

\title{An Introduction to \texttt{PottsUtils}}
\author{Dai Feng \\ dai\_feng@merck.com}
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Using the PottsUtils Package}
%\VignetteKeywords{Potts, Simulation of the Potts models}


Package \texttt{PottsUtils} comprises several functions related to
the Potts models defined on undirected graphs.
The main purpose of the package is to make available
several functions that generate samples from the models.
To facilitate that, there are other utilities. 
Furthermore, there is a by-product of simulation
functions.  Altogether, there are three sets of functions.
The first produces basic properties of a
graph to facilitate the simulation functions (they maybe used 
for other purposes as well).  The second provides various simulation functions.
The third currently includes only one function which computes the 
normalizing constant based on simulation results.

This introduction was intended to help users to understand better
the functions, the documentation (Rd files), and the source code.
For more technical details
(mathematical proof among others), we refer users to references herein.

Hereafter, first we introduce some basic concepts and definitions
related to the Potts models. Second, algorithms used in
simulation functions are presented in a concise way.
Third, a function to obtain normalizing constant is introduced.  Forth,
we discuss some computational issues.  Finally, some future work is

\section{Notation and Terminology}
In this section we introduce concepts and definitions involved in the
discussions of the Potts models.  The notations used are similar
to those given in \cite{Winkler:2003}.  Based on that,
several related functions in the package are introduced.

We consider the Potts model defined on a
finite undirected graph.  A graph describes a set
of connections between objects.  Each object is called a node or vertex.
There are observations to characterize the properties of vertices.
Let $\mathcal{V}$ be a finite set, the set of vertices;
$\mathcal{V}=\{1,2,,\ldots,N\}$, where $N$ is
the total number of vertices.  For every vertex $i \in \mathcal{V}$, let
$z_{i}$ take values in a finite set of categories $\mathcal{Z} =
\{1,2,\ldots,k\}$, where $k$ is the number of categories.
In the package we use different colors to represent different
categories and vertices from the same category are of the
same color.
The product ${\bf{Z}} = \mathcal{Z}^N$ is the space of configurations
${\bf{z}}=(z_{i}; i \in \mathcal{V})$.
A strictly positive probability measure $P$ on ${\bf{Z}}$ for every
${\bf{z}} \in {\bf{Z}}$ is called a \textit{stochastic} or
\textit{random field}.
Note that $P$ has to be strictly positive on ${\bf{Z}}$ to satisfy the
assumptions of the Hammersley-Clifford theorem; see \cite{Besag:1974}
and \cite{Winkler:2003} for details.

A collection $\partial = (\partial(v): v \in \mathcal{V})$ of subsets of $\mathcal{V}$ is
called a \textit{neighborhood system}, if (i) $i \notin \partial(i)$
and (ii) $i \in \partial(j)$ if and only if $j \in \partial(i)$. The
sites $j \in \partial(i)$ are called \textit{neighbors} of $i$.
We use $i \sim j$ to denote
that $i$ and $j$ are neighbors of each other.
There is an \textit{edge} between $i$ and $j$ if and only if they are
Define a \textit{graph} $\mathcal{G}=\{\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{E}\}$, where $\mathcal{E}$ is the set of edges.  For a \textit{finite undirected graph},
the number of vertices are finite and edge $(i, j)$ is equivalent to
edge $(j, i)$.  The function \texttt{getEdges()} can be used to get edges of
a graph.
When neighbors $i$ and $j$ are from the same category (of the same color), 
then there is a \textit{bond} between them.

The random field $P$ is a \textit{Markov random field} (MRF) w.r.t. the
neighborhood system $\partial$ if for all ${\bf{z}} \in {\bf{Z}}$,
P(z_{i}|z_{j}, j \neq i) = P(z_{i}|z_{j}, j \in \partial(i))
Probability measures of the form
 P({\bf z})=\frac{\exp\{-H({\bf z})\}}{\sum_{{\bf x} \in {\bf{Z}}} \exp\{-H({\bf x})\}}
are called \textit{Gibbs fields (or measures)}. $H$ is called the
\textit{energy function} or \textit{Hamiltonian}, and $\sum_{x \in
  {\bf{Z}}} \exp\{-H(x)\}$ is called the \textit{partition function}
or \textit{normalizing constant}.  For detailed account on
MRF, Gibbs measures, and related issues, we refer to \cite{Winkler:2003}.

