indicating a possibe required rebuild. ```r > rd[ version=="3.0.0~20130330-1", version := ""] > rd[ version=="3.2.4-revised-1", version := ""] > rd[version!="", oldVersion := version <= package_version("3.3.3-1")] > rd[ is.na(oldVersion), oldVersion := FALSE] > rd[ !grepl("r-(doc|base)", package), ] package version oldVersion 1: r-other-rot FALSE 2: r-cran-epitools 3.0.0-2 TRUE 3: r-cran-combinat 3.0.0-2 TRUE 4: r-cran-gmaps TRUE 5: r-cran-wdi 3.0.1-6 TRUE --- 478: r-recommended 3.4.1-2 FALSE 479: r-mathlib 3.4.1-2 FALSE 480: r-cran-mgcv 3.4.1-2 FALSE 481: r-cran-boot 3.4.1-2 FALSE 482: r-cran-car 3.4.1-2 FALSE ``` To cover some corner case, we derive a `skip` field: ```r > rd[ version=="", skip:=TRUE ] > rd[ is.na(skip), skip:=FALSE] > rd[ skip==FALSE, ] package version oldVersion skip 1: r-cran-epitools 3.0.0-2 TRUE FALSE 2: r-cran-combinat 3.0.0-2 TRUE FALSE 3: r-cran-gmaps TRUE FALSE 4: r-cran-wdi 3.0.1-6 TRUE FALSE 5: r-cran-bitops 3.0.1-6 TRUE FALSE --- 480: r-base-core-dbg 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE 481: r-base 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE 482: r-cran-mgcv 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE 483: r-cran-boot 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE 484: r-cran-car 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE > ``` #### Compiled Packages Next, we find the actual dependencies of each of these packages by constructing a large regular expression which we feed into `RcppAPT::getDepends()` ```r > regexp <- paste(paste0("^", rd[skip==FALSE, package], "$"), collapse="|") > dep <- getDepends(regexp) > setDT(dep) > dep srcpkg deppkg cmpop version 1: r-bioc-hypergraph r-base-core 2 2: r-bioc-hypergraph r-api-3 0 (null) 3: r-bioc-hypergraph r-bioc-graph 0 (null) 4: r-bioc-hypergraph r-bioc-biocgenerics 0 (null) 5: r-bioc-hypergraph r-cran-runit 0 (null) --- 3744: r-cran-viridislite r-api-3 0 (null) 3745: r-cran-xtable r-base-core 2 3.2.5-1 3746: r-cran-xtable r-api-3 0 (null) 3747: r-cran-pkgkitten r-base-core 2 3.3.2-1 3748: r-cran-pkgkitten r-api-3 0 (null) > ``` Next we subset to those have `libc6` as a Depends, meaning they are compiled packages. This excludes all the R packages having only R code. ```r > comp <- dep[deppkg=="libc6"] # 242 > comp srcpkg deppkg cmpop version isCompiled 1: r-bioc-makecdfenv libc6 2 2.4 TRUE 2: r-cran-bio3d libc6 2 2.14 TRUE 3: r-bioc-rsamtools libc6 2 2.15 TRUE 4: r-cran-foreign libc6 2 2.14 TRUE 5: r-bioc-multtest libc6 2 2.14 TRUE --- 238: r-cran-nleqslv libc6 2 2.4 TRUE 239: r-other-amsmercury libc6 2 2.14 TRUE 240: r-cran-gnm libc6 2 2.4 TRUE 241: r-cran-gsl libc6 2 2.4 TRUE 242: r-cran-gss libc6 2 2.4 TRUE > ``` We are now getting closer. We set keys on the `data.table` objects, and then do an inner join: ```r > setkey(comp, srcpkg) > setkey(rd, package) > all <- rd[comp[, c(1,5)]] # inner join (by default on columns with keys) > all[order(version),] package version oldVersion skip isCompiled 1: r-cran-bitops 3.0.1-6 TRUE FALSE TRUE 2: r-cran-mnp 3.0.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 3: r-other-mott-happy.hbrem 3.0.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 4: r-cran-amore 3.1.0-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 5: r-cran-deal 3.1.0-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE --- 238: r-cran-rcpp 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE TRUE 239: r-cran-rmysql 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE TRUE 240: r-cran-rsymphony 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE TRUE 241: r-cran-ttr 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE TRUE 242: r-mathlib 3.4.1-2 FALSE FALSE TRUE > ``` We have 242 _potential_ rebuilds, down from 514 reverse depends at the outset. #### Version check Next, we can concentrate on those having been built with the older versions requiring a rebuild: ```r > all[oldVersion==TRUE,][order(version),] # 167 package version oldVersion skip isCompiled 1: r-cran-bitops 3.0.1-6 TRUE FALSE TRUE 2: r-cran-mnp 3.0.