2024-12-24: Ver. 0.2-17 * Change labK from NULL to 0 to avoid C segfault 'memory not mapped'. 2024-09-07: Ver. 0.2-16 * Use M_PI for PI which is removed in R C/C++ headers since R 4.5.0. 2023-09-03: Ver. 0.2-15 * Remove the meta table from the doc. * Modify CITATION. 2022-08-12: Ver. 0.2-14 * Use is() to replace class() inside if(). * Fix LaTeX symble in man for KaTeX conversion. * Remove PPtree from enhance. 2021-11-06: Ver. 0.2-14 * Add e-mail. 2021-03-08: Ver. 0.2-13 * Add a calloc to "src/R_init_svd.c" to avoid errors detected by valgrind. * Change http to https. 2020-04-30: Ver. 0.2-13 * Add a demo example that uses oversize k for semi-supervised clustering. * Add a restriction to init.EM() where sufficient unlabeled data should be checked for initializing oversize k. 2019-03-20: Ver. 0.2-12 * Push some PROTECT and UNPROTECT back within the call. 2019-03-07: Ver. 0.2-11 * Move PROTECT and UNPROTCT to the caller function. 2018-03-17: Ver. 0.2-11 * Fix conv.iter and conv.eps for most C functions. 2018-03-11: Ver. 0.2-11 * Return conv.iter and conv.eps for emcluster(), emgroup(), and their semi-supervise version if any. 2018-01-30: Ver. 0.2-10 * Adjusting for CRAN requests. 2018-01-27: Ver. 0.2-10 * Reordering LAPACK_LIBS, BLAS_LIBS, and FLIBS in "src/Makevars". 2018-01-14: Ver. 0.2-9 * Replace recolor.r 2017-06-04: Ver. 0.2-8 * Fix UNPROTECT problems. DO NOT add UNPROTECT(*) to EMCluster/src/it_R_emptr.c. It will be done outside of that call by the caller. It is only to allocated space which is pointed by a poninter! 2017-04-07: Ver. 0.2-7 * Add UNPROTECT(8); to EMCluster/src/it_R_emptr.c. 2017-03-17: Ver. 0.2-7 * Rename emobj$M to emobj$adjM. 2015-10-31: Ver. 0.2-6 * Change recolor() and add rematch() and recode(). * Change url address. 2015-10-19: Ver. 0.2-5 * Fix an adjR seg. fault. * Add recolor(). 2015-07-18: Ver. 0.2-5 * Several changes. * Rename partial.logL() to partial.q() and change all other caller functions. * Add partial.logL(). * Add logitPI = TRUE to partial.q() and partial.logL(). * Normalize pi at the end of EM for functions returning emobj. * Add log = FALSE to dmixmvn(). * Add Jaccard.Index(). * Change man pages. * Change authorship. 2015-07-05: Ver. 0.2-5 * Add logit post I information. 2015-03-07: Ver. 0.2-5 * Fix typos and problems of new version of R. * Change lmt options. 2013-01-13: Ver. 0.2-5 * Fix more lmt and ppcontour plotting bugs. 2013-01-03: Ver. 0.2-5 * Add and test lmt and ppcontour. 2013-12-14: Ver. 0.2-4 * Move vignettes. 2013-07-02: Ver. 0.2-4 * Fix variance2LTSigma for 1 dimension case. 2013-01-30: Ver. 0.2-3 * Fix man page authorship typos. * Fix uninitialed variables problem. 2012-12-23: Ver. 0.2-2 * Fix .Last.load problem. 2012-12-06: Ver. 0.2-1 * Fix authorship typos. 