title: "BayesSUR with random effects"
author: "Zhi Zhao"
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vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{BayesSUR with random effects}
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The BayesSUR model has been extended to include mandatory variables by assigning Gaussian priors as random effects rather than spike-and-slab priors, named as **SSUR-MRF with random effects** in [Zhao et al. 2023](https://doi.org/10.1093/jrsssc/qlad102).
The R code for the simulated data and real data analyses in [Zhao et al. 2023](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2101.05899) can be found at the GitHub repository [BayesSUR-RE](https://github.com/zhizuio/BayesSUR-RE).
Here, we show some small examples to run the BayesSUR mdoel with random effects.
To get started, load the package with
```{r, eval=TRUE}
## Simulate data
We design a network as the following figure (a) to construct a complex structure between $20$ response variables and $300$ predictors.
It assumes that the responses are divided into six groups, and the first $120$ predictors are divided into nine groups.
{width=90%}
Load the simulation function `sim.ssur()` as follows.
sim.ssur <- function(n, s, p, t0 = 0, seed = 123, mv = TRUE,
t.df = Inf, random.intercept = 0, intercept = TRUE) {
# set seed to fix coefficients
sd_b <- 1
mu_b <- 1
b <- matrix(rnorm((p + ifelse(t0 == 0, 1, 0)) * s, mu_b, sd_b), p + ifelse(t0 == 0, 1, 0), s)
# design groups and pathways of Gamma matrix
gamma <- matrix(FALSE, p + ifelse(t0 == 0, 1, 0), s)
if (t0 == 0) gamma[1, ] <- TRUE
gamma[2:6 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 1:5] <- TRUE
gamma[11:21 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 6:12] <- TRUE
gamma[31:51 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 1:5] <- TRUE
gamma[31:51 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 13:15] <- TRUE
gamma[52:61 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 1:12] <- TRUE
gamma[71:91 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 6:15] <- TRUE
gamma[111:121 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 1:15] <- TRUE
gamma[122 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 16:18] <- TRUE
gamma[123 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 19] <- TRUE
gamma[124 - ifelse(t0 == 0, 0, 1), 20] <- TRUE
G_kron <- matrix(0, s * p, s * p)
G_m <- bdiag(matrix(1, ncol = 5, nrow = 5),
matrix(1, ncol = 7, nrow = 7),
matrix(1, ncol = 8, nrow = 8))
G_p <- bdiag(matrix(1, ncol = 5, nrow = 5), diag(3),
matrix(1, ncol = 11, nrow = 11), diag(9),
matrix(1, ncol = 21, nrow = 21),
matrix(1, ncol = 10, nrow = 10), diag(9),
matrix(1, ncol = 21, nrow = 21), diag(19),
matrix(1, ncol = 11, nrow = 11), diag(181))
G_kron <- kronecker(G_m, G_p)
combn11 <- combn(rep((1:5 - 1) * p, each = length(1:5)) +
rep(1:5, times = length(1:5)), 2)
combn12 <- combn(rep((1:5 - 1) * p, each = length(30:60)) +
rep(30:60, times = length(1:5)), 2)
combn13 <- combn(rep((1:5 - 1) * p, each = length(110:120)) +
rep(110:120, times = length(1:5)), 2)
combn21 <- combn(rep((6:12 - 1) * p, each = length(10:20)) +
rep(10:20, times = length(6:12)), 2)
combn22 <- combn(rep((6:12 - 1) * p, each = length(51:60)) +
rep(51:60, times = length(6:12)), 2)
combn23 <- combn(rep((6:12 - 1) * p, each = length(70:90)) +
rep(70:90, times = length(6:12)), 2)
combn24 <- combn(rep((6:12 - 1) * p, each = length(110:120)) +
rep(110:120, times = length(6:12)), 2)
combn31 <- combn(rep((13:15 - 1) * p, each = length(30:50)) +
rep(30:50, times = length(13:15)), 2)
combn32 <- combn(rep((13:15 - 1) * p, each = length(70:90)) +
rep(70:90, times = length(13:15)), 2)
combn33 <- combn(rep((13:15 - 1) * p, each = length(110:120)) +