When using Markov random field models, the first question is how to define
of all vertices. For a 1D lattice, the simplest way to define neighbors is that
every vertex (except those on the boundaries) has the two adjacent vertices as
its neighbors, see Figure \ref{fig:neighbors1D} for illustration.
Of course, a vertex could have more than two neighbors.
\caption{2 neighbors in 1D}

For a 2D lattice, there are two common ways to define neighbors.
One is that neighbors of
a vertex comprise its available N, S, E, and W adjacencies.
Another is that, besides those four,
there are four diagonal adjacencies on its north-west, north-east,
south-west, and south-east.  See Figure \ref{fig:neighbors2D}
for illustrations.  Probability measures defined on the former are called
the first-order Markov random fields and the latter the second-order
Markov random fields.
\caption{Four and eight neighbors in 2D}

For a 3D lattice, besides defining six neighbors
in the $x$, $y$, and $z$ directions, one can add twelve diagonal neighbors in the
$x-y$, $x-z$, and $y-z$ planes, and another eight on the 3D diagonals.
This leads to a six neighbor structure, an eighteen neighbor
structure, and a twenty-six neighbor structure.
For illustration, see Figure \ref{fig:neighbors3D}.
% where we use a right-handed coordinate system with the $z$ axis pointing up.

     \subfigure[six neighbors]{
         \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth, totalheight=0.25\textheight]{6neighbors.png}}
     \subfigure[eighteen neighbors]{
         \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth, totalheight=0.25\textheight]{18neighbors.png}}
     \subfigure[twenty-six neighbors]{
         \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth, totalheight=0.25\textheight]{26neighbors.png}}
\caption{Illustration of neighbor structures in 3D}

The package provides a function called \texttt{getNeighbors()} to
generate all neighbors of a graph.

After defining neighbors, the second question is how to model
the spatial relationship among neighbors.
One choice is to use a model from the Potts model family, a set of
MRF models with the Gibbs measure defined as follows.
	p({\bf z}) = C(\beta)^{-1}
                  \beta \sum_{i \sim j}w_{ij}f(z_{i}, z_{j})\right\}
where $C(\beta)$ is a normalizing constant and $i \sim j$ indicates
neighboring vertices.  We need to define neighborhood structure
and then assign relationships among neighboring vertices.
The parameter $\beta$, called the \textit{inverse
temperature}, determines the level of spatial homogeneity between
neighboring vertices in the graph. A zero $\beta$ would imply
that neighboring vertices are
independent.  We use positive $\beta$ values.
The $w_{ij}$ are \textit{weights} and we assume $w_{ij} > 0$.
The term $\sum_{i=1}^{N}\alpha_{i}(z_{i})$ is called the
\textit{external field}. The $\alpha_{i}(z_{i})$ are functions of $z_{i}$.
When $\beta=0$, the external field completely characterizes the
distribution of the independent $z_i, i=1,2,\dots, N$.

When $f(z_{i}, z_{j})=\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})$
model (\ref{eqn:genPotts}) becomes
p({\bf z})=C(\beta)^{-1}\exp\left\{\sum_{i=1}^{N}\alpha_{i}(z_{i})+
     \beta\sum_{i \sim j}\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})\right\}
For $k = 2$, this model is called the Ising
model \citep{Ising:1925}; for $k > 2$ it is the \cite{Potts:1953}
model.  The Ising model was originally proposed to describe the
physical properties of magnets. Due to its flexibility and simplicity, 
the Ising model
and its various versions have been widely used in other fields,
such as brain models in cognitive science \citep{Feng:2008}, 
information and machine learning theory (\cite{MacKay:2003} and references therein), 
economics (\cite{Bourgine/Nadal:2004} and references therein),
sociology \citep{Kohring:1996} and game theory \citep{Hauert/Szabo:2005}.

The most commonly used Potts model is the one without an external
field and with $w_{ij} \equiv 1$,
p({\bf z})=C(\beta)^{-1}\exp\left\{\beta\sum_{i \sim j}\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})\right\}
We refer to this as the \emph{simple Potts model}.

Let $\alpha_{i}(z_{i}) \equiv 0$ and $f(z_{i},z_{j}) =
w_{ij}\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})$. Then (\ref{eqn:genPotts})
reduces to
  p({\bf{z}}) = C(\beta)^{-1}
    \exp\left\{ \beta\sum_{i \sim j}w_{ij}\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})\right\}
where $w_{ij}$ is the weight between vertex $i$ and $j$. For example
we might take $w_{ij} = \frac{1}{d(z_{i}, z_{j})}$ where $d(z_{i},
z_{j})$ is a distance function, say Euclidean distance, between two
vertices.  This model is referred to
as the \emph{compound Potts model}.