2012-12-05: Ver. 0.2-0 * Add man, vignette, and all required files for CRAN. ======================= Log for C Code ===================================== * All Dr. Maitra's codes are kept in the original files and names. * Some original functions are modified inside the original files with same function names. * Some extra functions are extended and saved separately. * All generic functions are stored in files with function's name and aheaded with "M_". * All R call function are stored in files with function's name and aheaded with "R_". * All semi-supervised clustering are stored in files with function's name and adheaded with "ss_". * Header files "mb_tool.h" and "ss_mb_tool.h" collect major functions except files and functions aheaded with "R_". * All functions with counting iterations and times in files with function's name and adheaded with "it_". Modifiled: Wei-Chen Chen on 2009/04/27. ======================= Log Before Release ===================================== 2010-05-07: Ver. 0.1-18 * Add checks in decreasing logL. 2009-08-18: Ver. 0.1-17 * Add adapted candidated initializations. 2009-06-17: Ver. 0.1-16 * Rewrite EM step to ME step. 2009-06-09: Ver. 0.1-15 * Add clock ticks. * Rewrite emobj in C structure. 2009-03-17: Ver. 0.1-14 * Fix possible bugs in semi-supervise clustering methods. 2009-03-15: Ver. 0.1-13 * Add all semi-supervise clustering methods. 2009-03-08: Ver. 0.1-12 * Modify model-based randomEMinit() for original methods. 2009-02-16: Ver. 0.1-11 * Add model-based initializer in C. * Add rand.EM and rand.em.EM methods. * Simplify model-based initializer in C and fix bugs. 2009-01-19: Ver. 0.1-10 * Add shortemcluster(). * RRand requires long integers for 64-bit machine. * Fix a convergence condition of shortemcluster() in C. * Modified estep() in C. * Add myiris data set with test and plot.md() in R. 2009-01-11: Ver. 0.1-9 * Add controls for stable solutions in em.EM(). 2008-12-03: Ver. 0.1-8 * Fix a bug for likelihood calculations for 1 cluster. * Fix a bug for determine() using call by address that change the values of input parameters. * Fix more bugs in "src/initials.c" for MLE and MME of ltsigma. 2008-11-16: Ver. 0.1-7 * Add sequential boosting methods. 2008-10-29: Ver. 0.1-6 * Add logL(), dmixmvn(), dlmvn() in "R/" and "R_dlmvnorm.c" in "src/". * Add all functions with wt version to ignore transposing matrix. * Fix a bug in e.step() in "R/". * Add GetRNGstate() and PutRNGstate() in "src/srswor.c". * Add all test functions in "test/" to test wt and wot version. 2008-10-27: Ver. 0.1-5 * Change estep() to e.step(), mstep to m.step() in "R/". * Create RRand() in "R/". 2008-10-20: Ver. 0.1-4 * In "src/", add "R_estep.c", "R_mstep.c". * In "R/", add "fcn_estep.r", "fcn_mstep.r". * In "demo/" , add "testemstep.r". 2008-10-14: Ver. 0.1-3 * In "src/", add "M_emgroup.c", "M_init_other.c", "R_M_emgroup.c", "R_M_init_other.c", "R_emcluster.c", and "R_initials.c". * In "R/", add "fcn_init_other.c", "fcn_initials.r", "fcn_plot2d.r", "fcn_summary.r", and modify all other files. * In "demo/", add "test_init.r". * In "data/", add "control.r", "da2.rda", and "da3.rda". 2008-10-06: Ver. 0.1-2 * Add "src/R_tool.c". * Add "R_emgroup()" in "src/R_emgroup.c" to call "emgroup()" in "src/emgroup.c". * Add "R_starts_via_svd()" in "src/R_init_svd.c" to call "starts_via_svd()" in "src/init_svd.c". * Add "R/fcnmy.r". * Add "emgroup()" in "R/fcn_emgroup.r" to call "R_emgroup()" in "src/R_emgroup.c". * Add "starts_via_svd()" in "R/fcn_init_svd.r" to call "R_starts_via_svd()" in "src/R_init_svd.c". * Add "demo/test_emgroup.r" and "demo/test_starts_via_svd.r". * Add "data/da1.rda". 2008-09-24: Ver. 0.1-1 * Initial the package "EMCluster".