## ----load1, eval=TRUE--------------------------------------------------------- data("allMod_nVar3_dMax2") names(allMod_nVar3_dMax2) ## ----load2, eval=TRUE--------------------------------------------------------- data("TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2") ## ----visuNH86, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$NH86, substit = 1) ## ----plotNH86, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$NH86$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-6.2,5.2), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main = 'Nosé-Hoover', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(10,-3.5, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----corrNH86, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # # Compute the correlation # cor(TS[,2:4]) ## ----gpomoNH86, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outNH86 <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), # show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 3, nPmax = 5, # method = 'rk4') ## ----visuNH86b, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outNH86$models$model6, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuNH86c, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out4model6, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuGT92, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$GT92, substit = 1) ## ----plotGT92, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$GT92$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-1.1, 0.8), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main= 'Genesio-Tesi (1992)', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(22,-0.5, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoGT92, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outGT92 <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), # show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, # method = 'rk4') ## ----visuGT92b, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outGT92$models$model1, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuGT92c, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out5model1, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprF, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprF, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprF, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprF$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-3.6,4.2), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main = 'Sprott-F', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(0,4, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----corrSprF, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # # Compute the correlation # cor(TS[,2:4]) ## ----gpomoSprF, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprF <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), # show = 1, IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, # method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprFb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprF$models$model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprFc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out6model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprH, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprH, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprH, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprH$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-5,5), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main = 'Sprott-H', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(0, -2, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----corrSprH, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # # Compute the correlation # cor(TS[,2:4]) ## ----gpomoSprH, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprH <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), # show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, # method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprHa, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprH$models$model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprHb, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out7model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprK, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprK, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprK, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprK$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-3,3.6), xlab = 't', ylab= '', main = 'Sprott-K', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(0,3.5, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoSprK, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprK <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1),show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprKb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprK$models$model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprKc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out8model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprO, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprO, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprO, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprO$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-1.5,1), main = 'Sprott-O', xlab = 't', ylab='', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(0,-1, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoSprO, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprO <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), # show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, # method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprOb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprO$models$model2, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprOc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out9model2, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprP, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprP, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprP, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprP$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-1.2,2.2), main='Sprott-P', xlab = 't', ylab = '', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(8,2, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoSprP, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprP<- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprPb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprP$models$model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprPc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out10model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprG, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprG, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprG, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprG$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-2.5,2), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main='Sprott-G', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(0, 2 , c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoSprG, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprG <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), # show = 1, IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 3, nPmax = 6, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprGb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprG$models$model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprGc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out11model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprM, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprM, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprM, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprM$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-5.1,2.8), main='Sprott-M', xlab = 't', ylab = '', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(2, -3, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoSprM, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprM <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), # show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, # method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprMb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprM$models$model2, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprMc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out12model2, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprQ, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprQ, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprQ, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprQ$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-7,8.8), main = 'Sprott-Q', xlab = 't', ylab = '', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(4, 7, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoSprQ, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprQ <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprQb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprQ$models$model2, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprQc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out13model2, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprS, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprS, substit = 1) ## ----plotSprS, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$SprS$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-4,2), main = 'Sprott-S', xlab = 't', ylab = '', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(0,-2.5, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoSprS, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outSprS<- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 6, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuSprSb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outSprS$models$model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuSprSc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out14model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL63, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------- visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$L63, substit = 1, approx = 4) ## ----plotL63, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'----------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$L63$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-25,45), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main = 'Lorenz 1963', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(8, -5, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoL63, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outL63 <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 1500, nPmin = 6, nPmax = 7, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuL63b, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outL63$models$model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL63c, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------ #data("data_vignetteVII$out1model5") visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out1model5, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL63d, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outL63$models$model18, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL63e, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out1model18, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_a, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #5') # lines(outL63$stockoutreg$model5[,1], outL63$stockoutreg$model5[,2], # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_a2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------- library(float) plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #5') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model5[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model5[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_b, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #15') # lines(outL63$stockoutreg$model15[,1], outL63$stockoutreg$model15[,2], # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_b2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------- plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #15') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model15[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model15[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_c, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #18') # lines(dbl(outL63$stockoutreg$model18[,1]), dbl(outL63$stockoutreg$model18[,2]), # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_c2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------- plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #18') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model18[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model18[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_d, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #19') # lines(dbl(outL63$stockoutreg$model19[,1]), dbl(outL63$stockoutreg$model19[,2]), # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotLorenzPortraits_d2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------- plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #19') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model19[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outL63_stockoutreg_model19[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----visuBQ81, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$BS81, substit = 1, approx = 4) ## ----plotBQ81, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$BS81$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-2,2.2), main = 'Burke-Shaw 1981', xlab = 't', ylab = '', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(9, 2.2, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoBQ81, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outBS81 <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 1500, nPmin = 5, nPmax = 6, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuBQ81b, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outBS81$models$model3, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuBQ81c, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out2model3, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuBQ81d, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outBS81$models$model11, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuBQ81e, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out2model11, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----plotBS81Portraits_a, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #3') # lines(outBS81$stockoutreg$model3[,1], outBS81$stockoutreg$model3[,2], # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotBS81Portraits_a2, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE------------------------------ plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #3') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model3[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model3[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotBS81Portraits_b, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #9') # lines(outBS81$stockoutreg$model9[,1], outBS81$stockoutreg$model9[,2], # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotBS81Portraits_b2, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE------------------------------ plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #9') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model9[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model9[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotBS81Portraits_c, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #11') # lines(outBS81$stockoutreg$model11[,1], outBS81$stockoutreg$model11[,2], # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotBS81Portraits_c2, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE------------------------------ plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #11') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model11[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model11[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotBS81Portraits_d, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #12') # lines(outBS81$stockoutreg$model12[,1], outBS81$stockoutreg$model12[,2], # type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----plotBS81Portraits_d2, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE------------------------------ plot(TS[,2], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 'x(t)', ylab = 'y(t)', main = 'model #12') lines(dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model12[,1]), dbl(data_vignetteVII$outBS81_stockoutreg_model12[,2]), type = 'l', col = 'red') ## ----visuL84, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------- visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$L84, substit = 1) ## ----plotL84, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'----------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$L84$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-2,2.2), main = 'Lorenz 1984', xlab = 't', ylab = '', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', col = 'green') legend(16, -1, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoL84, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outL84 <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 5, nPmax = 11, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuL84b, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outL84$models$model3, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL84c, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out3model3, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL84d, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outL84$models$model9, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL84e, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out3model9, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL84f, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outL84$models$model141, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuL84g, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out3model141, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuCS2004, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------- visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$CS2004, substit = 1) ## ----plotCS2004, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'-------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$CS2004$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', xlab = 't', ylab ='', main='Chlouverakis-Sprott', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 't', ylab = 'y(t)', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', xlab = 't', ylab = 'z(t)', col = 'green') legend(40, -1.5, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoCS2004, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outCS2004 <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 3, nPmax = 8, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuCS2004b, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outCS2004$models$model26, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuCS2004c, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out15model26, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuLi2007, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------- visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$Li2007, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----plotLi2007, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'-------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$Li2007$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-160, 230), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main= ' Li 2007', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 't', ylab = 'y(t)', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', xlab = 't', ylab = 'z(t)', col = 'green') legend(0.3, -50, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoLi2007, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outLi2007<- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 9, nPmax = 9, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuLi2007b, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outLi2007$models$model13, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuLi2007c, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out16model13, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuCord, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ visuEq(K = allMod_nVar3_dMax2$Cord2012, substit = 1) ## ----plotCord, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'---------------------------------- TS <- TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2$Cord2012$reconstr plot(TS[,1], TS[,2], type = 'l', ylim = c(-20,30), xlab = 't', ylab = '', main = 'Cord 2012', col = 'blue') lines(TS[,1], TS[,3], type = 'l', xlab = 't', ylab = 'y(t)', col = 'red') lines(TS[,1], TS[,4], type = 'l', xlab = 't', ylab = 'z(t)', col = 'green') legend(17, -8, c("x(t)", "y(t)", "z(t)"), col=c('blue', 'red', 'green'), lty=1, cex = 0.8) ## ----gpomoCord, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # modelling from time series starting # outCord2012 <- gPoMo(data = TS[,2:4], tin = TS[,1], dMax = 2, nS = c(1,1,1), show = 1, # IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 15000, nPmin = 7, nPmax = 11, method = 'rk4') ## ----visuCordb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outCord2012$models$model9, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuCordc, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out17model9, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuCordd, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outCord2012$models$model10, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuCorde, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out17model10, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuPhPortrait62, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # visuOutGP(out17,selecmod = 62, prioMinMax = 'model') ## ----visuCordf, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = outCord2012$models$model62, substit = 1, approx = 2) ## ----visuCordg, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------- # visuEq(K = data_vignetteVII$out17model62, substit = 1, approx = 2)