BANOVA v1.2.0 (Release date: 2021-04-26) ============== * Set half-Cauchy priors for all variance parameters BANOVA v1.1.9 (Release date: 2020-12-16) ============== * Added BANOVA.multi.mediation, a function for mediation analysis with multiple mediators * Added models for analysis of Multivariate Normal and Truncated Normal dependent variables * Fixed a bug in BANOVA.mediation related to mediated moderation * Updated help functions BANOVA v1.1.8 (Release date: 2020-07-23) ============== * Added BANOVA.simple, a simple effects calculation for moderated variables * Fixed a bug in data pre-processing related to labelling of dummy and effects coded variables * Fixed a bug related to ANOVA table of a single level Multinomial models BANOVA v1.1.7 (Release date: 2020-04-10) ============== * Fixed a bug related to the class function updates BANOVA v1.1.6 (Release date: 2020-01-12) ============== * The default prior for single level models is changed to weakly informative N(0, 100) BANOVA v1.1.5 (Release date: 2019-12-31) ============== * Fixed a bug related to the recent R update (as.matrix) * Updated the effect size formula using deviance residuals for Poisson, Binomial, etc. BANOVA v1.1.4 (Release date: 2019-08-11) ============== * Added 'library(rstan)' to the manual to fix a bug in running on R 3.6.0+ BANOVA v1.1.3 (Release date: 2019-06-23) ============== * Fixed a bug in the table predictions for the ordered logit model * Update the manual with the new id assignment in the function * Remove the system requirement for JAGS installation, JAGS based functions are not recommended BANOVA v1.1.2 (Release date: 2019-01-21) ============== * Fixed the problem with large effect sizes by including the level-1 error term * Enable the calculation of the posterior distribution of planned comparisons * Output the distribution of indirect effects in mediation across respondents * Fixed the bug related to id input and output BANOVA v1.1.1 (Release date: 2018-01-21) ============== * Added vignettes BANOVA v1.1.0 (Release date: 2018-01-04) ============== * Added R2 measure of fit * Added level-1 variance term to the calculation of R2 and effect sizes * Added p values and effect sizes for indirect effects * BANOVA mediation only prints indirect effects, users can still access direct effects through the dir_effects element * BANOVA mediation for Multinomial models is under development * Use 3 decimals for the 95%CI of the effect sizes * Default settings for MCMC burn-in=5000, sample=2000, thin=10 * Other variables in the model are included in the output of floodlight analysis * Users can set up values for other numeric variables for the floodlight analysis BANOVA v1.0.0 (Release date: 2017-11-02) ============== * add seeds for replications BANOVA v0.9.1 (Release date: 2017-08-26) ============== * single level models are supported for old models except Binomial and Bernoulli * fix the bug that the interaction between the mediator and moderators is missing in the mediation output * The names in the table of indirect effets are reordered (alphabetically) BANOVA v0.9 (Release date: 2017-06-27) ============== * BANOVA uses Stan! * all two-level models are moved into a simple function call: * old two-level models (e.g. BANOVA.Normal, BANOVA.Bin, etc.) are still kept, but will be removed gradually * single level models are included BANOVA v0.8 (Release date: 2016-12-12) ============== * change the name 'table of means' to 'table of predictions' * column names of the data goalstudy are changed to make more sense * add floodlight analysis * add mediation analysis (single mediator, multiple moderators) BANOVA v0.7 (Release date: 2016-08-24) ============== * Exclude numeric variables for predictions * Change the format of convergence diag. * Change the calculations in the table of means and predictions to exp(mu + sigma^2/2) instead of exp(mu) for the Poisson model * Table of means is now included in the summary * Use 4 digits for the outputs in the summary except the table of means * Median is changed to mean in the output of table of means * Predictors that have 3 levels or fewer will be automatically considered as factors BANOVA v0.6 (Release date: 2016-08-01) ============== * Check missing data for independent variables * Fix typos * Add warnings for mean centering of numeric variables * Print full convergence diag. for the Heidelberg and Welch diagnostic. * Table of means can now print any level of interactions