In model (\ref{eqn:genPotts}), let $\alpha_{i}(z_{i})=0$ and define
$f(z_{i},z_{j})$ as
    a_{1} & \textrm{if} \hspace{0.2cm} z_{i} = z_{j}\\
    a_{2} & \textrm{if} \hspace{0.2cm} |z_{i}-z_{j}|=1\\
    a_{3} & \textrm{otherwise}
where $a_{1} \geq a_{2} \geq a_{3}$.  
We call this model the \emph{repulsion Potts model}.   
This model assumes an ordering of the colors and that neighboring
vertices are most likely of the same color, and
if they are different then it is more likely that they 
are similar than totally different. See  \cite{Feng:2008} for more details.  

\section{Simulation of the Potts Models}
It is very hard to find algorithms
(such as inversion of CDF, rejection sampling, adaptive rejection sampling, or
ratio-of-uniforms sampling)
to generate i.i.d. samples from the Potts models, and Markov chain methods
have to be used for the simulation.

To generate samples from model (\ref{eqn:genPotts}),
single site updating, for example Gibbs sampling,
is easy but may mix slowly. The \cite{Swendsen/Wang} algorithm (SW)
is widely used to generate random samples from the simple Potts model.
Wolff's algorithm \citep{Wolff:1989} has been advocated as an alternative
to the SW.
A Gibbs sampler that takes advantage of the
conditional independence structure
to update variables $z_{i}, i=1,2,\ldots, N$, could
make the simulation much faster than a single site updating scheme \citep{Feng:2008}.  
When there is external field, the partial decoupling
method might outperform the Gibbs sampling.

\subsection{Swendsen-Wang Algorithm}
The SW algorithm was originally proposed for the simulation of the simple
Potts model.  Drawing auxiliary variables $u_{ij}|{\bf{z}}$ for neighboring vertices $(i,
j)$ from independent and uniform distributions on
$[0,\exp\{\beta\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})\}]$ makes the joint density
 p({\bf{z}}, {\bf{u}}) \propto \prod_{i \sim j}
The conditional distribution of ${\bf{z}}$ given ${\bf{u}}$ is also
uniform on possible configurations. If $u_{ij} \geq 1$, then there is a
bond between vertices i and j (when $u_{ij} \geq 1$ definitely
$z_{i}=z_{j}$); otherwise there is no further constraint. Therefore,
all vertices can be divided into patches (clusters). A patch is a
collection of vertices, in which any two vertices are connected by a
bond or a sequence of bonds. There is no bond between vertices from
different patches. See Figure \ref{fig:patches} for illustrations. The
vertices within each patch should belong to the same category and the
categories of different patches are i.i.d. from the discrete uniform
distribution among all possible categories.

\begin{figure}% [htp]
 \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth, totalheight=0.2\textheight]{Graph-patches.png}
 \caption{Illustration of the concept of patches.}

The SW algorithm is the seminal work on algorithms using auxiliary
variables (in this case ${\bf u}$) in this area.
A slightly generalized version of the original SW algorithm
can be used to generate samples from a compound Potts model \citep{Feng:2008}.
Given all vertices, there are three steps in each iteration as follows.
\item Build bonds among vertices in neighbor with probability
\[1-exp(-\beta w_{ij}\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j}))\]
\item Build patches for vertices bonded together
\item Flip the patches randomly to any color
The SW algorithm may outperform single-site updating samplers,
especially when there is no
external field and there is patchiness among vertices, in which
simultaneous switching of clusters is necessary.
For more details see \cite{Feng:2008}.

\subsection{Wolff's Algorithm}
A modification of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm was proposed
by \cite{Wolff:1989}.  The difference between the Wolff and the SW is that
instead of flipping all patches randomly, one patch is chosen and all
vertices in that patch are flipped to their opposites in the simple Potts
model. To be more specific, for Wolff's algorithm, a vertex, say $v$, is
selected randomly among all vertices, and bonds between $v$ and its
neighbors are set the same way as in the SW. If there are bonds between $v$
and its neighbors, say $C_{v}$, then the bonds between vertices in
$C_{v}$ and their neighbors are set. Follow the same procedure
recursively until no new bonds are created.  Now there is a patch
around $v$ and all vertices in this patch are flipped to their
opposites.  Note, there is no randomness involved when flipping vertices
for the Ising Model.  Although Wolff's algorithm is similar to the SW, its
proof is formalized from another perspective where detailed balance
and irreducibility are verified (see \cite{Wolff:1989} for details).

