--- title: "Overview of ExposR" date: "12 June 2023" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Overview of ExposR} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## EXPOS Model The EXPOS model uses a digital elevation model (DEM) to estimate exposed and protected areas for a given hurricane wind direction and inflection angle. The resulting topograhic exposure maps can be combined with output from the HURRECON model to estimate hurricane wind damage across a region. EXPOS contains two main functions: 1. The <i>expos_model</i> function estmates topopgrahic exposure for a specified wind direction and inflection angle. The input file is assumed to be a raster of elevation values in GeoTiff format with missing values represented by zero. Cells may be rectangular. The user can specify if coordinates are latitude/longitude; otherwise latitude/longitude is assumed if X values are between -180 and 180 and Y values are between -90 and 90. If coordinates are latitude/longitude, horizontal and vertical units are assumed to be degrees and meters, respectively; otherwise horizontal and vertical units must be the same. Columns are assumed to be closely aligned with true North (0 degrees); if not, the map orientation (azimuth) must be specified in degrees. The name of the input file is assumed to be "dem.tif". The output file is a raster file in GeoTiff format with the following values: 0 = missing data, 1 = protected, 2 = exposed. Output files are named "expos-xxx-yy.tif" where xxx is the wind direction and yy is the inflection angle. In previous studies, spatial resolutions of 30 or 60 meters and an inflection angle of 6 degrees were found to work well (see below). Note that increasing the inflection angle tends to decrease the size and number of protected areas while increasing the odds that these sites are protected. 2. The <i>expos_damage</i> function estimates regional hurricane damage where topographic exposure at each location is determined by peak wind direction. If a location is protected, the enhanced Fujita scale (EF) rating from HURRECON is reduced by a specified number of EF ratings. This function requires a hurricane GeoTiff file created by HURRECON, exposure files created by EXPOS for the eight cardinal wind directions (N, NE, E, etc), and a reprojection file in CSV format (<i>reproject.csv</i>) that contains latitude/longitude coordinates for the lower left and upper right corners of the digital elevation model (variables: <i>name</i>, <i>lat_0</i>, <i>lon_0</i>, <i>lat_1</i>, <i>lon_1</i>). The output file is a raster file in GeoTiff format with the following values: 0 = missing, 1 = no damage, 2 = EF0 damage, 3 = EF1 damage, 4 = EF2 damage, 5 = EF3 damage, 6 = EF4 damage, 7 = EF5 damage. Output files are named "hhhh-damage-yy-z.tif" where hhhh is the hurricane ID, yy is the inflection angle, and z is the reduction in EF rating for protected areas. Note: for large areas, best results will be obtained by converting the DEM to latitude/longitude coordinates (if necessary) before running <i>expos_model</i> and <i>expos_damage</i> and then converting the resulting damage maps to the desired map projection. ## Getting Started Here are the basic steps for using the model. Please see below for more details. 1. Install and load the R package for the model (ExposR). 2. Create a directory for a particular study area with subdirectories as described below. 3. Copy the digital elevation file to the <i>dem</i> subdirectory and rename it "dem.tif". 4. Download or create geographic and political boundary shapefiles for the desired study area. Copy these files to the <i>vector</i> subdirectory and rename so the first name of each file is "boundaries". 5. Use the <i>expos_model</i> function to create exposure maps for different wind directions and inflection angles. 6. Use the <i>expos_damage</i> function to create maps of enhanced Fujita scale wind damage for particular hurricanes. ## Details All user functions begin with "expos". The wind direction and inflection angle must be specified in degrees. The user specifies a directory (<i>exp_path</i>) for a given study area. Input and output files are stored on the following subdirectories of this directory: ``` exp_path/dem exp_path/exposure exp_path/damage exp_path/vector ``` The <i>dem</i> subdirectory contains the input elevation file. The <i>exposure</i> subdirectory contains output files from the <i>expos_model</i> function. The <i>damage</i> subdirectory contains input files from the HURRECON model, the reprojection file, and output files from the <i>expos_damage</i> function. Shapefiles that contain geographic and political boundaries for viewing results are stored on the <i>vector</i> subdirectory. To run the model, create the above directories, copy the input files to their respective subdirectories, and use the <i>library</i> function to load ExposR. ## Model Functions ``` expos_set_path expos_get_path expos_model expos_damage expos_summarize expos_plot ``` The <i>expos_set_path</i> function sets the path for the current set of model runs. The <i>expos_get_path</i> function returns the current path. Use <i>expos_set_path</i> before using other functions. The <i>expos_model</i> function creates a raster file of topographic wind exposure as a function of wind direction and inflection angle. The <i>expos_damage</i> function uses output from EXPOS and HURRECON to create a raster file of wind damage where topograhic exposure at each location is determined by peak wind direction. If a location is protected, the enhanced Fujita scale rating is reduced by a specfied amount. The <i>expos_summarize</i> function displays summary information for a specified raster file, including the number of rows and columns, spatial extent, cell height and width, and minimum and maximum value. The <i>expos_plot</i> function creates a plot of a specified raster file. ## Examples ``` expos_set_path("c:/expos/wach_30m") expos_get_path() expos_model(wind_direction=90, inflection_angle=6) expos_damage(hurricane="AL1938-06", inflection_angle=6, protect=2) expos_summarize("dem") expos_summarize("expos-090-06") expos_summarize("AL1938-06-damage-06-2") expos_plot("dem") expos_plot("expos-090-06") expos_plot("AL1938-06-damage-06-2") ``` ## History The original EXPOS model was written in Borland Pascal and depended on Idrisi for spatial visualization. The model was used in published studies of the ecological impacts of historical hurricanes in New England and Puerto Rico: * Boose, E. R., Foster, D. R., Fluet, M. 1994. Hurricane impacts to tropical and temperate forest landscapes. Ecological Monographs 64: 369-400. doi.org/10.2307/2937142. * Boose, E. R., Chamberlin, K. E., Foster, D. R. 2001. Landscape and regional impacts of hurricanes in New England. Ecological Monographs 71: 27-48. doi.org/10.1890/0012-9615(2001)071[0027:LARIOH]2.0.CO;2. * Boose, E. R., Serrano, M. I., Foster, D. R. 2004. Landscape and regional impacts of hurricanes in Puerto Rico. Ecological Monographs 74: 335-352. doi.org/10.1890/02-4057.