Perform Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in R.
:rocket: Version 2.4.7 in development now! Check out the release notes here.
Given the results of a Bayesian model (possibly based on MCMC) in the form of simulations from the posterior distributions of suitable variables of costs and clinical benefits for two or more interventions, produces a health economic evaluation. Compares one of the interventions (the “reference”) to the others (“comparators”).
Main features of BCEA
Install the released version from CRAN with
The stable version (which can be updated more quickly) can be installed using this GitHub repository. On Windows machines, you need to install a few dependencies, including Rtools first, e.g. by running
<- c("MASS", "Rtools", "remotes")
pkgs <- ""
repos install.packages(pkgs, repos = repos, dependencies = "Depends")
before installing the package using remotes
::install_github("giabaio/BCEA") remotes
Under Linux or MacOS, it is sufficient to install the package via
::install_github("giabaio/BCEA") remotes
Examples of using specific functions and their different arguments are given in these articles:
Parameters: Constructor and SettersThe pkgdown
site is here. More details on
are available in our book Bayesian
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis with the R Package BCEA (published
in the UseR! Springer series). Also, details about the package,
including some references and links to a pdf presentation and some posts
on my own blog) are given here.
Please submit contributions through Pull Requests
following the contributing
guidelines. To report issues and/or seek support, please file a new
ticket in the issue tracker.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.