To generate samples from a compound Potts model, a slighted generalized
version of the original Wolff algorithm as follows can be adopted.
There are four steps in each iteration.
\item Randomly select a vertex
\item Build a patch around it with probability 
\[1-exp(-\beta w_{ij}\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j}))\]
\item Continue building the patch till no additional vertex can be
bonded together
\item Flip the patch randomly to another color
See \cite{Feng:2008} for more details.

\subsection{A  Gibbs Sampler Using
Conditional Independence}
Various multiple-site sampling methods might outperform
single-site updating, but sometimes they might not.
Multi-site sampling methods like the SW algorithm
could tackle the critical slowing down
When there is no external field, from the results pointed out
in \cite{Higdon:1998},  the SW algorithm
outperforms single-site Metropolis updating when $\beta$ is at the
critical value.  When there is an external field
(a likelihood function in Bayesian inference for example),
the SW slows down since it does not make good use of the data.
 \cite{Hurn:1997} and \cite{Smith/Smith} suggested that
when $\beta$ is large, Gibbs samplers might be more effective.
The choice of the best sampling method
is likely to be problem-specific and there is no
clear-cut winner as pointed out in
\cite{Hurn:1997} and \cite{Higdon:1998}.
Furthermore, the previous studies just focus on relatively small grids in two
dimensions with the number of categories equal to 2. What the
convergence properties of various algorithms are
on a three dimensional large grid with more than 2 categories,
the case in MRI analysis for example \citep{Feng:2008},
needs further study.
Given that, a Gibbs sampler might be a good choice under certain circumstances.
The package provides functions that uses the Gibbs sampler taking
advantage of the conditional independence structure
to update colors of vertices. It could make the simulation much faster
than a one-site-after-another sampling scheme by using the vectorization
functions in $\mathbf{R}$.

The idea is that if we can divide variables that need to be updated into
different blocks and given the variables in other blocks, all the variables
within the same block are conditionally independent, then we can update
all blocks iteratively with the variables within the same block
being updated simultaneously.
In Figure (a) of \ref{fig:checkerboard},
under the four neighbor structure in 2D,
given the black vertices, the whites are independent and vice versa.  By
this kind of independence, updating can be done in two
steps: one for the blacks, one for the whites. The idea of taking advantage of
this kind of independence can be traced back at least to the ``Coding
Methods'' in \cite{Besag:1974}. It was described in \cite{Wilkinson:2005} 
and  detailed discussion can be found in \cite{Winkler:2003}.    
This conditional independence can be
generalized to 3D lattices with a six neighbor structure,
see (b) of Figure \ref{fig:checkerboard} for illustration.  Under
six neighbor structure, given the blacks, the whites are independent and
vice versa.  The minimum
number of blocks to make the vertices within each block independent
given the other blocks is called the \textit{chromatic number} in
\cite{Winkler:2003}.  So the chromatic numbers for four neighbor
configuration in 2D and six neighbor in 3D are both 2.

    \includegraphics[width=0.38\textwidth, totalheight=0.3\textheight]
  \caption{Illustration of Conditional Independence}

The extension to the eight neighbor configuration in 2D and eighteen and
twenty-six neighbor in 3D is as follows.
Under the eight neighbor structure in 2D, the chromatic number is four;
under the eighteen neighbor configuration in 3D, the chromatic number is seven;
under the twenty-six neighbor configuration in 3D, the chromatic number is eight.
For more details, see \cite{Feng:2008}.

The function to split vertices into conditional independent blocks is
\texttt{getBlocks()}.  Right now, for a 2D graph, the vertices can be divided
into either 2 or 4 blocks, and for a 3D graph either 2 or 8.
The functions using the Gibbs sampler that takes advantage of
conditional independence are \texttt{BlocksGibbs()} and 
\texttt{rPotts1()}.  The difference between the two is that the first one can only 
generate samples from a Potts model without the external field while the second is 
good for all Potts models.
The relationship among neighboring vertices can be defined by specifying the
parameter \texttt{spatialMat}.   

\subsection{The Partial Decoupling Method}
Besides the Gibbs sampling, another way to obtain samples from a 
Potts model with external field is to use the partial decoupling
method through the function \texttt{rPotts1()}.

