## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library("RHRT") # testdataLong is a numeric vector of RR intervals in msec data("testdataLong", package = "RHRT") ints <- testdataLong # testdataLong_Ann is a character vector of annotations corresponding to testdataLong data("testdataLong_Ann", package = "RHRT") ann <- testdataLong_Ann ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hrtl <- vectorToHRT(ints) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hrtl <- vectorToHRT(ints, annotations = ann, PVCAnn = "V") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getResults(hrtl) # get the HRT class of the data ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getResults(hrtl, safe = FALSE) # get the HRT class without safety check ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getResults(hrtl, safe = FALSE, TT = TRUE) # include TT ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getResults(hrtl, type = "parameter", TT = TRUE) # get the averaged HRT parameters ## ---- fig.width=7, fig.height=4----------------------------------------------- plot(hrtl, TT = TRUE) # plots the averaged VPCS and all underlying VPCSs in background ## ---- fig.width=7, fig.height=4----------------------------------------------- plot(hrtl, cropped = FALSE) # shows also coupling and compensatory interval ## ---- fig.width=7, fig.height=4----------------------------------------------- hrtl <- vectorToHRT(testdataLong) # create the HRTList getResults(hrtl) # get the averaged HRT parameters plot(hrtl) # plot the HRTs and check the variability ## ---- fig.width=7, fig.height=4----------------------------------------------- round( getResults(hrtl, "full", TT = TRUE), digits = 2) # get the parameters and p-values of the variability check plot(hrtl, cropped = FALSE) # plot the full VPCSs ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tos <- getHRTParams(hrtl, "TO") tos summary(tos) boxplot(tos) ## ---- fig.width=4, fig.height=4----------------------------------------------- hrtl10 <- getHRTParams(vectorToHRT(testdataLong, numPostRRs = 10), "TS") hrtl20 <- getHRTParams(vectorToHRT(testdataLong, numPostRRs = 20), "TS") boxplot(hrtl10, hrtl20, names = c("TSRR = 10", "TSRR = 20")) t.test(hrtl10, hrtl20)