DatabaseConnector is part of HADES.
This R package provides function for connecting to various DBMSs.
Together with the SqlRender
package, the main goal of
is to provide a uniform interface across
database platforms: the same code should run and produce equivalent
results, regardless of the database back end.
interface, with SQL statements
automatically translated to the appropriate dialect.dbplyr
interface.<- createConnectionDetails(dbms="postgresql",
connectionDetails server="localhost",
<- connect(connectionDetails)
conn querySql(conn,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person")
DatabaseConnector is an R package using Java’s JDBC drivers and other DBI drivers.
Running the package requires R with the package rJava installed. Also requires Java 1.8 or higher.
See the instructions here for configuring your R environment, including Java.
To install the latest stable version, install from CRAN:
Download the database drivers as described here.
(Optionally) To use Windows Authentication for SQL Server, download the authentication DDL file as described here.
Documentation can be found on the package website.
PDF versions of the documentation are also available:
Read here how you can contribute to this package.
DatabaseConnector is licensed under Apache License 2.0. The JDBC drivers fall under their own respective licenses.
DatabaseConnector is being developed in R Studio.
Stable. The code is actively being used in several projects.