The partial decoupling method was originally developed by
\cite{Higdon:1993} for an Ising model with an external field. Given
the external field, the symmetry property is violated.  Instead of
drawing $u_{ij}|{\bf z}$ for neighbor points $(i, j)$ from independent
uniform distributions on $[0,\exp\{\beta\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})\}]$,
draw $u_{ij}|{\bf z}$ from the uniform distribution
$[0,\exp\{\delta_{ij}\beta\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})\}]$.  Now, the
bonding probability is not only controlled by $\beta$ alone, but
$\delta_{ij}$ as well.  When $\delta_{ij} = 0$, it reduces to single
site updating; when $\delta_{ij} = 1$, it corresponds to the SW
algorithm. The smaller the $\delta_{ij}$, the less likely bonds are
formed. After setting the bonds, clusters are usually not independent
anymore and Gibbs, Metropolis-Hastings, or even partial decoupling
could be used to update the coarser model.  The Gibbs sampling is
used in the package.

The goal of choosing
$\delta_{ij}$ is to improve the mixing when sampling from ${\bf z}|{\bf u}$.
Strategies for the determination of $\{\delta_{ij}\}$ are based on the
nature of the likelihood function of the data. 
For example, choosing $\delta_{ij}=0$
for vertices on the boundaries of adjacent sub-graphs 
and $\delta_{ij}=1$ for others can prevent the clusters from
growing beyond certain limits. Another choice is $\delta_{ij} =
a\textrm{I}\{y_{i}=y_{j}\}$ with $0 < a <1$, where $y_i$ and $y_j$ are
observations for vertex $i$ and $j$.  The details of the partial
decoupling method can be found in \cite{Higdon:1998} and

\section{Calculation of the Normalizing Constant}
The normalizing constant is not critical and can be ignored
if $\beta$ is known.  However,
if $\beta$ is treated as unknown, for example in studies using the Bayesian 
methods \citep{Green/Richardson:2002,Smith/Smith},
then the normalizing constant is necessary when drawing samples from the
conditional distribution of $\beta$ by a Metropolis-Hastings

The package provide a function \texttt{getNC()} to obtain
the normalizing constant of a simple Potts model.
The method adopted is similar to that in \cite{Green/Richardson:2002} and
\cite{Smith/Smith}, in which the thermodynamic integration approach was
The thermodynamic integration approach comes from
the differential equations for describing thermodynamic relationships
in physics.
Basically, the thermodynamic integration method uses the
fact that the normalizing constant can be obtained by solving the
differential equation
	\frac{\partial}{\partial \beta}\log(C(\beta))=E(U({\bf z})|\beta, k)
where $U({\bf z}) = \sum_{i \sim j}\textrm{I}(z_{i}=z_{j})$ and $k$ is the
number of categories.  Since
it follows
   \log{C(\beta)} =  N\log{k} + \int_{0}^{\beta}E(U({\bf z})|\beta^{'}, k)d\beta^{'}

In order to compute $\log{C(\beta)}$ we use the following steps:
\item Take $k$ grid values $\{0 < \beta_{1} < \beta_{2}<\ldots<\beta_{k}\leq \beta\}$.
      For each $\beta_{i}, i=1,2,\ldots, k$, obtain $n$ simulations of the graph
      and estimate $E(U({\bf z})|\beta_{i},k)$ by the average of the functions
      $U({\bf z})$ from $n$ simulations.
      Possible methods for simulation include Gibbs sampling with single site
      updating, or the SW, or the Wolff algorithms discussed previously.
\item Compute the integral by numerical integration.

\section{Computational Issues}
As mentioned in sub-section \ref{subsec:Gibbs},
it is beneficial to use vectorization functions in $\mathbf{R}$ to fulfill
the idea of conditional independence.
Furthermore, for the SW algorithm
the major computational work is the identification
and labeling of the patches of connected vertices. This is an instance
of a connected component labeling problem for an undirected graph.  We
use Rem's algorithm \citep{Dijkstra:1976} to fulfill the task in the function
\texttt{getPatches()}.  Besides facilitating the SW algorithm, 
it can be used in other clustering methods as well. See \cite{Heller:2006} 
for example.

\section{Future Work}
In the future, the package might be upgraded in several directions. First
we might incorporate more available sampling methods for the Potts
models.  Second, the speed of current functions might be enhanced by
using embedded $\mathbf{C}$ functions and parallel computations.  
Third, changes based on feedback of users.