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 3: r-other-mott-happy.hbrem 3.0.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 4: r-cran-amore 3.1.0-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 5: r-cran-deal 3.1.0-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE --- 163: r-cran-rcppgsl 3.3.3-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 164: r-cran-rodbc 3.3.3-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 165: r-cran-snowballc 3.3.3-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 166: r-cran-v8 3.3.3-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 167: r-cran-zoo 3.3.3-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE > ``` Now we are down to 167 packages. ```r > all[, cran:=grepl("^r-cran", package) ] > all[, bioc:=grepl("^r-bioc", package) ] > all[bioc==TRUE & oldVersion==TRUE,] # 17 BioC package version oldVersion skip isCompiled cran bioc 1: r-bioc-affy TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 2: r-bioc-affyio TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 3: r-bioc-biobase TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 4: r-bioc-biovizbase 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 5: r-bioc-deseq2 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 6: r-bioc-dnacopy TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 7: r-bioc-edger 3.3.0-2 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 8: r-bioc-genefilter 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 9: r-bioc-graph TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 10: r-bioc-hilbertvis TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 11: r-bioc-limma 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 12: r-bioc-makecdfenv TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 13: r-bioc-multtest TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 14: r-bioc-preprocesscore TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 15: r-bioc-rbgl 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 16: r-bioc-rtracklayer 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 17: r-bioc-snpstats TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE > ``` Among these are 17 BioConductor packages. This is a superset as we do not know which of these use only `.Call()` meaning that no rebuild would be required. ```r > all[bioc!=TRUE & cran!=TRUE & oldVersion==TRUE,] # 3 other package version oldVersion skip isCompiled cran bioc 1: r-other-amsmercury 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE 2: r-other-iwrlars 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE 3: r-other-mott-happy.hbrem 3.0.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE > ``` There are also three which are neither BioC nor CRAN. ```r > cand <- all[ cran==TRUE & oldVersion==TRUE, ] # 147 > cand package version oldVersion skip isCompiled cran bioc 1: r-cran-ade4 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 2: r-cran-adegenet 3.3.1-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 3: r-cran-adephylo 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 4: r-cran-amelia 3.2.3-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 5: r-cran-amore 3.1.0-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE --- 143: r-cran-vegan 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 144: r-cran-vgam 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 145: r-cran-xml2 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 146: r-cran-yaml 3.3.2-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 147: r-cran-zoo 3.3.3-1 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE > ``` We have 147 possible NMUs based off CRAN. Next, we mix this with information from CRAN. ```r > db <- tools::CRAN_package_db() # CRAN pkge info: N rows x 65 cols > setDT(db) > db[, package:=paste0("r-cran-", tolower(Package))] > setkey(db, package) # key on package field > foo <- db[ cand ] # inner join > foo[, .