Changes in 1.0.4
  * Added Author@R field to DESCRIPTION file.

Changes in 1.0.3
  * Fixed small typos and errors in documentation files.

Changes in 1.0.2
  * Changed maintainer email address.

Changes in 1.0.1
  * Removed rm() and gc() lines inside predict methods to avoid excessive overhead, especially in parallel execution.

Changes in 1.0.0
  * Revised thread scheduling framework to include random and task.length methods
  * Added penealized regression as a base learner
  * Added bart as a base learner
  * Added argument ylim.adj to the plot method for Regression.CV.Batch.FitObj to adjust range of y axis to accommodate adding more elements to plot from outside.
  * Fixed bug in generating legend for validate methods.
  * Added rm() and gc() lines to train and predict methods of base learners to encourage memory cleanup for large ensemble models.

Changes in 0.7.1
  * Added stopImplicitCluster() at end of all foreach regions to deal with package example crashes on CRAN Windows test servers, per Uwe's suggestion.