---------------------MAMS NEWS------------------------------------------- MAMS is an R package for designing multi-arm multi stage studies. If you are using the package, please cite it as Magirr D, Jaki T, Whitehead J (2012) A generalized Dunnett Test for Multi-arm Multi-stage Clinical Studies with Treatment Selection. Biometrika. 99(2):494-501. and Jaki T, Pallmann PS, Magirr D (2019) The R package MAMS for designing multi-arm multi-stage clinical trials. Journal of Statistical Software. 31(88):4. Question or suggestions about the package can be sent to thomas.jaki@pm.me --------------------CHANGE LOG-------------------------------------------- Version 3.0.0 o Added 2 new designs: method = 'separate' for MAMS with a separate stopping rule method = 'dtl' for drop-the-losers design where method = 'simultaneous' (default) corresponds to the MAMS with a simultaneous stopping rule o refined the summary(), print() and plot() functions for "MAMS" objects accordingly o updated the C code to compile with STRICT_R_HEADERS=1 (mandatory for R >= 4.5.0) --------------------CHANGE LOG-------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.2 o NA related C code bug fix related to gcc compilers o Add documentation for better clarity and user guidance --------------------CHANGE LOG-------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.1 o Bug fix when K=1 in mams.sim o Add src/init.c file --------------------CHANGE LOG-------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.0 o Parallelisation framework included for several functions o Recoding of parts of the functions in C o Inclusion of new package help file o Update of authors -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4.2 o Fixed an error in tite.mams o Update of author contact information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4.1 o Minor bug fix -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4 o Adjusted code to also provide answers for K=1 and J=1 o Fixed an error in tite.mams o added warning to show that sample size search stopped due to maximum reached -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3 o References updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2 o New function 'ordinal.mams' for ordinal and binary endpoints o New function 'tite.mams' for time-to-event endpoints o Effect sizes can be specified on traditional or probability scale o Search for sample size is capped at a maximum value o Harmonised function and input names (most notably, 'step_down_mams' and 'update_mams' are now called 'stepdown.mams' and 'stepdown.update') o Corrected minor bugs in 'mams' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 o Corrected minor bug in mams.sim for K=1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 o Altered mams function to improve consistency for different allocation ratios -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.9 o Corrected a bug in update_mams -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8 o Removal of some depreciated code -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7 o Modified print and summary to only return integer sample sizes o Updated mams function to deal with minor inconsistency when J=1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6 o Corrected a bug in new.bounds o Corrected a bug in mams.sim o A few minor bugs in the plot functions corrected o Arguments bty and las for the plot functions added o Inconsistencies in the documentation removed -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.5 o A bug in function mams.sim corrected -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.4 o A bug in function mams corrected -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.3 o New function (step_down_mams) to calculate stopping boundaries for all intersection hypothesis tests in a closed testing procedure. o New function (update_mams) to update boundaries at an interim analysis to take account of unplanned treatment selection and/or sample size reestimation. o Documentation updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2 o New function (mams.sim) to simulate mams studies included o New function (new.bounds) to update boundaries based on observed number of observations included o Citation information updated o Output data.frame of function mams generalized o Additional option to supress sample size calculation included in function mams o Documentation updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 o Initial release --------------------------------------------------------------------------