(package, Package, Version, NeedsCompilation, oldVersion, skip)] package Package Version NeedsCompilation oldVersion skip 1: r-cran-ade4 ade4 1.7-6 yes TRUE FALSE 2: r-cran-adegenet adegenet 2.0.1 yes TRUE FALSE 3: r-cran-adephylo adephylo 1.1-10 yes TRUE FALSE 4: r-cran-amelia Amelia 1.7.4 yes TRUE FALSE 5: r-cran-amore AMORE 0.2-15 yes TRUE FALSE --- 143: r-cran-vegan vegan 2.4-3 yes TRUE FALSE 144: r-cran-vgam VGAM 1.0-3 yes TRUE FALSE 145: r-cran-xml2 xml2 1.1.1 yes TRUE FALSE 146: r-cran-yaml yaml 2.1.14 yes TRUE FALSE 147: r-cran-zoo zoo 1.8-0 yes TRUE FALSE > ``` This is our set of 147 candidate packages with their CRAN name, Debian name and upstream version. ```r > saveRDS(foo[, .(package, Package, Version, NeedsCompilation, oldVersion, skip)], file="debpackages.rds") ``` We save this file to be used on another machine. ## Step 2: Grep On another machine with access to all CRAN package sources (which I happen to have access to), we use the list of 147 candidate packages and run a recursive grep for each. We store the output from two `egrep` runs, called via `system()`, directly in the same data structure. The first checks for `.C()` or `.Fortran()` calls in the R scripts; the second checks for `R_registerRoutines()` in the compiled C code (with thanks again to Kurt Hornik for the suggestion) ```r deb <- readRDS("~/debpackages.rds") for (i in 1:nrow(deb)) { deb[i, "dotCorFortran"] <- if (is.na(deb[i, "Package"])) NA else system(paste0("egrep -r -q \"\\.(C|Fortran)\\(\" ", deb[i, "Package"], "/R/*"))==0 deb[i, "hasRegistration"] <- if (is.na(deb[i, "Package"])) NA else system(paste0("egrep -r -q \"R_registerRoutines\\(\" ", deb[i, "Package"], "/src/*"))==0 } saveRDS(deb, "~/debpackagesout.rds") ``` ## Step 3: Finalize We read the data back in and subset on those for which the recursive grep found actual uses of `.C()` or `.Fortran()`. The list contains 72 packages. ```r > deb <- readRDS("debpackagesout.rds") > setDT(deb) > deb[ is.na(dotCorFortran) |(dotCorFortran & hasRegistration), 1:3] package Package Version 1: r-cran-ade4 ade4 1.7-6 2: r-cran-bayesm bayesm 3.1-0.1 3: r-cran-blockmodeling blockmodeling 0.1.9 4: r-cran-brglm brglm 0.6.1 5: r-cran-caret caret 6.0-76 6: r-cran-coin coin 1.2-1 7: r-cran-contfrac contfrac 1.1-11 8: r-cran-data.table data.table 1.10.4 9: r-cran-deldir deldir 0.1-14 10: r-cran-desolve deSolve 1.20 11: r-cran-eco eco 4.0-1 12: r-cran-expm expm 0.999-2 13: r-cran-fields fields 9.0 14: r-cran-gam gam 1.14-4 15: r-cran-glmnet glmnet 2.0-10 16: r-cran-goftest goftest 1.1-1 17: r-cran-hdf5 NA NA 18: r-cran-igraph igraph 1.1.2 19: r-cran-mapproj mapproj 1.2-5 20: r-cran-maps maps 3.2.0 21: r-cran-maptools maptools 0.9-2 22: r-cran-mcmc mcmc 0.9-5 23: r-cran-mcmcpack MCMCpack 1.4-0 24: r-cran-medadherence NA NA 25: r-cran-mixtools mixtools 1.1.0 26: r-cran-mnp MNP 3.0-2 27: r-cran-ncdf4 ncdf4 1.16 28: r-cran-phangorn phangorn 2.2.0 29: r-cran-phylobase phylobase 0.8.4 30: r-cran-qtl qtl 1.41-6 31: r-cran-randomfields RandomFields 3.1.50 32: r-cran-randomfieldsutils RandomFieldsUtils 0.3.25 33: r-cran-rcurl RCurl 1.95-4.8 34: r-cran-rniftilib NA NA 35: r-cran-sp sp 1.2-5 36: r-cran-spam spam 2.1-1 37: r-cran-spatstat spatstat 1.51-0 38: r-cran-spdep spdep 0.6-13 39: r-cran-surveillance surveillance 1.14.0 40: r-cran-treescape NA NA 41: r-cran-vegan vegan 2.4-3 42: r-cran-vgam VGAM 1.0-4 package Package Version > ``` Similarly, the 17 BioC and 3 other packages can be tested via recursive greps (not shown) in a directory filled with `apt-get source` downloads: ```r pkgs <- rbind(all[bioc!=TRUE & cran!