rep(110:120, times = length(13:15)), 2)
combn4 <- combn(rep((16:18 - 1) * p, each = length(121)) +
rep(121, times = length(16:18)), 2)
combn5 <- matrix(rep((19 - 1) * p, each = length(122)) +
rep(122, times = length(19)), nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
combn6 <- matrix(rep((20 - 1) * p, each = length(123)) +
rep(123, times = length(20)), nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
combnAll <- rbind(t(combn11), t(combn12), t(combn13),
t(combn21), t(combn22), t(combn23), t(combn24),
t(combn31), t(combn32), t(combn33),
t(combn4), combn5, combn6)
set.seed(seed + 7284)
sd_x <- 1
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p, 0, sd_x), n, p)
if (t0 == 0 & intercept) x <- cbind(rep(1, n), x)
if (!intercept) {
gamma <- gamma[-1, ]
b <- b[-1, ]
xb <- matrix(NA, n, s)
if (mv) {
for (i in 1:s) {
if (sum(gamma[, i]) >= 1) {
if (sum(gamma[, i]) == 1) {
xb[, i] <- x[, gamma[, i]] * b[gamma[, i], i]
} else {
xb[, i] <- x[, gamma[, i]] %*% b[gamma[, i], i]
} else {
xb[, i] <- sapply(1:s, function(i) rep(1, n) * b[1, i])
} else {
if (sum(gamma) >= 1) {
xb <- x[, gamma] %*% b[gamma, ]
} else {
xb <- sapply(1:s, function(i) rep(1, n) * b[1, i])
corr_param <- 0.9
M <- matrix(corr_param, s, s)
diag(M) <- rep(1, s)
## wanna make it decomposable
Prime <- list(c(1:(s * .4), (s * .8):s),
c((s * .4):(s * .6)),
c((s * .65):(s * .75)),
c((s * .8):s))
G <- matrix(0, s, s)
for (i in 1:length(Prime)) {
G[Prime[[i]], Prime[[i]]] <- 1
# check
dimnames(G) <- list(1:s, 1:s)
length(gRbase::mcsMAT(G - diag(s))) > 0
var <- solve(BDgraph::rgwish(n = 1, adj = G, b = 3, D = M))
# change seeds to add randomness on error
set.seed(seed + 8493)
sd_err <- 0.5
if (is.infinite(t.df)) {
err <- matrix(rnorm(n * s, 0, sd_err), n, s) %*% chol(as.matrix(var))
} else {
err <- matrix(rt(n * s, t.df), n, s) %*% chol(as.matrix(var))
if (t0 == 0) {
b.re <- NA
z <- NA
y <- xb + err
if (random.intercept != 0) {
y <- y + matrix(rnorm(n * s, 0, sqrt(random.intercept)), n, s)
z <- sample(1:4, n, replace = T, prob = rep(1 / 4, 4))
return(list(y = y, x = x, b = b, gamma = gamma, z = model.matrix(~ factor(z) + 0)[, ],
b.re = b.re, Gy = G, mrfG = combnAll))
} else {
# add random effects
z <- t(rmultinom(n, size = 1, prob = c(.1, .2, .3, .4)))
z <- sample(1:t0, n, replace = T, prob = rep(1 / t0, t0))
b.re <- rnorm(t0, 0, 2)
y <- matrix(b.re[z], nrow = n, ncol = s) + xb + err
y = y, x = x, b = b, gamma = gamma, z = model.matrix(~ factor(z) + 0)[, ],
b.re = b.re, Gy = G, mrfG = combnAll
To simulate data with sample size $n=250$, responsible variables $s=20$ and covariates $p=300$, we can specify the corresponding parameters in the function `sim.ssur()` as follows.
n <- 250
s <- 20
p <- 300
sim1 <- sim.ssur(n, s, p, seed = 1)
To simulate data from $4$ individual groups with group indicator variables following the defaul multinomial distribution $multinomial(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)$, we can simply add the argument `t0 = 4` in the function `sim.ssur()` as follows.
t0 <- 4
sim2 <- sim.ssur(n, s, p, t0, seed = 1) # learning data
sim2.val <- sim.ssur(n, s, p, t0, seed=101) # validation data
## Run BayesSUR model with random effects
According to the guideline of prior specification in [Zhao et al. 2023](https://doi.org/10.1093/jrsssc/qlad102), we first set the following parameters `hyperpar` and then running the BayesSUR model with random effects via `betaPrior = "reGroup"` (default `betaPrior = "independent"` with spike-and-slab priors for all coefficients).
**For illustration, we run a short MCMC** with `nIter = 300` and `burnin = 100`.
Note that here the graph used for the Markov random field prior is the true graph from the returned object of the simulation `sim2$mrfG`.
