Changes in version 1.4.2 o ADD: full four inventories of openness to experience data from Christensen, Cotter, and Silvia (2019). See `?openness` o FIX: `lattnet` for larger networks Changes in version 1.4.1 o ADD: k-folds validation is now implemented in `cpmIV` o NEW: `cpmIVperm` allows for permutation of `cpmIV` results o FIX: NA communities throwing bad labels in `stable` and `comcat` o FIX: `diversity`, `gateway`, and `participation` bug when communities lengths equal one Changes in version 1.4.0 o NEW: `dCor.parallel` parallelizes the `dCor` function to improve processing speed o NEW: `dCor` computes the distance correlation for time series data (intended for use with `cpm`) o FIX: named communities into `comcat` and `stable` o FIX: where `comcat` and `stable` treats `NA` community membership as actual membership -- corrects `EGAnet::net.loads` outputs o FIX: `comcat` and `stable` for *EGAnet* Changes in version 1.3.3 o `node.redundant` function migrated to the *EGAnet* pacakge o added the function `network.permutation` to compute permutation tests for network measures o changed name of `net.coverage` to `network.coverage` Changes in version 1.3.2 o updated Description file o updated citation Changes in version 1.3.1 o `TMFG` bug fix Changes in version 1.3.0 o converged all Connectome Predictive Modeling into one documentation see `?cpm` o migrated `net.scores` and `net.loads` to 'EGAnet' package o added several new functions to implement the latest state-of-the-art Information Filtering Network method: Maximally Filtered Clique Forest (MFCF; thanks Guido!) o added Guido Previde Massara as a contributor o changed name of function `strength.dim` to `lnet.loads` and updated documentation o added information about 'NetworkToolbox' on package load o changed name of function `nams` to `lnet.score`, optimized function to be more efficient with large datasets, and updated documentation o added function `item.overlap` to detect redundant nodes in a network o added function `strength.dim` to identify within and between dimension node strength o added `absolute` argument for `strength` and `stable` functions (extension for EGA package) o additional updates to documentation o bug fix for one dimension in comcat function o made `rspbc` output a vector Changes in version 1.2.3 o removed isSym function o fixed bugs in degree, strength, hybrid, and edgerep functions (symmetric matrix check is fixed) o naming order bug fix in comcat o removed bootgen and bootgen.plot functions (experimental funcitons that may return later) o updated several functions' documentation Changes in version 1.2.2 o comcat: added functionality to compute connectivity across communities or for each community o stable: added closeness centrality o desc: descriptive statistics function for a single variable o desc.all: descriptive statistics function for a dataset Changes in version 1.2.1 o updated comm.close algorithm: takes the reciprocal of the mean ASPL of each community o LoGo: removed some arguments, added "..." for deprecated arguments (e.g., standardize) o rep.resp: function to detect repetitive responding Changes in version 1.2.0 o net.coverage: a function to examine the coverage of a subset of nodes in the network o comm.close: a function to estimate the closeness centrality of communities in the network o comm.eigen: a function to estimate the eigenvector centrality of communities in the network (based on the flow.frac function) o comm.str: a function to estimate the strength/degree centrality of communities in the network o flow.frac: a function to estimate the eigenvector centrality of a subset of nodes in the network o core.items: a function to automatically determine core, intermediate, and peripheral items in the network o commboot: removed o removed splitsamp functions (will be brought back in a future update) o removed options for weighted argument in network construction functions o bootgenPlot changed to bootgen.plot o significantly improved documentation and descriptions of all functions o improved functionality of several functions o updated citation Changes in version 1.1.3 o nams: facet means are now adjusted relative to the overall score--improves estimate and makes adjusted means/sums equivalent to overall adjusted score o edgerep: node label bug fixed o bootstrapped functions: argument bug fixed o commboot: unweighted network option added o updated citation o semnetboot: removed and moved to package SemNetToolbox o semnetmeas: removed and moved to package SemNetToolbox o bugs fixed throughout package Changes in version 1.1.2 o bootgen: ensures graphical model for method = "LoGo" o nams: adjusted algorithm o sim.swn: added a function to simulate small-world networks and data o PMFG: removed function due to inefficiency o diversity: added a function to compute the diversity coefficient of nodes in the network o gateway: added a function to compute the gateway coefficient of nodes in the network o participation: added a function to compute the participation coefficient of nodes in the network o edgerep: fixed bug in plot to display the strength of the replicated edges only and will display diagonal if diagonals are equivalent between the two matrices o nams: added output for an overall network adjusted mean/sum score o improved documentation o added EBICglasso and Isingfit to bootgen and commboot function o added back the kld and rmse function o added network visualization of canonical and macro-scale region connectivity to cpmIV function o LoGo: no longer outputs a list (only a matrix) and added a standardize argument for inverse correlation matrix as output (does not change partial correlation output) Changes in Version 1.1.1 o LoGo: reversed sign bug fixed; cov.shrink no longer used for covariance matrix estimation o is.graphical: updated with more efficient (inverse) covariance check o bootgen: uses partial correlation significance for method = "LoGo" Changes in Version 1.1.0 o new data files: NEO-PI-3 data for psychometric network analysis, verbal fluency files for semantic network analysis, behavioral NEO-PI-3 and an associated brain connectivity array for brain network analysis o bootgen: no longer produces plots; added is.graphical function to automatically check if network is graphical when method = "LoGo" o bootgenPlot: output from the bootgen function can now be input into a separate function to obtain plots. Contains an argument to also plot the bootstrapped network generalization method o bootstrapping functions all include a seeds argument, which can be used to replicate the previous analysis using the Seeds output o PMFG: now outputs a list to be used in Cytoscape visualization software (sparseList) o reg: a function to perform regression for a dataset. An argument can set the type of regression and for the matrix to be symmetric o nams: a function to calculate network adjusted mean or sum for data (based on the hybrid centrality) o hybrid: added an option for "standard", "random", or "average" betweenness centrality to be used o cpmIV: parallel processing now available for covariate estimation (defaults to max(cores) - 1) o LoGo: corpcor's cov.shrink is now used for covariance estimation when argument normal = TRUE; added argument to check if network is graphical o edgerep: includes a list of the replicated edges and their respective weights in each network. A plot for this information is also available (defaults to FALSE). Also includes an argument "corr" which allows the researcher to select different correlations for examining replicated edge weight relations o is.graphical: function to check whether the network is graphical o cor2cov: function to convert correlation matrix into a covariance matrix o depend: fixed Fisher's z significance test o kld: removed function