=TRUE & oldVersion==TRUE, 1], all[bioc==TRUE & oldVersion==TRUE, 1])[[1]] dir.create("/tmp/scratch") setwd("/tmp/scratch") cat("deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian unstable main\n", file="/etc/apt/sources.list", append=TRUE) system("apt-get update") for (p in pkgs) system(paste("apt-get source", p)) df <- data.frame(package=pkgs, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) for (i in 1:nrow(df)) { p <- df[i, 1] df[i, "dotCorFortran"] <- system(paste0("egrep -r -q \"\\.(C|Fortran)\\(\" ", p, "*/R/*"))==0 df[i, "hasRegistration"] <- system(paste0("egrep -r -q \"R_registerRoutines\\(\" ", p, "*/src/*"))==0 } setDT(df) ``` This leads to a further four packages: ```r > df[dotCorFortran & hasRegistration, 1] pkg 1: r-bioc-affy 2: r-bioc-edger 3: r-bioc-genefilter 4: r-bioc-preprocesscore > ``` These 42, along with the 4 (from the initally 17 BioC and 3 'other') packages are our target set. ```r > nmu <- deb[ is.na(dotCorFortran) | (dotCorFortran & hasRegistration), 1] #42 > oth <- df[dotCorFortran & hasRegistration, 1] > > nmu <- rbind(nmu, oth) ## 46 > nmu package 1: r-cran-ade4 2: r-cran-bayesm 3: r-cran-blockmodeling 4: r-cran-brglm 5: r-cran-caret 6: r-cran-coin 7: r-cran-contfrac 8: r-cran-data.table 9: r-cran-deldir 10: r-cran-desolve 11: r-cran-eco 12: r-cran-expm 13: r-cran-fields 14: r-cran-gam 15: r-cran-glmnet 16: r-cran-goftest 17: r-cran-hdf5 18: r-cran-igraph 19: r-cran-mapproj 20: r-cran-maps 21: r-cran-maptools 22: r-cran-mcmc 23: r-cran-mcmcpack 24: r-cran-medadherence 25: r-cran-mixtools 26: r-cran-mnp 27: r-cran-ncdf4 28: r-cran-phangorn 29: r-cran-phylobase 30: r-cran-qtl 31: r-cran-randomfields 32: r-cran-randomfieldsutils 33: r-cran-rcurl 34: r-cran-rniftilib 35: r-cran-sp 36: r-cran-spam 37: r-cran-spatstat 38: r-cran-spdep 39: r-cran-surveillance 40: r-cran-treescape 41: r-cran-vegan 42: r-cran-vgam 43: r-bioc-affy 44: r-bioc-edger 45: r-bioc-genefilter 46: r-bioc-preprocesscore package > > ``` We need to retrieve the version number in Debian unstable of these packages by once agaim relying of a function from [`RcppAPT`](https://github.com/eddelbuettel/rcppapt) ```r > regexp <- paste(paste0("^", nmu[[1]], "$"), collapse="|") > > res <- getPackages(regexp) > res Package Version 1 r-bioc-edger 3.14.0+dfsg-1 2 r-cran-coin 1.1-3-1 3 r-cran-mnp 2.6-4-1 4 r-cran-fields 8.10-1 5 r-cran-desolve 1.14-1 6 r-cran-deldir 0.1-12-1 7 r-cran-rniftilib 0.0-35.r79-2 8 r-cran-data.table 1.10.0-1 9 r-cran-qtl 1.40-8-1 10 r-bioc-preprocesscore 1.36.0-1 11 r-cran-contfrac 1.1-10-1 12 r-cran-glmnet 2.0-5-1 13 r-cran-sp 1:1.2-4-1 14 r-cran-brglm 0.5-9-1 15 r-bioc-affy 1.52.0-1 16 r-cran-ncdf4 1.15-1+b2 17 r-cran-treescape 1.10.18-6 18 r-cran-mapproj 1.2-4-1 19 r-cran-blockmodeling 0.1.8-1 20 r-cran-hdf5 1.6.10-4+b1 21 r-cran-ade4 1.7-5-1 22 r-cran-vgam 1.0-3-1 23 r-cran-mixtools 1.0.4-1 24 r-cran-phylobase 0.8.2-1 25 r-cran-spam 1.4-0-1 26 r-cran-medadherence 1.03-2 27 r-cran-surveillance 1.13.0-1 28 r-cran-randomfieldsutils 0.3.15-1 29 r-cran-rcurl 1.95-4.8-2 30 r-cran-mcmcpack 1.3-8-1 31 r-cran-spatstat 1.48-0-1 32 r-cran-vegan 2.4-2-1 33 r-cran-bayesm 3.0-2-2 34 r-cran-expm 0.999-0-1 35 r-cran-phangorn 2.1.1-1 36 r-cran-maptools 1:0.8-41+dfsg-1 37 r-cran-caret 6.0-73+dfsg1-1 38 r-cran-goftest 1.0-3-1 39 r-cran-igraph 1.0.1-1 40 r-cran-maps 3.1.1-1 41 r-cran-eco 3.1-7-1 42 r-cran-randomfields 3.1.36-1 43 r-bioc-genefilter 1.56.0-1 44 r-cran-mcmc 0.9-4-2 45 r-cran-spdep 0.6-9-1 46 r-cran-gam 1.14-1 > ``` With this, we can write out the content of the NMU request: ```r > > for (i in 1:nrow(res)) + cat("nmu", paste(res[i,], collapse="_"), ". ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333'\n") nmu r-bioc-edger_3.14.0+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-coin_1.1-3-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-mnp_2.6-4-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-fields_8.10-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-desolve_1.14-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-deldir_0.1-12-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-rniftilib_0.0-35.r79-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-data.table_1.10.