Compind v3.2 (Release date: 2025-1-9) ============== Changes: * ci_ampi: corrected internal errors Compind v3.1 (Release date: 2024-03-25) ============== Changes: New functions: * ci_rbod_mdir: Robust Multi-directional Benefit of the Doubt approach (MDRBoD) Compind v3.0 (Release date: 2023-12-28) ============== Changes: New functions: * ci_owa: Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) * ci_ogwa: Ordered Geographically Weighted Average (OGWA) Compind v2.9 (Release date: 2023-11-14) ============== Changes: New function: * ci_factor_mixed: Weighting method based on Factor analysis of mixed data (FAMD) Compind v2.8 (Release date: 2023-08-20) ============== Changes: New function: * ci_bod_mdir: Multi-directional Benefit of the Doubt approach (MDBoD) Compind v2.7 (Release date: 2023-01-19) ============== Changes: * Some bugs have been fixed. Compind v2.6 (Release date: 2022-7-05) ============== Changes: * Solved problem in a linked package (nonparaeff). function ci_bod_var_w is now at your disposal Compind v2.5 (Release date: 2022-6-20) ============== Changes: * problem in a linked package (nonparaeff). Removed function ci_bod_var_w Compind v2.4 (Release date: 2022-5-24) ============== Changes: * problem in a linked package (smaa). This problem has been fixed. Compind v2.3 (Release date: 2021-4-09) ============== Changes: * ci_smaa_constr function example corrected Compind v2.2 (Release date: 2021-4-9) ============== Changes: * ci_ampi (Adjusted Mazziotta-Pareto Index (AMPI) method) function fixed: (1) negative penalty as default; (2) fixed, in the help, the explanation of the penalty that is = NEG for positive indicators and = POS for negative indicators (for example: deprivation); (3) calculation of standard deviation divided by n (and not by n-1). Compind v2.0 (Release date: 2018-2-13) ============== Changes: New functions: * ci_bod_constr_bad: Constrained Benefit of the Doubt approach (BoD) in presence of undesirable indicators * ci_rbod_constr_bad: Robust constrained Benefit of the Doubt approach (BoD) in presence of undesirable indicators. * ci_rbod_constr_bad_Q: Conditional robust constrained Benefit of the Doubt approach (BoD) in presence of undesirable indicators * ci_rbod_spatial: Spatial robust Benefit of the Doubt approach (Sp-RBoD) * ci_smaa_constr: Constrained stochastic multi-objective acceptability analysis (C-SMAA) * ci_ampi: Adjusted Mazziotta-Pareto Index (AMPI) method Compind v1.2.1 (Release date: 2017-07-12) ============== Changes: * ci_geom_bod_intertemp: correction due to new R functionalities Compind v1.2 (Release date: 2017-16-06) ============== Changes: New functions: * ci_bod_constr: Constrained Benefit of the Doubt approach * ci_generalized_mean: Weighting method based on generalized mean * ci_geom_bod_intertemp: Intertemporal analysis for geometric mean quantity index numbers * ci_geom_gen: generalization of the previous function "ci_mean_geom" Deleted * ci_bod_vrs Compind v1.1.2 (Release date: 2016-06-27) ============== Changes: * Compind::Compind_vignette has been included. Compind v1.1 (Release date: 2015-09-07) ============== Changes: * ci_factor function: new method (CH), modified old function * ci_bod : Bod weights are avalaible * ci_mean_min: Mean-Min Function (MMF)