hyperpar <- list(mrf_d = -2, mrf_e = 1.6, a_w0 = 100, b_w0 = 500, a_w = 15, b_w = 60)
fit2 <- BayesSUR(
data = cbind(sim2$y, sim2$z, sim2$x),
Y = 1:s,
X_0 = s + 1:t0,
X = s + t0 + 1:p,
outFilePath = "sim2_mrf_re",
hyperpar = hyperpar,
gammaInit = "0",
betaPrior = "reGroup",
nIter = 300, burnin = 100,
covariancePrior = "HIW",
standardize = F,
standardize.response = F,
gammaPrior = "MRF",
mrfG = sim2$mrfG,
output_CPO = T
## BayesSUR -- Bayesian Seemingly Unrelated Regression Modelling
## Reading input files ... ... successfull!
## Clearing and initialising output files
## Initialising the (SUR) MCMC Chain ... ... DONE!
## Drafting the output files with the start of the chain ... DONE!
## Starting 2 (parallel) chain(s) for 300 iterations:
## Temperature ladder updated, new temperature ratio : 1.1
## MCMC ends. --- Saving results and exiting
## Saved to : sim2_mrf_re1/data_SSUR_****_out.txt
## Final w0 : 5.43872
## Final w : 0.151529
## Final tau : 5.03502 w/ proposal variance: 1.25175
## Final eta : 0.0404965
## -- Average Omega : 0
## Final temperature ratio : 1.1
## DONE, exiting!
Check some summarized information of the results:
## Call:
## BayesSUR(data = cbind(sim2$y, sim2$z, sim2$x), ...)
## CPOs:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.0001880944 0.0242389626 0.0347986252 0.0465162558 0.1307315429
## Number of selected predictors (mPIP > 0.5): 2823 of 20x300
## Top 10 predictors on average mPIP across all responses:
## X.251 X.27 X.296 X.196 X.285 X.130 X.32 X.104 X.58 X.10
## 0.729580 0.702225 0.695755 0.672865 0.656705 0.653220 0.651730 0.643770 0.638795 0.635315
## Top 10 responses on average mPIP across all predictors:
## X.5 X.8 X.19 X.12 X.4 X.11 X.10 X.14 X.16 X.9
## 0.5099717 0.4958283 0.4896067 0.4811993 0.4784647 0.4766230 0.4744843 0.4743030 0.4742693 0.4740880
## Expected log pointwise predictive density (elpd) estimates:
## elpd.LOO = -16836.31, elpd.WAIC = -16834.33
## MCMC specification:
## iterations = 300, burn-in = 100, chains = 2
## gamma local move sampler: bandit
## gamma initialisation: 0
## Model specification:
## covariance prior: HIW
## gamma prior: MRF
## Hyper-parameters:
## a_w b_w nu a_tau b_tau a_eta b_eta mrf_d mrf_e a_w0 b_w0
## 15.0 60.0 22.0 0.1 10.0 0.1 1.0 -2.0 1.6 100.0 500.0
Compute the model performance with respect to **variable selection**
# compute accuracy, sensitivity, specificity of variable selection
gamma <- getEstimator(fit2)
(accuracy <- sum(data.matrix(gamma > 0.5) == sim2$gamma) / prod(dim(gamma)))
## [1] 0.5371667
(sensitivity <- sum((data.matrix(gamma > 0.5) == 1) & (sim2$gamma == 1)) / sum(sim2$gamma == 1))
## [1] 0.5298701
(specificity <- sum((data.matrix(gamma > 0.5) == 0) & (sim2$gamma == 0)) / sum(sim2$gamma == 0))
## [1] 0.5382409
Compute the model performance with respect to **response prediction**
# compute RMSE and RMSPE for prediction performance
beta <- getEstimator(fit2, estimator = "beta", Pmax = .5, beta.type = "conditional")
(RMSE <- sqrt(sum((sim2$y - cbind(sim2$z, sim2$x) %*% beta)^2) / prod(dim(sim2$y))))
## [1] 7.134064
(RMSPE <- sqrt(sum((sim2.val$y - cbind(sim2.val$z, sim2.val$x) %*% beta)^2) / prod(dim(sim2.val$y))))
## [1] 8.269975
Compute the model performance with respect to **coefficient bias**
# compute bias of beta estimates
b <- sim2$b
b[sim2$gamma == 0] <- 0
(beta.l2 <- sqrt(sum((beta[-c(1:4), ] - b)^2) / prod(dim(b))))
## [1] 0.4617231
Compute the model performance with respect to **covariance selection**
g.re <- getEstimator(fit2, estimator = "Gy")
(g.accuracy <- sum((g.re > 0.5) == sim2$Gy) / prod(dim(g.re)))
## [1] 0.51
(g.sensitivity <- sum(((g.re > 0.5) == sim2$Gy)[sim2$Gy == 1]) / sum(sim2$Gy == 1))
## [1] 0.1089109
(g.specificity <- sum(((g.re > 0.5) == sim2$Gy)[sim2$Gy == 0]) / sum(sim2$Gy == 0))
## [1] 0.9191919
## Referrence
> Zhi Zhao, Marco Banterle, Alex Lewin, Manuela Zucknick (2023).
> Multivariate Bayesian structured variable selection for pharmacogenomic studies.
> _Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)_, qlad102. DOI: [10.1093/jrsssc/qlad102](https://doi.org/10.1093/jrsssc/qlad102).