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-qtl_1.40-8-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-bioc-preprocesscore_1.36.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-contfrac_1.1-10-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-glmnet_2.0-5-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-sp_1:1.2-4-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-brglm_0.5-9-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-bioc-affy_1.52.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-ncdf4_1.15-1+b2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-treescape_1.10.18-6 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-mapproj_1.2-4-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-blockmodeling_0.1.8-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-hdf5_1.6.10-4+b1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-ade4_1.7-5-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-vgam_1.0-3-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-mixtools_1.0.4-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-phylobase_0.8.2-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-spam_1.4-0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-medadherence_1.03-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-surveillance_1.13.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-randomfieldsutils_0.3.15-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-rcurl_1.95-4.8-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-mcmcpack_1.3-8-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-spatstat_1.48-0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-vegan_2.4-2-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-bayesm_3.0-2-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-expm_0.999-0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-phangorn_2.1.1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-maptools_1:0.8-41+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-caret_6.0-73+dfsg1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-goftest_1.0-3-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-igraph_1.0.1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-maps_3.1.1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-eco_3.1-7-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-randomfields_3.1.36-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-bioc-genefilter_1.56.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-mcmc_0.9-4-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-spdep_0.6-9-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' nmu r-cran-gam_1.14-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild against R 3.4.*, see #861333' > ``` ## Summary The final set of 46 NMUs is the minimal change required, and reasonable relative to the 516 reverse dependencies of R itself. We are able to narrow the set of packages requiring a rebuild down by a combining data from the R package system, the Debian package system and (some) package sources we were able to access on a CRAN-related server. ### Acknowledgements Thanks for Kurt Hornik for pointing out the additional check for `R_registerRoutine` in the in C code, leading to a further reduction from 90+ packages to 46. ### History The first published version (Julyu 2017) did not check for `R_registerRoutines`. The second version (August 2017) does, leading to 46 suggested NMUs. ### See Also The [source file](https://github.com/eddelbuettel/rcppapt/blob/master/vignettes/binnmuAfterR340.md) is on GitHub as is the [revision history](https://github.com/eddelbuettel/rcppapt/commits/master/vignettes/binnmuAfterR340.md). The [corresponding Debian bug report](https://bugs.debian.org/868558) is based on this analysis.